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16 votes

"Please don't question my curiosity"

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I'm pretty sure everyone wants to know the answer.
Parzival, I was kidding. This is legit.

3 Answers

10 votes
Best answer

According to the most intuitive/accurate source, these Pokémon learn moves at level 69.

Golduck Golduck - Wonder Room (or at least in previous generations. Now it learns it at lv. 60)
Golem Golem - Heavy Slam
Typhlosion Typhlosion - Double Edge
Jumpluff Jumpluff - Memento
Swampert Swampert - Hammer Arm
Phione Phione - Rain Dance
Manaphy Manaphy - Rain Dance
Jellicent Jellicent - Water Spout
Eelektrik Eelektrik - Zap Cannon
Lampent Lampent - Overheat

Delphox - Future Sight

I also went through EVERY SINGLE GEN VI POKEMON and found that Delphox also learns Future Sight at level 69. You're welcome. :)


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Thank you! Someone relevant!
>heavy slam
Heavy Slam and Water Spout. lol
I wonder what kind of "wonders" happen in that room
all of these are dirty really
I love this site. xD
Yes. Rain Dance is so dirty.
Your source is outdated, it doesn't have Gen VI pokemon :P
What Gen VI Pokémon learns a move at level 69? :l
Gen VI also changed the order of some moves. Like Golduck. It gets Wonder Room at level 60 not 69
Thanks, Qwerty Zoom.  Good point.  Now I had to go through EVERY POKEMON ON THIS LIST A SECOND TIME just to make sure everything's accurate. I'm kind of tired now, but at least I'm done. :D
Zap Cannon :O
Water Spout at level 69. Classy.
8 votes

Because of absolutely no proper reasoning, I decided to make an updated answer for this wondrous thread. Basically, it'll use the BDSP/SwSh learnsets, and if a Pokemon isn't in either game, it'll use its US/UM learnset.
At the time of writing this, I was ranked #169 on the leaderboard too. No reason as to why I shared that info.

Golbat - Leech Life
Typhlosion - Double-Edge
Crobat - Leech Life
Jumpluff - Memento
Phione - Rain Dance
Manaphy - Rain Dance
Eelektrik - Zap Cannon

Thanks, America

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Aw man, Game Freak did not just remove Water Spout, Heavy Slam, Overheat and Wonder Room from the list. :/
1 vote

as of generation 9, the following pokémon learn a move at level 69 through leveling up:

  1. Eelektrik learns Zap Cannon at Level 69
  2. Phione learns Rain Dance at Level 69
  3. Manaphy learns Rain Dance at Level 69