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Replay (language warning)

The opponent's Calyrex-S was apparently Scarfed and had max Spe investment. It's nature was also Timid. It did get slowed by Webs but the Scarf should have made it outspeed a Zacian-C even with the -1. Was this a glitch or something?

(Turn 29 on the replay btw)

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What Speed stat does your Zacian have, and what's its held item?
434 SPE, also it had Rusted Sword because Zac-C needs it to change formes.
The only possibility outside of a glitch is that the guy is lying about his EVs/Item/Nature/IVs.
The only other possibility I could see would be that it got Knocked Off (Which Calyrex-S never got hit by, and would probably be OHKOed by it) or that on that turn, Calyrex-S used Trick Room which is the only negative priority move Calyrex-S can learn, but why would it even have that move?
The only possible reason is that your opponent was lying about the Cayrex-Shadow being Scarf. Bugs like this don't occur (i.e. Scarf + Webs interaction), and Lionyx also joined the battle and said nothing about the "hacks" or whatever. I scouted for your opponent's replays but all were private so I'll need to contact a Global for it.
"apparently" being the key word here.

The way I see it, opponent got salty and lashed out by accusing you of cheating. Or used a different set and forgot and genuinely thought hacking was involved.

Also, just out of curiosity, is it possible to hack like that on PS? I get that someone could theoretically give 252 EVs in all stats and somehow bypass whatever checks are run, but can they alter the stats themselves for personal use? Asking for a fren :)
I THINK it is possible? I've personally never seen those kinds of "cheats" myself in play so I can't say for sure.
I'm far from a Pokemon expert, but what move did Zacian and Calyrex use?
@Empty @Onyx Yeah it's possible. The Immortal once showed me some codes but they're outdated now. Here's a small glimpse:

>>> p1active
<<< p1a: [opposing Pokémon]
>>> this.boost(p2active, {atk:6, def:6, spa:6, spe:6});
<<< 0
>>> this.boost({atk:6, def:6, spa:6, spe:6}, p2active);
*The [Pokémon]'s Attack rose drastically!
The [Pokémon]'s Defense rose drastically!
The [Pokémon]'s Sp. Atk rose drastically!
The [Pokémon]'s Speed rose drastically!*
<<< true

Now for that you need to be Global Admin+. It'll raise all the stats of your Pokémon to 4x and the opposing Pokémon wouldn't be able to move for a turn.
Tbh you can increase your stats or summon things like Light Screen and Ingrain among others but making a Pokémon "immune" to a certain move is near to impossible unless you're actually *hacking*.

@Psyduck's Headaches Zacian-Crowned used Behemoth Blade and the Calyrex-Shadow got OHKO'd.
Oh dang that's super interesting. Do these changes appear on the interface? Meaning can either of the players see this? I guess that'd defeat the whole purpose, but I was curious whether it's possible ascertain whether hacks are in effect. For legal reasons, asking for a fren.
Yeah they do. Both the players would be able to see them. The code within stars appear as normal and the rest is what you'll type, but both the opponents would be able to see it. These are pretty minor things; you can hack V-Create + Contrary onto a Charizard in ORAS OU to have fun (you're asking for an eventual permalock, though). *These* don't appear in the chat, you're hacking the *builder* for these. Just saying don't try any hacks/whatever.
Cool, gotcha. Of course not, my (fren's) interest was purely academical. Thanks for clarifying that it is possible, I've seen too many players complain about hacking but rarely (read: never) any actual evidence of hacking in any replay or anything, including this one.
Well Choice Scarf is +50% Speed and Sticky Web is -1 to Speed stat stages so how much is -1 Speed and what order do Scarf and Webs take effect?
Webs should have cancelled the effect of Scarf.

@Cristal Maybach
Ah, cool.
They cancel out exactly. +1 stage is 1.5x, -1 stage is (2/3)x
@Spex What the others said, and the order doesn't matter in this case because they're equal and are negating each others' effect.

1 Answer

1 vote

Your opponent was lying. There are no hidden modifiers that could have raised your speed or lowered your opponent's speed.
