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4 votes

This thread is for Galarian Moltres. For Kantonian Moltres, please go here.

If you have a good competitive moveset for Galarian Moltres, post an answer below and upvote the best ones.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Galarian Moltres Pokédex and learnset for reference.

Galarian Moltres sprite


16 Answers

3 votes


Moltres-Galar @ Life Orb
Ability: Berserk
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature / Modest Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Fiery Wrath
- Air Slash / Hurricane
- Ancient Power

It’s got Berserk to get a SpA boost at half HP, nice natural bulk, Max Airstream to boost speed, and Nasty Plot to boost SpA before Dynamax if you think they will set up or you can tank a hit.

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why ancient power?
It’s got nothing else really. It’s movepool is atrocious.
It can learn shadow ball though
Shadow ball covers almost exactly what fiery wrath covers and is weaker.
3 votes

Gen 8 UU / Battle Stadium Singles

Moltres-Galar @ Weakness Policy / Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Berserk
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Fiery Wrath
- Hurricane / Air Slash
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

Movepool is so atrocious, it doesn't even get mfing Roost. Oh well. Rest to abuse Berserk and heal off damage taken from a super-effective hit, then Sleep Talk and pray it lands on a STAB move and not Rest. Also remember, after 2 turns of Resting you wake up, so don't click Sleep Talk 3 times in a row like other people sometimes do.

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3 votes

Gen 8 OU
Double Dance/NP+Taunt

Moltres-Galar @ Weakness Policy/Heavy Duty Boots
Ability: Berserk
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Fiery Wrath
- Hurricane
- Agility/Taunt

This set can be used as a sweeper on hyper offense teams or rain teams. On screens hyper offense, use Weakness Policy. On rain, use Heavy Duty Boots. Fiery Wrath and Hurricane are stab. Weakness Policy lets it tank a weak ice, electric or fairy attack and retaliate, especially under screens. The set works best with screens support from Tapu Koko or Alolan Ninetales. Heavy Duty Boots let's it avoid the ubiquitous Stealth Rock. Taunt may be used over Agility to break through special walls like Toxapex and Hippowdon. This set also works well in UU.

2 votes

Moltres-Galar @ Salac Berry / Weakness Policy
Ability: Berserk
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Air Slash
- Substitute
- Fiery Wrath

Set up a Substitute, if it doesn't get broken immediately use Nasty Plot. If the Substitute gets broken immediately, keep spamming it until you get into Salac Berry territory, then try to sweep. Wow, this is like roman general level advanced strategy and battle tactics.

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If it's Salac Berry, then you should run the other STAB move instead of Agility imo.
2 votes

Moltres-Galar @ Leftovers
Ability: Berserk
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Agility
- Nasty Plot
- Fiery Wrath

As simple as it looks. Go into sub, set up Agility and Nasty plot, and start sweeping and flinching with Fiery Wrath. You'll want a mon with Defog to clear Stealth Rocks.

2 votes

Stallbreaker Set
Gen 8 SwSh Monotype (Dark/Flying)

Moltres-Galar @ Leftovers / Weakness Policy
Ability: Berserk
EVs: 224 HP / 72 SpA / 24 SpD / 188 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Taunt
- Nasty Plot
- Agility
- Fiery Wrath

This is a Stallbreaker set that can be used on dark and flying type teams. Taunt is really important on this moveset, as it allows you to shut down defensive Pokemon like Toxapex, Hippowdon, Mantine, etc. Taunt also allows you to stop setup sweepers from setting up and attempting to sweep. Nasty Plot gives you a special attack boost. Agility boosts your speed, allowing you to outspeed faster Pokemon. Fiery Wrath is for dark STAB and allows you to have an offensive presence while being able to shut down defensive Pokemon. This set is best used on Balance and BO teams. Leftovers is used for a little HP recovery, while Weakness Policy is an option that gives you a special attack boost and takes advantage of the bulk this set has.

EV spread Explanation: 224 HP EVs combined with 24 Special Defense EVs and a Calm Nature allows Moltres-Galar to live most unboosted special attacks from Pokemon like Nidoking. 188 Speed EVs allows you to outspeed max speed Cloyster so you can use Taunt on it to prevent it from using Shell Smash. You even ouspeed it after an Agility if Cloyster gets off a Shell Smash. The rest of the EVs are dumped into your special attack.

2 votes

I just play casually on console but I got

Moltres-G @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Berserk
EVs: 252 SpA/ 252 Spe / 4 Def
Timid Nature
- Agility
- Nasty Plot
- Fiery Wrath
- Hurricane

This thing is an absolute monster. I do want to give a shout-out to Espeon as well though because they pair surprisingly well together.

