Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

I figure some people want to tell me how great I am, so go ahead! :D

Seriously though, I'd love to hear what you think of the new design, good or bad! Post an answer here to share your thoughts. Please don't use the comments on the question because they get out of hand way too quickly.

If you find an error with the site (something not working right), don't post here, put it in this question instead. Thanks.

You can read more about the new design in the news post here.

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21 Answers

7 votes

enter image description here

3 votes

This site is madder, radder and even lilypader than myself. I love it! Brotad tested, Brotad approved.

2 votes

Pretty sexy stuff. Great work! Must have taken a while.

2 votes

enter image description here

That was my reaction when I first saw it. "Man das nasteh"

But no seriously, you have done a really great job PM. You can have the day (no more) off.
Good Job Pokemaster

Thanks for all your hard work!

2 votes

enter image description here That !!1! fail xD


Seriously, this is epic. I can't say how happy I am for that wall xD

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2 votes

I just can't say how much I love the new site.

enter image description here

*sends back a virtual hug* :)
2 votes

I love it. It runs a tiny bit faster than before, which is awesome.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SILENT EDITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 votes

Congrats to pm and the whole db community for this amazingly improved version. We owe one to you, pokemaster. I'm so glad and impressed by how far this place has gotten. From a small site with a bit of poke info, to an entire virtual world's worth of highly valuable up to date info on the latest pokenews. And who do we owe it all to? Pokemaster . So don't owe him one, owe him a thousand. Make it two thousand. Make it a 999 trillion for that matter, because he deserves it.

1 vote

Great job, I like it! The only thing is that the Bold is just a tad hard to see, but it's probably just my morning eyes XD. But it looks awesome, I love the design! :)

1 vote

Awesome, looking great~

1 vote

We now have walls :3

1 vote

Omg I'm gonna cry tears of joy.

Seriously, you are very awesome Pokemaster ;D

1 vote

This is amazing, thank you so much, oh Arceus of the DB!

1 vote

It looks truly amazing :D
You can definitely see how far we've come.

Congrats. Hopefully half a years work was worth it :)

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1 vote

I love the way the site looks all in all awesome. It's also a fantastic b-day gift :D

1 vote

i love this site <3 gj :D

1 vote

The site is really nice PM

1 vote

Oh, thank you so much for adding walls. I love you for doing that. :'3

It's now our very own happy way of third party direct chatting!
Kind of like a majorly indirect 'multiple chat room' term. Yay. :D

And now the happy faces look SO much more happier than before! Look at it!

...I'll stop typing now. Thank woo Pokaymasta. :')

1 vote

I really like it, the design seems a lot more professional and the boxes around the sprites are a cool addition. :D

1 vote

Just a quick note to say THANK YOU for this website :D

It is ALWAYS my first point of call when i want to find out about a pokemon etc - it is very easy to use, very clear and ... well... fab !! lol

So, Thank you for this wonderful site & Keep up the good work :D :D :D

Jen xxx
