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Can I get a list of all signature moves?

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Mega Kick and Triple Kick are not signature moves. Mega Kick can be learned by Mudsdale, I used one in my first playthrough of Sun, and Triple Kick can be learned by Pheramosa.

4 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

Signature Moves

Pikachu: Volt Tackle
Kadabra, Alakazam: Kinesis
Galarian Slowbro: Shell Side Arm
Cubone, Marowak, Alolan Marowak: Bonemerang
Alolan Marowak: Shadow Bone
Galarian Weezing: Strange Stream
Jynx, Smoochum: Lovely Kiss
Porygon, Porygon2, Porygon-Z: Conversion
Porygon, Porygon2, Porygon-Z: Conversion 2
Galarian Articuno: Freezing Glare
Galarian Zapdos: Thunderous Kick
Galarian Moltres: Fiery Wrath
Mewtwo: Psystrike
Galarian Slowking: Eerie Spell
Lugia Aeroblast
Deoxys (All forms): Psycho Boost
Latias: Mist Ball
Latios: Luster Purge
Kyogre: Origin Pulse
Groudon: Precipice Blades
Rayquaza: Dragon Ascent
Jirachi: Doom Desire
Vespiqueen: Defend Order
Vespiqueen: Attack Order
Dialga: Roar of Time
Palkia: Spacial Rend
Heatran: Magma Storm
Regigigas: Crush Grip
Giratina: Shadow Force
Cresselia: Lunar Dance
Victini: Searing Shot
Victini: V Create
Klink, Klang, Klinklang: Gear Grind
Galarian Stunfisk: Snap Trap
Bouffalant: Head Charge
Reshiram: Blue Flare
Zekrom: Bolt Strike
Kyruem: Glaciate
Black Kyreum: Freeze Shock
White Kyreum: Ice Burn
Keldeo: Secret Sword
Genesect: Techno Blast
Aegislash: Kings Shield
Hawlucha: Flying Press
Klefki: Fairy Lock
Phantump, Trevenant: Forests Curse
Pumpkaboo, Gourgeist: Trick or Treat
Xerneas: Geomancy
Yvetal: Oblivion Wing
Zygarde: Lands Wrath
Zygarde: Thousand Arrows
Zygarde: Thousand Waves
Zygarde: Core Enforcer
Diancie: Diamond Storm
Volcanion: Steam Eruption
Decidueye: Spirit Shackle
Primarina: Sparkling Aria
Lycanroc: Accelerock
Toxapex: Baneful Bunker
Tsareena: Trop Kick
Comfey: Floral Healing
Oranguru: Instruct
Sandygast, Pallosand: Shore Up
Pyukumuku: Purify
Silvally: Multi Attack
Turtonator: Shell Trap
Dhelmise: Anchor Shot
Kommo-o: Clangorous Soul
Kommo-o: Clanging Scales
Necrozma: Prismatic Laser
Necrozma: Photon Geyser
Magearna: Fleur Cannon
Marshadow: Spectral Thief
Blacephalon: Mind Blown
Zeraora: Plasma Fists
Melmetal: Double Iron Bash
Rillaboom: Drum Beating
Inteleon: Snipe Shot
Cinderace: Pyro Ball
Cinderace: Court Change
Coalossal: Tar Shot
Flapple: Grav Apple
Appletun: Apple Acid
Toxtricity: Overdrive
Grapploct: Octolock
Polteageist: Teatime
Hatterene: Magic Powder
Morgrem, Grimmsnarl: False Surrender
Grimmsnarl: Spirit Break
Obstagoon: Obstruct
Sirfetch'd: Meteor Assault
Alcremie Decorate
Falinks: No Retreat
Morpeko: Aura Wheel
Zacian: Behemoth Blade
Dragapult: Dragon Darts
Zemazenta: Behemoth Bash
Eternatus: Eternabeam
Eternatus: Dynamax Cannon
Urshifu Single-Strike: Wicked Blow
Urshifu Rapid-Strike: Surging Strikes
Zarude: Jungle Healing
Regieleki: Thunder Cage
Regidrago: Dragon Energy
Calyrex Ice-Rider: Glacial Lance
Calyrex Shadow-Rider: Astral Barrage
Koraidon: Collision Course
Miraidon: Electro Drift
Pawmot: Double Shock
Girafarig, Farigiraf: Twin Beam
Dunsparce, Dundunsparce: Hyper Drill
Tauros (Paldean, Paldean Combat Breed, Paldean Aqua Breed, Paldean Blaze Breed): Raging Bull
Ceruledge: Bitter Blade
Armarouge: Armor Cannon
Spidops: Silk Trap
Houndstone: Last Respects
Espartha: Lumina Crash
Dondozo: Order Up
Palafin: Jet Punch
Scovillian: Spicy Extract
Varoom, Revavroom Spin Out
Maushold, Tandemaus Population Bomb
Naclstack, Garganacl: Salt Cure
Wugtrio: Triple Dive
Glimmora: Mortal Spin
Grafaiai: Doodle
Veluza: Fillet Away
Kingambit: Kowtow Cleave
Meowscarada: Flower Trick
Skeledirge: Torch Song
Quaquaval: Aqua Step
Gholdengo: Make It Rain
Slowking, Galarian Slowking: Chilly Reception
Maushold: Tidy Up
Primeape, Annihilape: Rage Fist
Tinkaton: Gigaton Hammer
Stantler, Wyrdeer: Psyshield Bash
Kleavor: Stone Axe
Sneasler: Dire Claw
Hisuian Qwilfish, Overqil: Barb Barrage
Enamorus: Springtide Storm
Segin Starmobile: Wicked Torque
Schedar Starmobile: Blazing Torque
Navi Starmobile: Noxious Torque
Ruchbah Starmobile: Magical Torque
Caph Starmobile: Combat Torque

