PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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When answering this question, I decided that I wanted to test the second part in a Replay on Showdown. However, I realized that only some formats allow for Dynamazing, which was required for what I was testing. I remebered that VGC 2020 would work, but what other formats allow the user to Dynamax/Gigantamax their Pokémon? Other than answering questions, I feel like this could be useful for those who want to battle in a format where the mechanic is legal, but aren't sure where it is.

Thanks in Advance!

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Ay I’m almost done with my answer :D

2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Random Battle
Random Doubles Battle
Monotype Random Battle
Battle Stadium Singles
Doubles Ubers
VGC 2020
National Dex AG
Balanced Hackmons
Metronome Battle
Custom Game
Doubles Custom Game
Anything Goes

Hope this helped!

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Thanks :)
no problem!
1 vote

I'm including only the formats that allow teambuilding and have a permanent Showdown! ladder and a page in the Smogon strategy dex. If you think this answer is incomplete, tell me to convert it to a comment.

Battle Stadium Singles
Doubles Ubers
VGC 2020
National Pokedex AG
Balanced Hackmons

Thanks :).  Sorry for not responding earlier, I was busy (you’re answer is still great - feel free to keep it up :))