Espeon @ Light Clay
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP/ 180 Spe/ 76 SpA
Timid Nature
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Yawn
- Future Sight

This is a strange build for Espeon and I developed it in-house based on the needs of my team. Espeon was the best Pokemon to play this role. Hatterene and Xatu just didn't fit the bill. Espeon has a reputation as being fragile but it can be quite sturdy in this configuration if you play it well especially if you can get an intimidate out before it. Espeon essentially sets up screens for Moltres here and keeps Stealth Rocks away reflecting them at your opponent. The synergy of the two is that they turn your opponent against themselves in one way or another. Espeon usually survives its first foray onto the battlefield in this configuration my experience after about 500 hours of playing with him. Besides setting up Moltres, it's a great support Pokemon. Additionally, Yawn and Future Sight are good for trying to incentivize the opponent to play a certain way making it easier to predict them. Future Sight also hits like a truck... I'll add that. This configuration won't sweep but its presence will be felt even if you don't pull out Moltres. I just really wanted to plug Espeon because I associate it so strongly with Molres-G, it's the herald of Moltres on my team.

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1 vote

National Dex Monotype Dual Dance + Z Move

Moltres-Galar @ Flyinium Z
Ability: Berserk
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 64 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 188 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Agility
- Nasty Plot
- Fiery Wrath
- Hurricane

Since Galarian Moltres isn't currently banned in NatDex Monotype, here is the Dual Dance + Z Move set featured as the POTW at the time of this post. This set should be used on Flying teams. Agility is used to boost Galarian Moltres' speed to prevent it from being revenge killed easily. Nasty Plot boosts Galarian Moltres boost its special attack, allowing it to execute its plot of tearing through teams and making opponents want to hit the "X button" once Galarian Moltres can't be stopped. Fiery Dance is used for a Dark STAB that has a chance to flinch opposing Pokemon. Hurricane is used for a poweful Flying STAB that is useful against Pokemon such as Ting-Lu, Iron Valiant, Urshifu-Rapid-Strike, and Kommo-o. Flyinium Z allows Galarian Moltres to not only have a 1 time flying nuke that ignores Hurricane's 70% accuracy, but it also allows Galarian Moltres to break through Ting-Lu and Mega Diancie after a Nasty Plot (and potential Berserk) boost.

188 Speed EVs allow Galarian Moltres to outspeed Mega Swampert in rain at a +2 speed boost. The 64 HP EVs and 4 Special Defense EVs are honestly just there to give Galarian Moltres a little bit of bulk.

Here are the calcs for Galarian Moltres breaking through Mega Diancie and Ting-Lu with Flyinium Z Hurricane:

+2 252+ SpA Moltres-Galar Supersonic Skystrike (185 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Vessel of Ruin Ting-Lu: 499-588 (97 - 114.3%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO

+3 252+ SpA Moltres-Galar Supersonic Skystrike (185 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Vessel of Ruin Ting-Lu: 622-733 (121 - 142.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+2 252+ SpA Moltres-Galar Supersonic Skystrike (185 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Diancie-Mega: 255-300 (105.8 - 124.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+3 252+ SpA Moltres-Galar Supersonic Skystrike (185 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Diancie-Mega: 318-374 (131.9 - 155.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO

So, umm, there you have it. Dual Dance + Z Move Galarian Moltres. Enjoy!

0 votes

Moltres-Galar @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Berserk
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Fiery Wrath
- Hurricane / Air Slash
- Nasty Plot
- Rest

This set takes advantage of Berserk. Get down on HP and use Rest to get back to full HP and wake up with 1.5 SpA. Nasty Plot for further boost. Moves are STAB.

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0 votes

Moltres-Galar @ Life Orb
Ability: Berserk
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Fiery Wrath
- Hurricane / Air Slash
- Nasty Plot / Agility
- U-turn

Fiery Wrath is a very nice STAB move. Hurricane is more powerful and less accurate, while Air Slash is the other way around. Nasty Plot and Agility boost Moltres-G's stats a bit. U-turn allows it to pivot. Life Orb helps it get closer to the Berserk goal.

0 votes

Role: Sweeper
Moltres-Galar @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Berserk
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Attack
- Fiery Wrath
- Air Slash
- Ancient Power
- Agility

Explanation: This is a speedy sweeping moveset. Use Agility, let opposing Pokemon activate Weakness Policy and Berserk, and you will have some good Special Attack and Speed boosts. Fiery Wrath and Air Slash are for STAB and flinches (Air Slash is safer than Hurricane). Ancient Power is for Ice types. Timid Nature gives this Pokemon some extra speed. And there is a sweep.

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0 votes

Moltres-Galar @ Life Orb
Ability: Berserk
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Fiery Wrath
- Nasty Plot
- Hurricane/Air Slash

Subsitute can help you get closer to acivating Berserk, and Nasty Plot is setup. You can use Hurricane for greater power, or Air Slash for better accuracy.