Signature G-Max Moves

Venusaur: G-Max Vine Lash
Charizard: G-Max Wildfire
Blastoise: G-Max Cannonade
Butterfree: G-Max Befuddle
Pikachu: G-Max Volt Crash
Meowth: G-Max Gold Rush
Machamp: G-Max Chi Strike
Gengar: G-Max Terror
Eevee: G-Max Cuddle
Lapras: G-Max Resonance
Kingler: G-Max Foam Burst
Snorlax: G-Max Replenish
Melmetal: G-Max Meltdown
Cinderace: G-Max Fireball
Rillaboom: G-Max Drum Solo
Inteleon: G-Max Hydrosnipe
Corvisquire: G-Max Wind Rage
Orbeetle G-Max Gravitas
Drednaw: G-Max Stonesurge
Coalossal: G-Max Vocalith
Flapple: G-Max Tartness
Appletun: G-Max Sweetness
Sandaconda: G-Max Sandblast
Grimmsnarl: G-Max Snooze
Toxtricity: G-Max Stun Shock
Centiskorch: G-Max Centiferno
Hatterene: G-Max Smite
Alcremie: G-Max Finale
Copperjah: G-Max Steelsurge
Duraludon: G-Max Depletion
Garbodor: G-Max Malador
Urshifu Single-Strike: G-Max One Blow
Urshifu Rapid-Strike: G-Max Rapid Flow

Signature Z-Moves

Pikachu: Catastropika (Volt Tackle)
Pikachu with cap: 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt (Thunderbolt)
Alolan Raichu: Stoked Sparksurfer (Thunderbolt)
Eevee: Extreme Evoboost (Last Resort)
Snorlax: Pulverizing Pancake (Giga Impact)
Mew: Genesis Supernova (Psychic)
Decidueye: Sinister Arrow Raid (Spirit Shackle)
Incineroar: Malicious Moonsault (Darkest Lariat)
Primarina: Oceanic Operetta (Sparkling Aria)
Lycanroc: Splintered Stormshards (Stone Edge)
Mimikyu: Let's Snuggle Forever (Play Rough)
Kommo-o: Clangorous Soulblaze (Clanging Scales)
Necrozma: Light That Burns The Sky (Photon Geyser)
Marshadow: Soul Stealing 7-Star Strike (Spectral Thief)


selected by
It might be better if you list the Pokemon that learn these moves.
9 votes

OK here is one complete list as of Generation V, including evolutionary lines.
* = can be learned by some other Pokemon via breeding, event or Gen 3-4 move tutor (not usually counted in signature moves).

