Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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What question about Serebii do you want to ask on PokemonDB? Why not go to Serebii?
Any question about Serebii.
Is Serebii a game? No. Is it the anime or TCG? No. Why do you think questions about a different website are allowed when you can go to that site?
Depends on the question I suppose.
The only Serebii-related questions I can think of would be either relating to the information on their database ("Why does Serebii have this minor error listed?"), relating to their history ("When was Serebii created?"), or how it's run ("How many people run Serebii?"), all of which are low-quality and not the kind of content we want to promote.

1 Answer

5 votes

What question about Serebii do you want to ask on PokemonDB? Why not go to Serebii?

Is Serebii a game? No. Is it the anime or TCG? No. Why do you think questions about a different website are allowed when you can go to that site?

The only Serebii-related questions I can think of would be either relating to the information on their database ("Why does Serebii have this minor error listed?"), relating to their history ("When was Serebii created?"), or how it's run ("How many people run Serebii?"), all of which are low-quality and not the kind of content we want to promote.

TL;DR: No, because it’s not directly related to the games/anime/tcg/anything official. If you want to ask something about Serebii, go ask on Serebii. It’s not our problem if you can’t have an account on there or anything.

Source: Just scroll up

This. It doesn't make any sense to ask questions about Serebii here, and I doubt anyone here is qualified to answer :D