0 votes

Double Dance Build
Moltres (Galar Form) @ Weakness Policy (Sharply raises Atk and Sp. Atk if hit by a super-effective move)
Ability: Berserk (Raises the Pokémon's Sp. Atk by one stage when its HP falls below 50%)
Modest Nature (+Sp. Atk, -Atk)
Evs: 252 Sp. Atk, 4 Sp. Def, 252 Spe
Nasty Plot (Raises Sp. Atk by 2)
Agility (Raises Speed by 2)
Fiery Wrath (20% to make the opponent flinch)
Hurricane (30% to make opponent confused)

0 votes

Gen 8 OU

mmmmmmmmm (Moltres-Galar) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Berserk
Shiny: Yes
Timid Nature
EVs: 232 SpA / 252 Spe / 24 Atk / 4 Hp
- Fiery Wrath
- Safeguard
- Nasty Plot
- Hurricane

This can sweep a full team! Proceed with caution. This is not a joke.

Start off with 2 Nasty Plots. If the opponent attacks for those 2 turns, Moltres may eat the Sitrus. Do not do this when a 'mon with a Super Effective move is your opponent. Safeguard is to be used immediately after to prevent damage from status moves. If Moltres is already inflicted with one, have a Pokemon use Aromatherapy to cure it. Fiery Wrath is your main move with 90 BP and 100% Acc along with a chance of flinch in case of Sturdy or Sash. This even OHKOes a Tapu with no SpD EVs or stat boosts so don't worry about fairy types ( +6 252 SpA Moltres-Galar Fiery Wrath vs. 0 SpD Tapu Koko: 310-366 (110.3 - 130.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO). Brave Bird is in case of Calm Mind spammers.

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Brave Bird isn't boosted by NP, run Hurricane instead. In what MUs is it better than a special flying move that's boosted by NP?
0 votes

Gen 9 OU Double Dance Wincon

Moltres-Galar @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Berserk
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Agility
- Nasty Plot
- Fiery Wrath
- Hurricane

This thing is way too underrated for its own good. Agility, Nasty Plot, WP, and Berserk give a good chance of getting +5 SpA and +2 Spe, where you can decimate the opponent's team late-game. Fiery Wrath (with that beautiful flinch chance) and Hurricane give amazing STAB and coverage, the only viable resist being Kingambit. Tera Dark to boost Fiery Wrath, and Modest over Timid due to Agility.

  • +3 252+ SpA Tera Dark Moltres-Galar Fiery Wrath vs. 252 HP / 64 SpD Toxapex: 316-372 (103.9 - 122.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
  • +1 252+ SpA Tera Dark Moltres-Galar Fiery Wrath vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Cresselia: 460-544 (103.8 - 122.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO
  • +3 252+ SpA Moltres-Galar Fiery Wrath vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Iron Treads: 300-354 (93.1 - 109.9%) -- 75% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
  • 252+ SpA Tera Dark Moltres-Galar Fiery Wrath vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Skeledirge: 452-532 (109.9 - 129.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
0 votes

National Dex UU Dual Dance

Moltres-Galar @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Berserk
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Agility
- Nasty Plot
- Fiery Wrath
- Tera Blast

A Dual Dance set for Galarian Moltres that is to be used in National Dex UU. This is basically the generic offensive dual dance set but with one different move. Nasty Plot and Agility raising Galarian Moltres' Special Attack and Speed stats allows it to become a very dangerous sweeper. Fiery Wrath is used for the Dark STAB since it has a chance to flinch and has a higher BP than Dark Pulse. And now for the different move on this set: Tera Blast.

Usually, offensive Galarian Moltres that have two attacking moves would have Nasty Plot, Agility, Fiery Wrath, and Hurricane/Air Slash for the moves. However, in National Dex UU, this leaves Galarian Moltres walled by Tyranitar/Mega Tyranitar. However, with Tera Blast with the Tera Type being Fairy, Galarian Moltres can break through Tyranitar/Mega Tyranitar. Being able to get past a Pokemon who would otherwise wall it is pretty neat. Tera Blast Fairy also gets rid of other Dark-types like Hydreigon, Ting-Lu, Mega Sableye, and opposing Galarian Moltres. Tera Blast Fairy also lets you still have a move to defeat Fighting-types such as Buzzwole, Blaziken, Iron Hands, Galarian Zapdos, Mega Gallade, and Mega Heracross.

Weakness Policy lets Galarian Moltres get a +2 Special Attack move should it get hit by a super effective move. Modest Nature gives Galarian Moltres as much power as possible. This set should be used on Screens HO teams to help Galarian Moltres set up.
