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I have all three titans, Regice is nicknamed, and holding a casteliacone. I caught them all last year in this save, so I passed the time limit. The little girl in pacilog town keeps saying something about six dots opening three doors instead of telling me the story. I’ve exited and re-entered the room, I’ve soft reset, waited days, she won’t change her story. What am I doing wrong?

Extra info:
- all she says is, “Six dots open three doors”. The dialog never changes
- I’ve talked to her with all regi’s in my party
- I’ve used different ice items
- Only Regice is nicknamed
- I caught them in 2020
- My cartridge is legit
- time base events are working as normal
- I’ve waited until daytime before going to the location
- I’ve done this before I’ve beaten the E4, and after
- I have left my cartridge in the same ds for multiple days to ensure time based events were working
- I’m not willing to restart my save to see if it’s my save file or not because this is my Oak challenge save file and I have like a hundred hours and multiple full odds shinies
- I have not beaten the post-game story

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I'd assume all 3 regis are in your party...
yup (filler
Entered the back room of the Cave?
Did you try talking to the girl with the Regis in your party?
Yup (filler x2)
Regigigas can only be battled after catching/defeating the Box-Art Legendary (Kyogre/Groudon). Mayhaps this is the dilemma.
All 8 badges obtained
Guys here’s a video that should hopefully answer all potential questions https://youtu.be/Cofc0k9zaDU
I have found what all 4 stories Girl tells you: https://segmentnext.com/how-to-capture-regigigas-in-pokemon-omega-ruby-alpha-sapphire/

But he said you’ll need to wait in the middle when it’s bright and Hoenn is overflowing with natural energy. I wonder if he meant you can’t meet it at night.

But you’ll need to have three of its friends with you to meet it… I wonder what Pokémon they area. Does it have to do with the six dots?

But you’ll need to have something cold to meet it… I wonder what he meant. Ice cream, maybe?

He told me that it comes to visit this iceberg kind of Pokémon. I can only think of one type of iceberg Pokémon…
Also found this. Idk if you can recapture them in a row...
It even says to enter from the center

Wait for 24 hours after acquiring Regice, Regirock, and Registeel in a row,
This is peculiar. I would try giving Regice a NeverMeltIce instead of a Castelia Cone. Thats another item that works.

Also, make sure your other Regis are not nicknamed, because that will prevent Regigigas from appearing
Are you sure about the last part? My Regis are nicknamed and I can still get Regigigas to appear.
Only the ice boi is nicknamed, and I tried it with never melt ice too
To encounter Regigigas, you must have the 3 Regi in your team - Regirock, Regice and Registeel. After capturing them, go to Pacifidlog Town and visit the northeast house. You'll find a girl there who'll tell you about Regigagas. Make sure that your Regice has a nickname and is holding an Ice-related item such as Never-Melt Ice (Shoal Cave), CasteliaCone (Trick House) or an Icy Rock (Weather Institute). If you didn't nickname your Regice, talk to the Name Rater in Slateport City and give it a nickname. Another thing to consider is that Regigigas won't show up until a day after you've captured the Regi trio. Lastly, Regigigas can only be found during daytime (11:00 - 17:59).

I would go through this step by step even if you've already done it. It's possible that you didn't talk to the girl in Pacifidlog with all the Regis and nicknames and held items in your party.
Baron please look at the video I posted which is very clear evidence I did all of the above
I am aware, I watched the video, I am just making sure.

Also make sure you have not changed the ds clock or put your cartridge in a different ds in the last 24 hours
It’s now been over 24 hours since I’ve written this and there has been no change and I have not removed the cartridge since
I’ve been regijected
I don't think we can help you then
Anecdotal evidence, but this thread https://old.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/dv0bwg suggests that clearing the Pokemon League again will cause the event to trigger.
I have never cleared the e4 to begin with. Is it a postgame exclusive perhaps?
When I was about to catch Regigigas I already defeated the Elite Four, completed the Delta Episode, and as well rematch the Elite Four. I can tell you it's a post-game exclusive legendary cuz it doesn't appear in the Hoenn Pokedex.
@cinchilada, the national dex is obtained prior to defeating the 8th badge. I have most of the national dex caught, and every other legend, without beating the E4.
Bro go beat the e4...
(Weary) alright I’ll go test it one (1) more time and immediately crush the E4, and go back and see if there’s a difference. Sometime this week because adult moment
I beat the E4 and went back and nothing happened. I haven’t even removed the cartridge from my DS since this happened, and all other time events are working.
No idea if this would change anything, but has there EVER been a Regigigas on this save file? And are all of the 3 Regis yours from this save?
All three Regis i caught on this save myself, and I never had a regigigas on this save. I checked my dex
Are you sure your copy isn't fake/corrupted?
Don't know if it'll make a difference, but did you try talking to the girl with Regice at the front of your party?
Wait 24 hours after you beat the e4
I think the 3DS Clock needs to be in the same year that you caught the Regice and nicknamed it and as well you caught the other Regis. Try changing the 3DS Clock to 2020 to see if it makes a difference. Remember to wait 24 hours after you changed the clock
6 months without response from OP...
@Scarlet Did you already get Regigigas?
I did not get regi.
I did not try your previous suggestion because I originally tried to get them the year I caught them, and it did not work.
I honestly think this is a poorly documented glitch, that’s been passed over due to how weird and obscure it is. I’ve seen a few other threads and videos with the *exact* same situation as me, with the same dialog, that all remain unsolved. Does anyone happen to know where I can hire a dataminer to look into this?

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