So the corner above the R button just broke off of my 3DS XL, and I may end up buying myself a new one.
A while ago, I put my copy of Ultra Moon into my other, smaller, 3Ds and did a system update so I could play the software. Upon starting up the game, a screen much like the one that is there when you start a new file showed up, I think it even said something along the lines of "saving new data" or "loading data", but I can't remember what exactly. Frantically, I popped out the cartridge and returned it to my XL to see if my file got deleted. Thankfully it didn't.
It's bizarre because I can switch both Sun and Moon between the two DS's, but it really looked like my UM file almost got wipe out. Then again, I've always been a little anxious that doing stuff like that will delete my files, which is probably silly...
I mean, the XL works fine -- I can click the R button good, I can still move the screen. Heck, I was in the middle of a shiny-hunt when the corner finally broke off...But I'm concerned that some day it might become a problem.
Call me neurotic, but I want to ask... If I get a new 3DS XL and put my cartridge in there, will my saved file be intact? How can you know for sure, like did the same thing happen to you and it turned out okay? Like if I hadn't popped out the cartridge would it have been ok?
If I buy the new version of the 3DS XL, will anything change?