Role: Offensive Utility

Master (Armaldo)@ Lum Berry / Life Orb
Ability: Battle Armor
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Rock Blast / Stone Edge
- Knock Off / Stealth Rock
- Earthquake / Aqua Tail
Armaldo's niche in NU and PU is that it has access to Rapid Spin, making it one of the few viable Spinners. With access to both Stealth Rock and Rapid Spin, you could call Armaldo, the Excadrill of PU.
Rock Blast is used for dealing with Focus Sash users, but Stone Edge can also be used for more reliable power.
Knock Off can be used to get rid of opposing Pokemon's items. On the other hand, Stealth Rocks is a good entry hazard if you don't have an SR setter.
Earthquake deals with Rock-types and Steel-types that Armaldo would struggle against. Aqua Tail helps deal with Rock-types and Ground-types, which Armaldo also struggles with. It's your choice.
(Note: Lum Berry can be used to absorb major Statuses, such as Burn, Toxic, and more. This is important because it allows him to take a Toxic Status from Toxic Spikes and Rapid Spin them away. For this reason, Lum Berry allows him to beat T-Spikes users, such as Roselia and Garbador. Life Orb can also be used for extra-power and you should only use it if you have a cleric / heal bell user on your team.)