PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
2 votes

I go on youtube and see a ton of Pokemon giveaways. Tons of shiny Pokemon. How do they do it?

You mean where do they get the Pokemon, or how they give away the Pokemon?
Both. To me everything about makes no sense to me.

1 Answer

0 votes

99% of the time they are Hacked Pokemon. For instance, PokeFlexii sent me loads of shiny Pokemon via GTS, but I checked the Ivs and they were all perfect! To add to that, they all had egg moves. However when I deleted Dragon Dance on my Shiny Salamence, I couldn't get it back from the Move Relearner! All of the shiny Legendaries I got had perfect Ivs too, so that is an EXTREMELY rare chance of getting a Shiny Legendary with a decent nature with perfect Ivs! They post in their stream that they need (for instance) a level 1-10 MALE Grimer with the name insert YouTuber name here then they know who to trade. 90% of the time they will trade you.

They are hacked.

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I don't think you answer the question. *facepalm*
Uh yeah he did? They hack them into the game.
What about how they gave them away? How do the youtubers choose who to give it to?
Yeah, that's why I facepalmed lol.
They post in their stream that they need (for instance) a level 1-10 MALE Grimer with the name *insert YouTuber name here* then they know who to trade. 90% of the time they will trade you.
You probably should edit that in to be honest.
They also use a bot to help with the trading