Meta-PokéBase Q&A
–12 votes

In that question, the original question the user was asking about is that "Can Oshawott from White 2 be traded to SoulSilver" the answer is NO. Oshawott didn't exist in Gen 4. For some stupid reason this turned into a CRQ with the title "What Games can I transfer my Pokémon to?".

This doesn't make sense that transfering a Pokémon introduced in a future generation be transfered into earlier generations like: "Can I transfer my Sobble from Sword to SM/USUM or LGPE" then the answer is NO. Sobble didn'r exist in those games.

You mods need to pick or create an question that is fitting and functional to any transferring methods. You can't transfer a Pokémon introduced in a future generation to a earlier generation.

Then do better?
This was done a year ago. Does it matter? Absolutely not! The questions are still related, so having a different question for what games you can transfer between and what Pokemon you can and can't transfer would be kind of pointless.
I think the reason this was changed in the first place was because I noticed that there were quite a few questions about this topic, and this was the only one I could find that covered them all, so I brought up that it would be helpful if it was changed to cover the entire topic.
I can guarantee you that there is not a single person who cares about this other than you. It's not a big deal, or any sort of deal at all, for that matter.
How can you do better?
Oh my god my brain hurts reading this
I'm cringing so bad.

1 Answer

3 votes

In that question, the original question the user was asking about is that "Can Oshawott from White 2 be traded to SoulSilver" the answer is NO. Oshawott didn't exist in Gen 4. For some stupid reason this turned into a CRQ with the title "What Games can I transfer my Pokémon to?".

I agree with you that we should have asked a completely new question and used that instead. This is what we've since done for the most recent "common repeat" questions. However, as others mentioned, I don't think this matters very much today.

I removed the two answers on that thread which no longer address what the title says.

This doesn't make sense that transfering a Pokémon introduced in a future generation be transfered into earlier generations like: "Can I transfer my Sobble from Sword to SM/USUM or LGPE" then the answer is NO. Sobble didn'r exist in those games.

I'm not sure what point you're making here. You can see on the flowchart that Sobble can't be transferred from Sword to a Gen 7 game. There are no ingoing arrows from Sw/Sh or Home toward S/M, US/UM, or LGP/E.

Take note that the arrows are one-way; a Pokemon cannot be transferred against the direction of the arrowhead (and where it can be transferred both ways, a second arrow going the opposite direction is included).

You mods need to pick or create an question that is fitting and functional to any transferring methods. You can't transfer a Pokémon introduced in a future generation to a earlier generation.

Can you elaborate further on why the existing answer is insufficient? At what point does the flowchart suggest that a Pokemon introduced in a future generation can be transferred to an earlier generation?

The answer shows that Pokemon in Gen 2 can be transferred backward to Gen 1, but specifically notes that this is only possible "if the Pokemon is present in Gen 1 and it knows only moves present in Gen 1".

The original question was so stupid before it went to CRQ. Pokémon introduced in a future gen cannot be transferred to an earlier gen like I said earlier. I can do a better question than that and leave that question hidden or closed. In my opinion this is (by far) a stupid question to choose and add to the CRQ.

Thanks for answering, Fizz.
Also "There are no ingoing arrows from Sw/Sh or Home toward S/M, US/UM, or LGP/E." that's right. You can't do backwards transferring.

Forgot to mention on my post.
So I've misunderstood, and your problem is actually that the original question, which no longer exists after we changed it, was stupid?
Why do you care? The original question isn't there anymore. It doesn't affect anybody.
If the original question is so stupid, can you explain why so many people ask similar questions about transferring backwards?
Some people aren’t hardcore fans who knows how everything works. Sure, they could’ve tried to look it up and figure it out. But some people don’t have access to other websites and this could be their only way of finding out (just a theoretical example that is true for many users here).

Calling someone stupid isn’t very polite, is it? How would you feel if you were called stupid for not knowing something that is “cOmMoN kNoWlEdGe”?