PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
42 votes

Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon X and Y on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You may use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

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83 Answers

1 vote

Ok so this is my first in-game team answer I'm posting so here goes nothing.

Chesnaught @Miracle Seed


Ability: Overgrow

  • Earthquake - coverage [Route 22]

  • Hammer Arm / Brick Break - STAB [Lvl. 60 / Terminus Cave]

  • Wood Hammer / Seed Bomb - STAB [Lvl. 55 / lvl. 35 (as a Quilladin)]

  • Stone Edge - coverage [Frost Cavern]

Chesnaught is a very bulky Pokemon with many resistances and great Attack and Defense. It has access to moves like Wood Hammer, Stone Edge, and Hammer Arm, and it's Spiky Shield hurts those who try to use a contact move.

Charizard @Charizardite X / Y


Ability: Blaze

  • Fly - STAB [Coumarine City]

  • Flamethrower - STAB [Lvl. 47]

  • Brick Break - coverage [Terminus Cave]

  • Dragon Claw (X) / Solar Beam (Y) [Victory Road / Route 21, requires Strength]

Charizard has solid Special Attack and Speed, making it a nice Pokemon to have around. It has access too the amazing Flamethrower, Fly which helps you outside of battle too, and many other moves that can deal with its weaknesses.

Barbaracle @Mystic Water


Ability: Tough Claws

  • Razor Shell - STAB [Lvl. 48]

  • Stone Edge - STAB [Lvl. 60]

  • Cross Chop - strong move [Lvl. 55]

  • Poison Jab - coverage [Shalour City ($10,000)]

Barbaracle has pretty good Attack and Defense. It has strong moves like Razor Shell, Stone Edge, and Poison Jab. It has nice Defenses with 72 / 115 / 86.

Aegislash @Leftovers


Ability: Stance Change

  • King's Shield [Move Reminder]

  • Shadow Claw - STAB [Glittering Cave]

  • Iron Head - STAB [Move Reminder]

  • Sacred Sword - coverage [Move Reminder]

King Shield is for protecting for one turn and if they attack with contact with Aegislash then they're attack is lowered harshly. Iron Head and Shadow Claw are STAB. Sacred Sword is coverage.

Scolipede @Black Sludge


Ability: Poison Point

  • Megahorn - STAB [Lvl. 65]

  • Double-Edge - strong move [Lvl. 55]

  • Poison Jab - STAB [Shalour City ($10,000)]

  • Earthquake - coverage [Route 22]

Poison Jab and Megahorn is STAB, E-quake is coverage, and D-Edge is just a strong move to have. Scolipede is a fast Pokemon and it's great to handle the new Fairy types.

Gardevoir @Gardevoirite


Ability: Trace

  • Calm Mind [Lvl. 33]

  • Psychic - STAB [Lvl. 40]

  • Moonblast / Dazzling Gleam - STAB [Lvl. 85 / Sixth Gym Badge]

  • Shadow Ball - coverage [Terminus Cave]

Gardevoir is amazing with it's brilliant Special Attack, solid Special Defense, and respectable Speed. The moveset is self-explanitory. Either STAB, set-up, or coverage.

Honestly I think this is a solid team (Obviously I think that if I'm posting it). It has no type overlaps, and it resists a total of 17 types, almost all types.

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1 vote

Greninja team:

Ability: Torrent

Surf (Shalour City - From Calem/Serena)
Ice Beam (Snowbelle City Gym)
Dark Pulse (Route 16)
Double Team (lv 52)

Surf to get around on and it's very powerful, Ice Beam to help against dragon types, Dark Pulse is one of the strongest dark type moves Greninja can get with a 20% chance of causing the target to flinch and double team increases the user's evasion by one stage.

Ability: Flame Body

Fly (Coumarine City - From Professor Sycamore)
Flamethrower (Anistar City Pokémon Center in the afternoon)
Steel Wing (lv 60)
Brave Bird/Roost (lv 64/lv 25 as a fletchlinder)

Fly to get around on, Flamethrower for a strong fire type move without recoil and has a 10% chance of burning the target, Steel Wing for coverage and has a 10% chance of raising the user's Defense by one stage and either brave bird for a hard hitting flying move or roost to heal.

Ability: Overgrow

Petal Dance (lv 32)
Sludge Bomb (Route 19)
Synthesis (lv 45)
Sleep Powder (lv 13 as a Bulbasaur)

Petal Dance for a hard hitting grass type move, Sludge Bomb for an amazing poison attack and has a 30% chance of poisoning the target, Synthesis to heal up Venusaur and Sleep Powder puts the target to sleep.

