With all due respect to Indigo she has yet to even hit Expert, though close. Only 6 months on the site and Editor? Hell no xD The exception for promoting Valet would be he lives in Belgium (I think) which, similar to fondant, is the perfect timezone. Indigo lives in America (I can assume from when answers are posted) which would be going against the whole point of this post xD
Indigo needs to earn editor and take it how you will, I don't think she has yet. It would also be insulting to so many users: 5th of November, Dr.Flame, Oncoming $torm, Sam Sam Sam Sam, MrKijani, Hex, Sempiternus, yourself (Flare) and Sciz who have all spent around a year or more on the site and worked for their position as editor rather than spamming 450 answers in 6 months (which is pretty incredible O.O I have about 500 in 2 years however I have more than double the points so possibly not all answers were up to scratch). I'm sure Indigo one day will receive it but not for a long time :3
Promoting Fondant and Aeternis would be a smart move. Fondant take the stupid promotion xF You deserve it more than anyone.