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Like Entei and the Mystery of the Unown

closed with the note: Very trivial and finding an answer would take too much work for what it's worth.
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Ie Entei?
The mystery of the Unown?
Pokemon: the movie 2000/200
Meowth *kinda* did in the Sun and Moon episodes, does that count? He just said to Ash, Litten doesn't give up, so you don't give up Litten too. And Meowth then was a bit upset about Litten's things I think.
Meowth also helped Ash in the BW episodes.
Most of the instances of them helping happens in movies. There are also times that the two sides didn't fight but didn't exactly help each other either.
Wut about against Lt surge?
hey cheered him on
Team Rocket cheered Ash in the final of lumiose city conference
That one episode in the first season, where they cheered Ash and Pikachu on to beat Lt. Surge.
That is the first time. Not all the times
iirc, there was an episode in Indigo League where Ash and friends were on the S.S. Anne and there was some inconvenience. Like, it was sinking or something. “Team Ash” and Team Rocket agreed to help each other off the boat (I think)
And then gyrados evolved and alomst killed them
He was helped by team rocket
For winning the rainbow badge .
In  which he was disguised as Ashley. A girl trainer, wanna know more watch the episode
Also when Evil Malamar are trying to take over the World Team Rocket helps Clemont gather the strength of wild Pokemon to defeat the Malamar

In the X&Y Series