PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Notice how some Pokemon who are purely Fighting-type weak to Ground-type moves while others aren't. For example, if a Pokemon used Earthquake on Hitmonlee, who is a pure Fighting-type Pokemon, it's super-effective. However, if it's used on Machamp, who is also a pure Fighting-type Pokemon, it is neutral. May someone explain?

Hitmonlee will not be hit super effectively by a ground type move. You must be mistaken.
McRibFarewellTour, I don't agree. When I challenged Bruno in Pokemon Heart Gold, I used Earthquake on his Hitmonlee and it was super-effective. However, when I used it on his Machamp, it was neutral.
Record the footage and show us.
Are you sure you didn't mix up Hitmonlee for Onix?
VoltMadness, I'm sure. I will try to send footage ASAP.
It may be a glitch. Are you playing on a emulator?
Yes. I was playing on an emulator.
There are two explanations:

1.) You're mistaken/misremember it.
2.) It's a glitch.

Hitmonlee is neutral to ground. This isn't an opinion, it's literally an objective fact in the form of the games code which can be observed and replicated.
Are you able to get a video?
what game were you playing on this emulator
I was playing Pokemon HeartGold and I didn't make a video yet.
You’ll have to provide a video before the 7 day mark of this post, or else we’ll close it under rule 1.4.
I stand corrected. I am wrong about how some pure Fighting-type Pokemon are weak to Ground-type moves while others aren't. I have uploaded video evidence of me being wrong. https://www.dropbox.com/home?preview=Video.mp4
It says that the file doesn't exist.
That's not how that works, you need to create a shareable link for the file, if you click on the video you uploaded and then copy the link on the address bar, it doesn't work. Please do that before the 7-day mark.
We don't need a video that confirms what we already knew. We can just take this off the unanswered list now.

1 Answer

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Best answer

It appears that I am wrong. Ground-type attacks aren't super effective on pure Fighting-type Pokemon. Below is a shareable link to the file. Please click on it.


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Glad the question is resolved but this video hurt my soul xD

Also (spoiler) why didn't Hitmonlee lose 50% health when it missed HJK? Is the damage different in those games?
Okay so Bulbapedia says in Gen 4, HJK crash damage is 50% of target HP, so now it makes sense.