So, I am playing Pokémon Y (not a run, nuzlocke or competitive playing, just for fun) and I beat the first gym. I got a special team to beat it:
Ace the Pidgey (lvl 13)
Felin the Fletchling (lvl 11) and...
Quacklin' the Farfetch'd (lvl 10)
I wanna diversify my team, I pretend to pick Bulbassaur when I reach Prof. Sycamore and my starter was Froakie. Which flying type could stay with me 'till I get my hand on an Emolga? What is a good early team in this game, in your opinion? Should I raise my Pikachu, too?
For last but not least, do you know a good and strong Ice-Type with big Sp. Attack?