What are the most effective methods/Pokémon to beat [Trainer] in [Game]?
I think a thread where people can share effective strategies or easily accessible Pokemon that can handle a gym leader, rival battle, team leader, or any other main-story fight with little to no issues would serve as not only a helpful thread, but also one that could lead to plenty of variation. Advice can range from things like specific Pokemon that can practically solo the battle (e.g. Using a repel trick in Diglett Cave can net you a Dugtrio that can solo Lt. Surge in FrLg), opportunities to setup (e.g. Wallace/Juan's Luvdisc can't do much against Female Pokemon, leaving you free to spam setup moves), or actions by the AI that can be used to your advantage (e.g. Crasher Wake will switch out his Gyarados for Quagsire when against Electric Pokemon).
I'm not entirely sure on rules, but I think something along the lines of this could be considered:
- The main premise should be that any strategy shared should serve as more effective than simply leveling up your team to a higher level (so dedicating time to training all new Pokemon or piecing together a new team of Pokemon is ineffective)
- General advice that could apply to any other battle (i.e. using the box art legendary or spamming healing items) should be avoided, although a separate thread could be included for it.
- Full on teams for a single trainer battle shouldn't be shared, as not only should they be on
instead, but as stated earlier, are largely ineffective.
Its been a month since I've suggested this, and to draw back discussion to it, I thought it'd be appropriate if I made a hypothetical template for it to see what would and wouldn't work. I tried to make it akin to that of Amethyst's thread here, as well as the in-game team series questions, since they seemed like a good spot to go off of. Though, I'm not entirely sure how we'd handle certain things, which are the following:
- I mentioned this in the comments already, but would it make sense for the E4 and Champion fights to be paired together, or no? Though someone is more likely to, say, have trouble fighting Cynthia than the Sinnoh League as a whole, as all five of them are fought consecutively, I'm not all too sure if they should have separate threads or not.
- For trainers with slight team variations at the same point of the story, such as how your rivals, Leon, or Clavell have different Pokémon depending on your starter choice, would answers have to account for all versions of their teams, or just specify one to cover in particular?
- For games like Ruby/Sapphire and Emerald or Diamond/Pearl and Platinum, are things like their teams and Pokémon accessibility different enough to justify the same trainers in each game getting their own thread for each, or no?
- How would we handle trainers (such as rivals and team leaders) with different teams depending on what point of the story they're in? If they get different threads for each of their teams, how would we differentiate them on the question?
Regardless, here's a template centered around Cynthia's Platinum fight. I think the images are a nice addition to quickly identify the trainer's team visually, though if unnecessary or tedious to change, they can be gotten rid of. Any feedback's appreciated!
Share your best strategies and Pokémon for beating Champion Cynthia in Pokémon Platinum on this thread! This thread is intended for providing those struggling to beat this battle with advice or Pokémon that would otherwise help them win.
Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:
- If suggesting Pokémon to use in battle, please provide a recommended moveset and, ideally, the method of obtaining the respective Pokémon mentioned.
- When suggesting specific Pokémon, you can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary unless otherwise stated.
- When suggesting applicable strategies to use, elaborate on what Pokémon would otherwise benefit from these strategies, as to provide their practical use.
Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your strategies/Pokémon:
- Any strategy or Pokémon suggested should be effective, quick to obtain, and/or more reliable than simply overleveling your Pokémon. This is a general rule of thumb to avoid otherwise unhelpful methods
- General advice that would apply for any battle would be better suited here or here
- Avoid suggesting an entire team of Pokémon; full in-game teams should instead be shared here
- If you recommend a Pokémon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokémon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
- Do not recommend Pokémon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokémon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.