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6 votes

I somehow immediately got a shiny growlithe as my 4th Pokemon at the start of the game. What were my odds?

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Damn, you have luck on your side!
Ikr, too bad it was wasted on a F2P spinoff game with a ridiculously short energy bar.
Wait, it is already released?
Yeah, on the Switch but on mobile devices in June
To be fair, the game is pretty new... I don’t think anyone would of found out the rate this quickly
The shiny rate is in the game files and some nerd out there must have already gone through them.
Yeah, I'm seeing a lot of Quest shinies on https://www.reddit.com/r/ShinyPokemon/
I'm thinking it's probably somewhere in the ballpark of Go odds, but I have nothing to back it up.
Go has shinies? tmyk
Pokemon Quest does have Shiny Pokemon in it and they can be found through cooking various recipes. It seems as though the chances are likely 1/100 or 1/50, somewhere in that range!

Found looking at this vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ym8LdMsJNUY
Just BA an answer...
I wouldn't say the person in the video is knowledgeable at all, if all they've given is a 'guesstimate'. Don't think this is conclusive.
I would like an exact answer please.
Why would I BA something that's merely a guess for a constant number.
That would be too hard.
If the exact ratio (1/8192, 1/4096 etc.) exists for every other game it exists for Quest too. Like I said in the comment I left on the question, someone will dig it up eventually.
Not sure if anyone still cares about Quest anymore, but since this never really was resolved, I changed the answer to a comment to help visibility in case anyone figured this out.
There is no exact answer to be found. Even Bulbapedia and Serebii don’t have this information. The closest answer I can give you is between 1/50 and 1/150. I got my first one at 1/83 Either lucky or unlucky.
What are your said sources? If you're going to claim that an unspecific source or sources says something, please provide a link.
The asker wants an exact answer, not a guesstimate.
“If the exact ratio (1/8192, 1/4096 etc.) exists for every other game it exists for Quest too. Like I said in the comment I left on the question, someone will dig it up eventually.”
It’s not (1/8192 or 1/4096).
It it means that much to you I can go into the games code for extra proof.
Those are the exact base shiny odds in the main series games. Sometimes they’re different in spinoffs (like they obviously are in Quest).
If you can datamine the game to find the exact odds, then yeah, that’s exactly what this question is looking for.
Get the game's code and edit it in, if you can do that, or at least get those 'sources' you mentioned.

2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Nobody knows
Nobody knows for sure. Players estimate that it’s around 1/100 (which, from my experience with shinies in quest, seems accurate), but nobody is 100% positive of the shiny rate.

Source 1

Source 2

Source 3

selected by
1 vote

The shiny chances are probably around 1/75 or 1/100.

It is considered, that there are only 1/75 or 1/100 chances to attract a Shiny Pokemon.

