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Answer based on OU and Natdex OU, as well as performance during playthroughs.

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What do you want to do with a Bisharp or Kingambit? Do you want to battle other people, in-game trainers, or something else?
To me, anything with a 4x weakness, especially to a common type like Fighting, is not a viable Eviolite User.
I can tell you the Eviolite Bisharp is better, look at my answer in the Bisharp thread for details.

Both ingame and competitive applies.
Okay but what do you want to do with a Bisharp or Kingambit?
I'd prefer my question to be focused on Competitive since I'm a Pokemon Showdown guy, for OU and NatDex. (Sorry for including the "ingame" tag).
Why are you so sure Eviolite Bisharp is better? It is barely bulkier than Kingambit, susceptible to Knock Off, cannot use offensive items, has lower Attack, and misses out on a strong ability.
Usage stats also tell a story: https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/3711748/

1 Answer

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Best answer

Bisharp and Kingambit are both much better when used offensively, which means their damage output matters more than their bulk. In UU, where Bisharp is viable, max physical attack Bisharp is much more common than Bisharp with any significant amount of defense EVs. This is despite the fact that they almost always hold eviolite.
Kingambit has a more reliable ability and higher physical attack, which means it's much better at being an offensive tank than Bisharp. Eviolite Bisharp has lower base HP and defense stats and can't hold leftovers, so it's effectively only a little bulkier than Kingambit.

252+ Atk Bisharp Iron Head vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Dragonite: 145-172 (44.8 - 53.2%) -- 31.6% chance to 2HKO
252+ Atk Supreme Overlord 3 allies fainted Kingambit Kowtow Cleave vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Dragonite: 214-253 (66.2 - 78.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

The Smogon nerds also ranked Kingambit above Bisharp.

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