Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

Think about it: If you're not a mod or an editor or haven't really been here for a long time, then you probably don't really know much about this place. So you can't really answer questions, unless, like my answer (PM, is that ok? like is my answer ok?) you have a theory as to why this or that happened. but unless you're a mod or an expert or like an editor, how can you answer questions and get more points if you haven't been here for a while?

Give suggestions.  Also, post on the story threads.
Give *GOOD* suggestions. Do not suggest garbage in an attempt to get points. Also, the reason staff members and older users post the most is because they're able to give definitive answers to questions people have. Points don't really mean anything other than how much you've contributed, so you shouldn't really be concerned with gaining them if you can't contribute to a certain part of the site.
As a side note, I think people get way too many points for posting on the namechange/story threads, and while that is technically a good way to get points, I wouldn't say that you should do that just to get points. Points are supposed to gauge how much you've contributed to the site, and points you get from posting on those threads aren't really because you're contributing to the site... that's just my personal opinion, though.
Well, ask good questions, and just wait till you know more :)
Make a dumb post for April Fool's Day and watch the upvotes roll in

3 Answers

2 votes
Best answer
  1. Post suggestions. Making good suggestions will rack up points in no time if people like it.

  2. Post on the story and username change threads. These things are just complete upvote fodder, especially the username changes, but they only happen every six months.

  3. Find questions you can actually answer. For example, "How do I upvote?" (That's already a question, but you get my point). Do not answer things you do not 100% know the answer to. For example, in the recent question about Galarian Bird moveset threads, don't answer with "it'll probably happen soon". You are not Pokemaster. You do not know that for sure.

  4. Establish a good reputation. People are more likely to upvote an answer you have if you actually know what you're talking about and have shown that in the past.

Just remember, it's harder to get META points than it is Pokebase points. A lot of questions can only be answered by staff, or even only Pokemaster. However, if you keep a sharp eye out for things you really can answer, or you have a good suggestion, those are ways to get points.

Also keep in mind that META points really don't matter (even less so then Pokebase points). Don't get obsessed with trying to get them.

Hope I helped!

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Lol no you shouldn't be obsessed in any points(cough x reloading pokebase to answer something)
1 vote

Give suggestions. Also, post on the story threads.

Meta isn't as inactive as you think. As J said, you can post suggestions and have your question upvoted, or you can post tournament suggestions and get your suggestion upvoted. Story threads may give you points if it is interesting enough (but you can't change the past). You can post errors you find on the website here, and selecting answers as best gives you +2 points.

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1 vote

I don't know why nobody mentioned this yet, but you can browse Pokemon DB and report any errors you find in this thread or this thread. Additionally, if you like competitive battling, then you can suggest ideas for future tournaments or volunteer to host a tournament.