Meowstic (male):
Ability: Keen eye

Psychic (lv 40)
Thunderbolt (Lumiose City Gym)
Shadow Ball (Terminus Cave)
Light Screen (lv 13 as a Espurr)

Psychic is Meowstic's best psychic type move and has a 10% chance of lowering the target's Special Defense by one stage, Thunderbolt to battle Gyarados's with also a 10% chance to paralyze non electric Pokemon, Shadow ball for psychic coverage and has a 20% chance of lowering the target's Special Defense by one stage and Light Screen raises the teams special defense.

Ability: Strong Jaw

Dragon Claw (lv 37 as a Tyrunt)
Earthquake (lv 47)
Crunch (lv 34 as a Tyrunt)
Stealth Rock (lv 15 as a Tyrunt)

Dragon claw is the strongest dragon type move Tyrantrum can learn and has no side effects, Earthquake is the strongest ground type move it can learn, Crunch is the strongest dark type move Tyrantrum can learn and has a 20% chance of lowering the target's Special Defense stat by one stage and Stealth Rock sets an entry hazard around the target Pokémon. Pokémon on the target's field receive damage upon switching in.

Ability: Steafast

Aura Sphere (lv 42)
Dragon Pulse (lv 60)
Bone Rush (on lucario when you receive it)
Extreme Speed (lv 65)

The fact the game gives you a free Lucario is one of the craziest things I've ever seen. Lucario is one of the best Pokemon you can ever use and it completely wrecks through Kalos as a mixed attacker. Aura Sphere is a fantastic fighting move with no side effects and bypasses accuracy drops, Dragon Pulse and Bone Club for move diversity and Extreme Speed to finish off opponents.

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1 vote

I did a nuzlocke of Pokemon Y, but Instead of Gardevoir I used Granbull. I thought it would be better for a normal team if I used Gardevoir, so I replaced that. Also the names are Ninja(Greninja), Blackout (Krookodile), Dominus (Charizard), Blake (Tyrantrum), Lubbul (Granbull), Aria (Lucario). Here's my team:
Greninja @Splash Plate
Ability: Torrent (use Protean if you got it)
-Dark Pulse
-Water Shuriken/Water Pledge
Surf is good STAB and is an HM. Dark Pulse is also STAB and good. Substitute is useful for stalling and healing at low HP. Water Shuriken can be replaced, but I thought that priority is good. Only use Water Pledge if you use Fire Pledge on Charizard.

Krookodile @Soft Sand
Ability: Moxie
-Foul Play/Toxic
-Scary Face/Rock Slide

I know it is another dark type, but you get it super early and it is immediately useful (against the 2nd gym). Earthquake and Crunch are STAB. Foul Play can be useful, but Toxic is good coverage. Scary face can be useful sometimes. Rock Slide is there because I don't know what else to put.

Charizard @Charizardite Y
Ability: Blaze (Drought when Mega)
-Flamethrower/Flame Burst
-Fire Pledge/ U-turn
-Solar Beam
Flamethrower is STAB as well as Flame burst, but Flame Burst is weaker and hits all enemy Pokemon in a double battle. Fly is STAB and useful. Fire Pledge is only useful with water pledge on Greninja. U-turn is bug coverage and good for switching. Solar Beam is incredible because of drought, great coverage and high base damage.

Tyrantrum @King's Rock
Ability: Strong Jaw
-Rock Tomb/Rock Slide
-Dragon Claw
-Head Smash/Draco Meteor

Rock Tomb and Rock Slide are very similar, the best rock moves you can probably get. Dragon Claw is STAB. Crunch might be unnecessary coverage, as I have two dark types but could be useful, Thrash is just strong, Head Smash is also strong but unreliable, and Draco Meteor could be good, but annoying to get and also late game.

Gardevoir @Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
-Moonblast/Dazzling Gleam
-Calm Mind

Moonblast is good and Dazzling Gleam just hits multiple targets. Psychic is STAB and powerful. Thunderbolt is necessary coverage (had it on Granbull). Calm Mind is a really good Boosting move for it.

Lucario @Lucarionite
Ability: Steadfast
-Aura Sphere
-Metal Claw/Extreme Speed
-Swords Dance/Calm Mind
-Dragon Pulse/ Power-up Punch

Aura Sphere is STAB. Metal Claw is the only steel type attacking move it learns before the League. Extreme Speed is good priority. Swords Dance is good boosting move and can be replaced for free if you get the TM. Calm Mind if you use only special because Lucario's Special stats are good. Dragon Pulse was selected out of the rest of the moves. Power-up Punch is good at the start of battles to start sweeping.

