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Can this please be the top ten ones, since it will most likely be dominated by things such as cosmoem and magikarp, and I want to see a wide array of creatures.

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What is the point of having this information?
What's the point in having information about why the steam person wants information?
Scizor gains a massive stat boost when it evolves from Scyther
Shedinja's boost is more massive.
I think that's a joke boaty mcboatface, since the BST doesn't change
that's a joke right?
it's gotta be a joke
@Hellfire Taco I'm creating fake pokemon evolutions, and one of them ended up with a fairly massive boost in stats from the previous form (because the previous form was trash) and that made me curious about what the all-time winner would be for biggest stat increase upon evolving.
Magikarp jumps like 340 BST when it turns into Gyarados, but IDK if that's the highest jump.
Pretty sure its Magikarp/Feebas to Gyarados/Milotic.
(Unless we are counting 3 stage evolutions, and the difference between stage 1 and 3 in which it would be a completely different answer)

2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

These are the top ten Pokémons who gain the largest boost in stats while evolving.

I. Gyarados and Milotic

  • Magikarp to Gyarados -> 200 to 540 (340)
  • Feebas to Milotic -> 200 to 540 (340)

II. Melmetal and Golisopod

  • Meltan to Melmetal -> 300 to 600 (300)
  • Wimpod to Golisopod -> 230 to 530 (300)

III. Noivern and Frosmoth

  • Noibat to Noivern -> 245 to 535 (290)
  • Snom to Frosmoth -> 185 to 475 (290)

IV. Solgaleo and Lunala

  • Cosmoem to Solgaleo / Lunala -> 400 to 680 (280)

V. Toxtricity

  • Toxel to Toxtricity -> 242 to 502 (260)

VI. Sunflora, Hitmonlee / Hitmonchan / Hitmontop

  • Sunkern to Sunflora -> 180 to 425 (245)
  • Tyrogue to either of the three -> 210 to 455 (245)

VII. Gardevoir / Gallade and Lucario

  • Kirlia to Gardevoir / Gallade -> 278 to 518 (240)
  • Riolu to Lucario -> 285 to 525 (240)

VIII. Hariyama

  • Makuhita to Hariyama -> 237 to 474 (237)

IX. Slaking, Vespiquen, Chansey and Lurantis

  • Vigoroth to Slaking -> 440 to 670 (230)
  • Combee to Vespiquen -> 244 to 474 (230)
  • Happiny to Chansey -> 220 to 450 (230)
  • Fomantis to Lurantis -> 250 to 480 (230)

X. Appleton / Flapple

  • Applin to Flapple / Appleton -> 260 to 485 (225)
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Wishiwashi-Solo to school is forme change not evolution.
That's why I had said that I wasn't sure
–2 votes

Magikarp to Gyarados
Golbat to Crobat
Kirlia to Gardevoir
Feebass to Milotic
Togetic to Togekiss
Noibat to Noivern
Wishiwashi to Wishiwashi (School Form)
Wimpod to Golisopod
Cosmoem to Solgaleo/Lunala

But which one jumps the highest?
I don't think Togetic to Togekiss is correct. It is only an increase of 140. There are other evolutions much higher than that
Barboach to Whiscash is higher than togetic to togekiss