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I was on the Battle Resort and this guy but was talking a different language. Please help tell what he said and why is he there?

I'm guessing you mean the Japanese dude. If so, there was already a question about it here : http://pokemondb.net/pokebase/222821/what-does-speaks-japanese-oras-near-battle-resort-when-talk
I didn't explore the place too well, so I don't know how many people spoke in different languages.

1 Answer

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>A Gentleman in one of the houses is a famous Trainer from a foreign country. In the English versions, he speaks Japanese, while in Japanese and European versions, he speaks English (with minor variations depending on the language). His speech: "I see. I can tell just by looking at you that you're not a run-of-the-mill Trainer. I recommend that you keep on training and then compete with the world's best at the Pokémon World Championships." (Japanese: 「フム⋯⋯ みただけで わかるよ キミは ただもの ではない トレーナーだ そのうでを さらに みがいて せかい⋯⋯ ポケモンワールドチャンピオンシップスに チャレンジすることを おススメするよ」)

He's not there for any specific reason, but if there is a reason, it's to encourage to compete in the Pokemon World Championships, as the translation of the Japanese text, as stated above, is "I see. I can tell just by looking at you that you're not a run-of-the-mill Trainer. I recommend that you keep on training and then compete with the world's best at the Pokémon World Championships."

Hope this helps!

