PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Fizz (page 17)

Thank you for your thoughtful response! I agree that reducing the pool of RMTs is helpful.

Is there also an "expiration" date to forum posts on the RMT section? The oldest question is from as early as 2011, and I do not think that they would get a response anytime soon.

I also wonder if some of the questions remain unanswered because some of the topics or tiers are relatively esoteric, such as these posts (selected randomly from a first glance):
as they require relatively specialized knowledge of those tiers.

If you would like any help with generating or curating any content for teambuilding, I'd also be more than happy to contribute!
May 15, 2023 by MechSteelix
Hey Fizz! I wanted to ask you about the state of the RMT since I think you're probably best equipped to handle this.

Since the list of RMTs seems to be never-ending, could we have roles for people who do write up answers to RMTs regularly? I think we could still make it so anyone can freely contribute, but hopefully having community experts could reduce the massive backlog of RMT pages.

I am also very unaware of any current efforts to clean up the RMT stuff, but I would love to hear them!
May 15, 2023 by MechSteelix
Where is the page moveset searchers for HM's?
May 11, 2023 by Hórus
top 8 people I’d never want to annoy:
#1 fizz
#2 I think it’d be pretty scary
#3 honestly
May 9, 2023 by cranpper
I plan on rating this team, but Ice Monotype in Gen 7 isn't exactly what I'd call beginner friendly. Should I make a note in an answer saying that Ice isn't a beginner friendly type, but OP can use it and say that it is something for OP to keep in mind?
May 5, 2023 by -RisingManectric-
rap battle
Apr 29, 2023 by Hellfire Taco
UwU senpai
Apr 28, 2023 by ~Silver~
Ah makes sense.
Apr 28, 2023 by -RisingManectric-
I'm curious, why do you edit things into comments that end up being hidden?
Apr 27, 2023 by -RisingManectric-
This is important, critical even
Apr 26, 2023 by Felix⠀