Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

Does anyone have a screenshot or anything of the former designs of this site? For nostalgia's sake.

So have I... it sure has been doing well.
You can answer this question with a link alone. There's no rule against it; it's just discouraged because clarifying the info of a link is a friendlier and a more intelligent way of answering.
i like the old one
Agh! I-it used to be a S-syther?!?
Well what did you think? The scizor hatched directly from an egg? Scyther needs no incense.

1 Answer

7 votes
Best answer

I've just been collecting some screenshots of past designs to update the About page. I found the old code for the very first version of the site, and ended up spending a little too long fixing errors (because it's crappy and outdated code). So here are two pages:

PokemonDb v1

PokemonDb v1

As you can see it was very plain. It was mostly a "proof of concept". Later I made a proper design, so here's version 2:

PokemonDb v2

And for posterity, here's how it looks now in version 3:

PokemonDb v3

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Why did I see this in my updates section?
do you have any rough ideas on when each updates are made? like what year? sorry to be a bother
Ah, version 2! I remember it dearly. I used this site for so long, this is what it was like when I first started using it in...2012, I think? I'm taking a trip down memory lane here, thanks for uploading this!
I think he/she/it should changeitto one of those designs for the next april fool's day.