Meta-PokéBase Q&A
4 votes


Hello and welcome once again to the most recent instalment of DB's quarterly competitive tournaments! Today I bring you Draco Magnis' Pokémon Trainer Tournament, which, I hope, would let us have the pleasure of playing like the trainers across the regions.


  • All battles must be played in regular Gen 8 National Dex.
  • You need to pick a trainer from the games or anime, between Gen 1 to 8, and you make a team using ONLY the Pokémon which the trainer uses. Ash Ketchum is banned, i.e. you can't pick Ash Ketchum as your trainer. Eligible trainer picks are as follows:

    • Trainers from the games or anime (which appear between Gen 1 to 8).
    • Pokémon trainers from the manga (Pokémon Adventures) are not allowed, i.e. any trainer which has their appearance only in the manga are banned.
    • Pokémon trainers from the Battle Tree are allowed.
  • You can use a Pokémon if the same trainer used them in a different game, for example, in remakes or The Pokemon World Tournament in B2W2.
  • You need to cite a source that has the team of the trainer of your choice! No random teams are allowed. Please attach a Bulbapedia (or any other website) link which confirms your team at the starting or end of your battle.
  • You can make your own sets. It is not mandatory to use the movesets, nature or item which the trainer used.
  • If a trainer has used less than 6 Pokémon in all their appearances, you can only use the Pokémon that the trainer has used.
  • You can Mega Evolve Pokemon even if their trainers did not Mega Evolve them


  • Try to play all battles on the official PokéBase Showdown! server.
  • Standard Smogon battle clauses and National Dex clauses apply.
  • The tournament would be single-elimination, best of one.
  • Ghosting is strictly prohibited. Ghosting is defined as giving any piece of advice to someone playing a game. Spectators may not influence a player's decisions, nor can players accept outside help during a battle.
  • You are not required to have the same team and trainer throughout the tournament; you may change your trainer and team between matches if you desire to.
  • Agreements are allowed. For example, if you want to ban Heatran, and if your opponent agrees, you can play without it. Try to agree only if you're sure about it, as breaking agreements is frowned upon.
  • Replays should be always be saved. Play on SmogTours if you feel that your memory might deceive you.


Please read the guidelines for playing in tournaments before signing up!

For those interested in signing up, please post an answer below. Your answer should include your Pokemon Showdown username, your time zone, and what hours and days you will be available to battle normally. Remember that GMT-based time zones are different during daylight savings time! It would also be recommended to use a time zone converter for scheduling battles.

Here's an example of how to signup:

Showdown! Username: destiny
Time Zone: IST (GMT +5.5)
Availability: 10 am to 5 pm weekdays, 9 am to 7 pm weekends

Sign-ups will close on Monday, April 4th at 11:59 PM IST, and first-round match-ups will be posted within 48 hours of closing.

Post on my wall or Discord DM me if you have any queries about anything. Good luck, and most importantly, have fun.

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Do I have to say which Trainer I'm using in my signup?
No, you can choose whatever you like and can change it between rounds, too.
Just making sure, but if I choose Wally for instance, I can use his Battle Tree Pokémon along with Pokémon he used in ORAS?
Yeah, you can -- you're not obliged to use the same Pokémon from a single instance as your team. You can choose anything from every appearance of the trainer.
Sitting out on this one because I've been pretty busy lately, but good luck to everyone participating!
Are you allowed to use different EVs than the trainer?
Of course, you don't need to copy anything related to the trainer's sets, only the Pokémon are to be the same.

11 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

Congratulations to Carnelian for winning the tournament! Thank you to every participant for showing enthusiasm throughout the tournament.




Round Two

Round One

With another tournament ending, the tournament host signups for the next Pokébase tournament are now open. If you would like to host the next tournament, leave a comment on this answer saying you’d like to host. The requirement for hosting is having scheduled and played one tournament battle before. Once sumwun or any Moderator approves you, it would be your responsibility to host the next tournament.

Please make sure to read the hosting guide before asking to host.

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You're welcome
0 votes

Showdown Username: AGCL6 Swas
Time Zone: IST (GMT +5.5)
Availability: 10am to 5pm weekdays, 9am to 7pm weekends
Further Bans: None

I'm on now
That was before 6 PM. You still on?
Yeah, I'm on.  And my bad, I realized it after commenting lol
Get on normal PS!, DB one doesn't work for me.
I'm on.
0 votes

Showdown! Username: Destinyation
Time Zone: IST (GMT +5.5)
Availability: 1am to 3am all nights

0 votes

Username: HunterBear4
Timezone: EST (GMT-5)
Avalibility: Sunday, 8:00 AM-5:00 PM

hey, can you play at sunday 8 am your time? cause that is the only time where i am available, thanks!
That sounds good.
The DB Showdown Server or the main one?
omg i forgot about it :(
im so sorry. you could take the win, as i dont have anymore free time.
again, so sorry :(
0 votes

Showdown! Username: Jhnfui
Time zone: EST (GMT -5)
Availability: Usually between 5pm and 9pm on Weekdays. 7am to 12am along with 5pm to 9pm on weekends.

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0 votes

Showdown! Username: XScipio
Time Zone: EST (GMT -5)
Availability: Varies. Shoot me a message and I'll try to respond as soon as I can.

0 votes

Showdown! Username: QuagTheMan
Time Zone: EST (GMT -5)
Availability: 4-7 PM on practically any day of the week

Hi! When do you think you'll be able to battle?
0 votes

Showdown! Username: Hoennseptile
Time Zone: IST (GMT +5.5)
Availability: my evenings

Hello, I'm online on the main Showdown! server if you're ready to battle. DB server isn't working for me.
0 votes

Showdown! Username: DistortedPearl
Time Zone: EST (GMT -5)
Availability: Varies. Post on my wall or comment on this answer and I'll get back to you.

Hello we're matched up when do you want to play? Can you do like around 9 pm your time?
Sure, I can play at 9 p.m. tomorrow, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Oh okay cool let's do Saturday 9 pm then!
Sounds good! See you then!
Oh wait my bad your Saturday is my Sunday morning unfortunately I can't that time can you do Friday same time?
(Sorry about this)
No worries, I can do Friday
0 votes

Showdown username: chesta adabi b / Abimaster300 (put 2 accounts because at some situation i need to use one of them, if you get what im saying)
Timezone: WIB (GMT +7 indonesia)
Availability: usually free in the weekend, saturday 12.00-20.00 and sunday 10.00-20.00

0 votes

Showdown! Username: KitkatKK2
Timezone: MDT (GMT -6)
Availibility: 4-7 PM on weekdays, 10AM-7PM on weekends

I'm available today until 7pm your time.  I can also battle tomorrow from 4pm to 7pm your time.