Gen 9 NU 3 Attacks + Roost

Kilowattrel @ Life Orb
Ability: Competitive
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Air Slash
- Tera Blast
- Roost
A 3 Attacks + Roost set Kilowattrel can use in Gen 9 NU. Kilowattrel has a niche in Gen 9 NU as a Competitive Pokemon (not sorry for the pun) that can be used as a punishment to Defog users such as Talonflame and Noivern. This set should be used on either Sticky Web teams or Hazard Stack teams, teams that can have a Competitive Kilowattrel to punish Defog. If you predict well, you could potentially get Kilowattrel in on a predicted Strength Sap to gain a special attack boost. Since most people expect Volt Absorb on Kilowattrel, they won't assume the Kilowattrel has Competitive, which is useful if you have Kilowattrel out and the opponent decides to Defog in front of Kilowattrel.
Thunderbolt is used for the Electric STAB since it is consistent while having decent power. Air Slash is used for the Flying STAB since it has better accuracy than Hurricane and has a chance to flinch. Air Slash is useful to hit Grass-types such as Vileplume, Brambleghast, Brute Bonnet, and Tsareena, as well as hitting Flygon and Krookodile for neutral damage. Tera Blast is used with Tera Ground to allow Kilowattrel to hit Pokemon such as Magnezone, Iron Thorns, Bellibolt, Rhyperior, and Toxtricity super effectively, Pokemon who resist Kilowattrel's STABs. Tera Blast Ground also allows Kilowattrel to deal more damage to Dragalge. Roost is used to allow Kilowattrel have some reliable HP recovery. You'll want to use Roost when you know you're opponent is going to switch out or if the Pokemon in front of Kilowattrel can't really do much to Zapdos at home the small electric bird. Life Orb is used to give Kilowattrel some more power to its attacks. Competitive is the Ability to get a special attack boost should Kilowattrel's stats get lowered, which punishes Talonflame or Noivern for using Defog. It's also nice against Intimidate Pokemon such as Incineroar and non Choice Scarf Krookodile.