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I was EV training my Pokés on my SoulSilver game when my game suddenly froze. Upset about the need to restart EVs, but thought it was no huge deal. Boy was I wrong.

I started the game, and got the blue screen saying that my file would be deleted due to corruption or missing data and sent me to start my game from the very beginning. Reset the game again, and it said that it couldn’t read my save data. Cleaned it, and it did it five more times and the first thing happened where it sent me to the very start. It never reverted to the last save.

Is there anyway to get my save back? I really don’t want to waste 500+ hours of gameplay.

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Try taking the card out and putting it back in. That worked for me once.
Did. Even cleaned slot and card. No change.
You really cleaned it, not just blowing into it?
Yeah, I used a cotton swap on the cartridge and slot, didn’t help.
You’re pretty much outta luck if you can’t load the game... most of the time, if it will let you enter, you can just save again, and “un-corrupt’’ the save data.
But if you can’t do that... the older games are prone to deterioration over time, this will inevitably happen to every cartridge you own at some point.
Would I be able to save that on a computer? I don’t have a 3DS or a second DS at all.
The 3ds Homebrew menu and it's apps can only properly be used on a 3ds/2ds. There isn't much you can do without one, sorry.

1 Answer

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Best answer

So... found a way to save my Pokes. Couldn’t save my progress but I was able to get my Pokémon out and safe.

So my friend has a DSi and he was able to use the camera exploit to get Pokéchest on his DSi. We inserted my SS game card...

It read the file. We managed to extract ALL of my Pokémon from the boxes and into Chest. With all my Pokémon safe that allowed me to safely delete my save and start over. Getting all my accomplishments back will be easy since I have the Pokémon that got me to them.

So long story short my friend and I were able to save my Pokémon and I started a new save file where my Pokes are safe.

Edit: for anyone who wants/needs pkmn-chest, here are the links

Download: https://universal-team.net/projects/pkmn-chest

Install instructions and info: https://www.gamebrew.org/wiki/Pkmn-chest

Make sure you have a DSi/3DS and Homebrew software

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wow that's smart
Hi! I hope you are still around to help explain how pkm-chest works!

So let me explain my situation:
I got two copies 1 SS , 1 HG. I play on Nintendo DSI.

My SS save did the blue screen in December after 300h, many events, many imports from old games… never cheated…

Started HG, played 400h and last night, same thing happened : blue screen showed. Save is corrupted and will be deleted…
I got many shinies from hundreds of hours hunting… I’m  devastated. I tried cleaning, other consoles etc… nothing works.

So, please, could you explain to me how you did to save your Pokemon!? I don’t know what file I should download, how to put it on my DSi…

Thanks a million
Yeah sure thing. Give me a bit to check with my friend on that, I’ll post as soon as I can.
Simultaneously, you could also search "how to get Pokéchest on a DSi using the camera exploit" on the internet if that helps.
Thanks for the answer ! You are a gift coming from heaven !!
I still don’t know how to install pkmn-chest on my DSI.

So you didn’t have the message : « save is corrupted, save will be deleted » when it worked… ?
I mean, even if I manage to install the app, if my save doesn’t read… it’s dead :( ? I’m desperately looking for a way…
I did have that message. And it took a few tries but eventually pkmn chest read the save. We had to reinsert the cartridge a few times.

Here’s the link to download pkmn chest: https://universal-team.net/projects/pkmn-chest

This link will give you info and directions on how to install it: https://www.gamebrew.org/wiki/Pkmn-chest

Just a heads up make sure you have home brew software on you dsi, otherwise it won’t work. If you need anything else don’t hesitate to ask. Good luck
Thanks, I’m sorry i don’t get all of it and English isn’t my native language so technical things are a bit out of reach for me…

So now, I've managed to install Twilight++ homebrew & pkmn-chest on my DS Card and they work well on my DSi (through the camera xploit). The thing is, when any of my games (with corrupted or uncorrupted saves) are inside slot 1, pkmn-chest doesn't read the game name. It reads:
Any idea?