Volt Tackle - Pichu/Pikachu/Raichu
Pay Day - Meowth/Persian
Kinesis - Kadabra/Alakazam
Barrage - Exeggcute/Exeggutor
Bone Club - Cubone/Marowak
Bonemerang - Cubone/Marowak
Mega Kick - Hitmonlee

Softboiled - Chansey/Blissey*
Lovely Kiss - Jynx
Conversion - Porygon/Porygon2/Porygon-Z
Conversion 2 - Porygon/Porygon2/Porygon-Z
Psystrike - Mewtwo

Octazooka - Octillery
Present - Delibird

Sketch - Smeargle
Triple Kick - Hitmontop
Milk Drink - Miltank
Aeroblast - Lugia
Sacred Fire - Ho-Oh

Smellingsalt - Makuhita/Hariyama
Ice Ball - Spheal/Sealeo/Walrein

Mist Ball - Latias
Luster Purge - Latios
Doom Desire - Jirachi
Psycho Boost - Deoxys

Attack Order - Vespiquen
Defend Order - Vespiquen
Heal Order - Vespiquen
Chatter - Chatot
Roar of Time - Dialga
Spacial Rend - Palkia

Magma Storm - Heatran
Crush Grip - Regigigas
Shadow Force - Giratina*
Lunar Dance - Cresselia
Manaphy - Heart Swap
Darkrai - Dark Void
Seed Flare - Shaymin
Judgement - Arceus

Searing Shot - Victini
V-Create - Victini
Heat Crash - Tepig/Pignite/Emboar
Storm Throw - Throh
Night Daze - Zorua/Zoroark
Tail Slap - Minccino/Cinccino
Horn Leech - Sawsbuck
Electroweb - Joltik/Galvantula

Gear Grind - Klink/Klang/Klinklang
Shift Gear - Klink/Klang/Klinklang
Head Charge - Bouffalant
Fiery Dance - Volcarona
Sacred Sword - Cobalion/Terrakion/Virizion/Keldeo
Fusion Flare - Reshiram
Blue Flare - Reshiram
Fusion Bolt - Zekrom

Bolt Strike - Zekrom
Glaciate - Kyurem
Secret Sword - Keldeo
Relic Song - Meloetta
Techno Blast - Genesect

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Actually Purrloin and Liepard can learn Pay-day. The Cleffa Family can learn Softboiled by egg move. Kingdra can learn Octazooka. Happiny can know present. A ton of Pokemon can learn Smellingsalt. Several Pokemon can learn Ice-ball. The Vulpix and Buizel families can learn Tail-slap. Electroweb can be learned by Spinarak and Ariados. Victini can learn the Fusion attacks by event. Darkrai can learn Roar of time and Spacial rend by event. Arceus can learn all three of the Sinnoh Dragon signature moves by event.
Signature moves don't include breeding or event moves.
And if i am not wrong hitmonlee's mega kick is not a signature move it was a tm in gen 1
What about srperior and sammurott samurott can learn razor shell and serperior leaf tornado
Well, yeah, they can, but other Pokemon can too so technically it isn't a signature move.
others can learn razor shell?
Shellder learns Razor Shell. Cloyster does as well, since he can learn it as a pre-evo.
Shellder can
3 votes

