I made a program to find all Pokémon with mirrored stats, and here's what it came up with:
Pokemon with stats mirrored over attack and defense:
Magikarp (20, 10, 55, 15, 20, 80) and Feebas (20, 15, 20, 10, 55, 80)
Lotad (40, 30, 30, 40, 50, 30) and Seedot (40, 40, 50, 30, 30, 30)
Lunatone (90, 55, 65, 95, 85, 70) and Solrock (90, 95, 85, 55, 65, 70)
Regirock (80, 100, 200, 50, 100, 50) and Regice (80, 50, 100, 100, 200, 50)
Kyogre (100, 100, 90, 150, 140, 90) and Groudon (100, 150, 140, 100, 90, 90)
Plant Wormadam (60, 59, 85, 79, 105, 36) and Sandy Wormadam (60, 79, 105, 59, 85, 36)
Reshiram (100, 120, 100, 150, 120, 90) and Zekrom (100, 150, 120, 120, 100, 90)
Solgaleo (137, 137, 107, 113, 89, 97) and Lunala (137, 113, 89, 137, 107, 97)
Black Kyurem (125, 170, 100, 120, 90, 95) and White Kyurem (125, 120, 90, 170, 100, 95)
Primal Kyogre (100, 150, 90, 180, 160, 90) and Primal Groudon (100, 180, 160, 150, 90, 90)
Pokemon with stats mirrored over attack only:
Zubat (40, 45, 35, 30, 40, 55) and Noibat (40, 30, 35, 45, 40, 55)
Taillow (40, 55, 30, 30, 30, 85) and Wingull (40, 30, 30, 55, 30, 85)
Gardevoir (68, 65, 65, 125, 115, 80) and Gallade (68, 125, 65, 65, 115, 80)
Volbeat (65, 73, 75, 47, 85, 85) and Illumise (65, 47, 75, 73, 85, 85)
Dialga (100, 120, 120, 150, 100, 90) and Zekrom (100, 150, 120, 120, 100, 90)
Terrakion (91, 129, 90, 72, 90, 108) and Keldeo (91, 72, 90, 129, 90, 108)
Hope this helps!