Earlier today, the chat was in an argument about Ninja's Mega Metagross pair. He muted me and ignored me. Hex released me from my prison, saying the lock was unjustified. Just now, he locked me, which I believe was unneeded, as I did nothing. Perhaps a lowering in rank would suit this, or are all admins supposed to be jerks?
EDIT (3/10/14): I do see what Ninja is saying, and how I did not stop asking, and the mute is not what I'm worried about. However, when Ninja relogged, he locked me instantly. THIS is what I am bringing to notice. Also, I only mute-evaded the second mute that was given, the one I don't agree with, when I was talking to some friends on the server. The first one, the one that I find semi-just, occurred when I didn't even know what mute-evading was.