All of them for gen 8:
Volt Tackle
Shell Side Arm
Dragon Hammer
Shadow Bone
Strange Stream
Soft Boiled
Lovely Kiss
Conversion 2
Freezing Glare
Thunderous Kick
Fiery Wrath
Eerie Spell
Milk Drink
Psycho Boost
Mist Ball
Luster Purge
Origin Pulse
Precipice Blades
Dragon Ascent
Doom Desire
Defend Order
Attack Order
Roar of Time
Spacial Rend
Magma Storm
Crush Grip
Shadow Force
Lunar Dance
Searing Shot
V Create
Gear Grind
Water Shuriken
Snap Trap
Head Charge
Fiery Dance
Fusion Flare
Blue Flare
Fusion Bolt
Bolt Strike
Freeze Shock
Ice Burn
Secret Sword
Techno Blast
Arm Thrust
Kings Shield
Flying Press
Fairy Lock
Forests Curse
Trick or Treat
Oblivion Wing
Lands Wrath
Thousand Arrows
Thousand Waves
Core Enforcer
Diamond Storm
Steam Eruption
Spirit Shackle
Sparkling Aria
Baneful Bunker
Trop Kick
Floral Healing
Shore Up
Multi Attack
Shell Trap
Anchor Shot
Clangorous Soul
Clanging Scales
Natures Madness
Sunsteel Strike
Moongeist Beam
Prismatic Lazer
Photon Geyser
Fleur Cannon
Spectral Thief
Mind Blown
Plasma Fists
Double Iron Bash
Drum Beating
Snipe Shot
Pyro Ball
Court Change
Stuff Cheeks
Jaw Lock
Tar Shot
Grav Apple
Apple Acid
Magic Powder
False Surrender
Spirit Break
Meteor Assault
No Retreat
Aura Wheel
Behemoth Blade
Dragon Darts
Behemoth Bash
Dynamax Cannon
Wicked Blow
Surging Strikes
Jungle Healing
Thunder Cage
Dragon Energy
Glacial Lance
Astral Barrage
G Max Vine Lash
G Max Wildfire
G Max Cannonade
G Max Befuddle
G Max Volt Crash
G Max Gold Rush
G Max Chi Strike
G Max Terror
G Max Cuddle
G Max Resonance
G Max Foam Burst
G Max Replenish
G Max Meltdown
G Max Fireball
G Max Drum Solo
G Max Hydrosnipe
G Max Wind Rage
G Max Gravitas
G Max Stonesurge
G Max Vocalith
G Max Tartness
G Max Sweetness
G Max Sandblast
G Max Snooze
G Max Stun Shock
G Max Centiferno
G Max Smite
G Max Finale
G Max Steelsurge
G Max Depletion
G Max One Blow
G Max Rapid Flow

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many moves has been skipped like darkest lariat the signature move of incineroar.Also you have missed the gen 1 starter signature moves those being blast burn,frenzy plant and hydro cannon.
Darkest Lariat is available as TM for many Pokemon and the starter sigs are available on all starters.
but at the time of its introduction they were sigs
@Loki This is all signature moves as of the newest Pokémon games. Yes, there were more moves that started out that way, but then they were given more distribution amongst Pokémon. :P

@PKThunder10 You should check the Gen 7 column as well, as it includes vital information that is skipped or erroneous:

Example 1: Sketch is not included despite being Smeargle’s Signature move, probably due to Smeargle (and Sketch) not being in SwSh (and therefore not included in column 8 on Bulbapedia, but is included in column 7).

Example 2: V-Create IS included despite being able to be learned by Rayquaza since Gen 5 (via an Event), but is listed in column 8 on Bulbapedia because Rayquaza isn’t available in Gen 8 (Notice how Searing Shot is included since Gen 5, but V-Create, introduced in Gen 5, is ONLY in the Gen 8 column).

Whether you wish to remove V-Create because of this is up to you, I guess, but I’d prefer the list be “National Dex”.
Anyways, there are probably a few more instances of each example, should you look down the list. :P
You can get ray in gen 8. Also, thanks
2 votes


This lists them all. Except V-create(Victini), Searing-shot(Victini), Techno-blast(Genesect), Freeze Shock(Kyurem), Ice Burn(Kyurem), Bolt-strike(Zekrom), Blue flare(Reshiram), Relic-song(Meloetta), and Secret sword(Keldeo).

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beat me to it :)