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Has anyone ever breed and got an outstanding iv mon? And how did you get to breed them? Just curious because I breed all the time and always stop when I get relatively superior with 31 iv stat at least two of its strongest stats. I have never seen better than ‘relatively superior’ by a Pokemon judge. Wondering if there is some techniques I am missing that I should be doing. I know destiny knot can help but unfortunately they dont work in gen 4 or older games.

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You can use RNG abuse to do this. It is finicky (and much easier if you know a bit about how computers work) but very much possible. https://www.smogon.com/ingame/rng/dpphgss_rng_part2
Here is a video of this being done (albeit on a wild Pokemon). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJu3sg_Y1DM

2 Answers

1 vote

I just finished breeding a Shroomish in Gen 4 that had an outstanding rating and has perfect IVs in HP, Attack, and Defense in Platinum. I also bred a competitive team of three for the Battle Frontier a few years ago with near-perfect IVs.

It’s worth noting that when you reach a certain number that Pokémon found using the PokeRadar in Sinnoh in Gen 4 have a certain number of guaranteed perfect IVs, so if you want to chain a Pokémon from the egg group of the Pokémon you want, that can really help.

I chained a Cacturne a few years ago for a shiny one, so I had one with a perfect IV in my PC, so I gave it the Power Bracer, which guarantees it passes down its Attack IV in HG/SS.

I also got lucky that the Shroomish I caught had a +Attack nature, and if you give the female an Everstone in Gen 4, they have a 50/50 chance of passing down their nature.

If you don’t care about natures, you can also give the female a power item as well and they can also pass down their best IV.

I bred about 80 Shroomish in total, every one with a guaranteed perfect Attack IV from the Poke Radar Cacturne, and in about four generations, so changing the parents with the best IVs every 20 or 30, I was able to get three perfect IVs in about two days.

If you put a Pokémon with Flame Body in the front of your party, the egg hatching goes by a lot quicker. Love to see people still playing Gen 4, hope this helps!

0 votes

To get an "outstanding" iv Pokemon, you need the Pokemon's iv total to be between 151 to 186.

151 is 4x31 + 27, so the more perfect ivs you can get the better. A good strategy is to breed the Pokemon with the best ivs that you have, because that gives the child a higher chance of inheriting those good ivs. The chance of getting multiple 31 ivs is pretty low, so you just need to keep on trying until you get it.

Although I've never seen it, someone has definitely gotten an outstanding iv Pokemon since there are people who have perfect iv Pokemon in gen 4.

Hope this helps.


Where did you see that people had perfect ivs in gen 4?
The internet
Internet is a big place. Possible you provide sources or was there an event/competition showing them?