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I'm thinking about getting a Golduck, but is it worth it?

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Plz say which game
The tag says it's in Gen 1
Ya, but in yellow and Rb you get it in different places
Psyduck comes pretty late into the game, and its stats aren't better than other Pokemon that come earlier. It's worse than Blastoise, Omastar, Dewgong, Cloyster, Starmie, Tentacruel, and Vaporeon, so you have plenty of better options.

2 Answers

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Best answer

If this is in Gen 1, then maybe. There are a lot of Water-type Pokémon in Gen 1, and some are obviously better than others. I would say that the best Water-type in Gen 1 is Blastoise or Seaking. Blastoise has good stats, and due to the X Accuracy glitch in Gen 1, it makes every move hit. Seaking gets Horn Drill in Gen 1. Horn Drill is a guaranteed OHKO if it hits. So, I would say that Golduck is worth it. It can get Psychic moves which wrecks Agatha. Golduck isn't the best Water-type for Gen 1, but it's good.

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why do you need to teach golduck psychic moves, when starmie exists. It's an absolute monster, being a psychic and water type. Psychic moves get stab from starmie
If you have Golduck, then you should reconsider using Starmie as well. You should use one or the other.
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No, it's not. I'm assuming you mean gen 1 from your tags, but Golduck was a little worse in gen 1, compared to other generations. It's base stats in gen 1 were

HP: 80
Attack: 82
Defense: 78
Sp. Atk: 80
Sp. Def: 80
Speed: 85

Total: 485

However, in generation 2, it got a buff in special attack.
gen 2 stats:

HP: 80
Attack: 82
Defense: 78
Sp. Atk: 95
Sp. Def: 80
Speed: 85

Total: 500

The gen 2 stats are the current stats for Golduck. For your water type, I would recommend Blastoise, or Starmie. Compared to these water types, Golduck would not stand out. Espescially with the crazy high stats for some water type Pokemon in gen 1.


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Don't recommend Slowpoke or Lapras. Slowpoke's stats are relatively bad, and Lapras comes extremely under-leveled.