Hey gamers, might as well drop my Polteageist set. Say hello to Utili-Tea!
Format: Gen 8 UU. You can use it wherever, but loads of Pokemon beat it in OU. Feel free to rate it in gen 8 OU if you want.

Polteageist @ Leftovers
Ability: Cursed Body
EVs: 252 HP/ 4 Def/ 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Will-O-Wisp
- Strength Sap
- Aromatherapy
- Hex/Shadow Ball/Foul Play.
This set is mostly outclassed by Galarian Corsola. However, Polteageist has a few tricks up its spout in the form of a higher special attack and access to various other useful moves.
Explanation: Will-O-Wisp and Strength Sap are used to cripple opposing physical attackers, with sap . Aromatherapy is a great support move to remove your sides status conditions, making your team harder to take down. Hex does double damage when your opponent is inflicted by your burns, while shadow ball will be more reliable if your opponent isn't burned for whatever reason. I'm not sure if Foul Play is affected by Burn and Strength Sap, but if it isn't then it's a great option. For the ev's, Max HP and Special Defense allow it to tank lots of hits.
Counters: Basically every Knock Off or Super Effective physical attack will cripple it, as its defense is rather lacking. Most physical priority is also a hazard as Polteageist has a bad defense stat and you wouldn't have crippled them yet.
Alternatives: Weak Armour can raise your speed, allowing you to fire off your utility moves first. However, the defense drop probably isn't worth it. You could run max defense, but I prefer max special defense as you will be weakening physical attackers anyway. For its moveset, Dual Screens and Memento are options.
I'm sorry if the image isn't right btw.