Overall, I think that this team is good. I tried to make all Pokemon dual typed to get more STAB use out of them. The movesets were hard to pick sometimes, but I tried to make them the best. I needed some more coverage moves like Bug and and Ghost moves. Charizard X is also good, and can learn many moves like Flare Blitz, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Shadow Claw, etc. I hope you enjoyed my team.

1 vote

This is the team I used for my playthrough of X back in like 2017-2018. It has worked quite well for me and therefore I think it will work well for everyone else, if they know what you are doing. Natures do not really matter unless you want them to.

Greninja @ Mystic Water/Black Glasses
Ability: Torrent
- Surf (HM)
- Dark Pulse (TM)
- Water Shruiken (level up)/Waterfall (HM)
- Ice Beam (TM)

Your primary starter that you get at the beginning of the game. The Surf HM is basically a necessity, plus you get that sweet STAB bonus with it too. Dark Pulse is a powerful Dark type move that takes advantage of Greninja's relatively high Special Attack stat. People often overlook the potential that Water Shruiken have, which can be extra useful for those Pokémon you encounter with Sturdy. Ice Beam is great coverage against any Grass types, although the downside is that you get it pretty late game, but nevertheless, this is a solid first Pokémon. However you can replace Water Shruiken with Waterfall as you wish. I'll let you pick.

Talonflame @ No item
Ability: Flame Body
- Flamethrower (TM)
- Fly (HM)
- Acrobatics (TM)
- Swords Dance (TM)

Your early game bird that also acts as your Fire type for this playthrough. Flamethrower is an absolute must in any Fire type Pokemon, and Fly is an absolute must in any early game bird Pokémon. Swords Dance boosts your attack by 2x, and when paired with no item 110 power Acrobatics, it is sure to knock out 90% of the Pokemon you come across with ease.

Venusaur/Mega Venusaur @ Venusaurite
Ability: Overgrow
- Cut (HM)
- Sludge Bomb (TM)
- Energy Ball (TM)
- Synthesis (Level up)

Your secondary 'starter' you get just after your first gym. Cut is an HM , and then we got the two main moves, Sludge Bomb and Energy Ball. Both moves are STAB and take advantage of Venusaur's decent Special Attack stat, especially when it is Mega Evolved. Synthesis is for healing that might help you get out of sticky situations.

Tyrantrum @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Strong Jaw
- Crunch (Level Up)
- Stone Edge (TM)
- Strength (HM)
- Dragon Claw (TM)

This Pokémon has a great Attack stat, and there is no way I'm letting it go to waste. Dragon Claw and Stone Edge are STAB moves that takes advantage of Tyrantrum's Attack stat, (though the latter move may cause an issue due to accuracy) and then Crunch takes advantage of Tyrantrum's ability on top of the Attack stat, and then there's Strength. A HM. That's all.

Gardevoir @ Twisted Spoon
Ability: Trace/Synchronize
- Shadow Ball (TM)
- Psychic (Level Up)
- Moonblast (Level Up)
- Thunderbolt (TM)

A heavy hitter when it comes to Special Attack. Psychic and Moonblast are powerful special STAB moves and are a must-have on any Psychic or Fairy type respectively. Shadow Ball provides coverage against Ghost types (which Gardevoir is weak to) and as a filler move plus a useful fallback, we got Thunderbolt, a great Electric type move if the other Pokémon won't cut it. Shame that we don't get the Gardevoirite until after you beat the Champion. It would have made this Pokémon much more powerful.

Lucario/Mega Lucario @ Lucarionite
Ability: Steadfast
- Swords Dance (level up)
- Earthquake (TM)
- Brick Break (TM)
- Metal Claw (level up)

Heavy hitter in both Attack and Special Attack, though it is a shame that we don't get any good Steel type moves until the post-game. Anyways, Swords Dance boosts Lucario's already high Attack just in case you need that extra oomph. Brick Break and Metal Claw are STAB that uses the Attack stat, and Earthquake is a must-have that provides coverage against Fire types.

Honorable mentions: Aegislash, Xerneas/Yveltal, Aurorus and the other starters if you choose those.

Good lord, I use way too many TMs.

0 votes

My copy of x just came in, and I'm planning on getting the following team.
I'm using movesets from comments above. Please rate my team or help make it better, that's partly why I'm posting it.

Chesnaught @ Miracle seed
Ability: Overgrow
- Rock Slide
- Seed Bomb
- Bulk Up
- Brick Break

Your starter, looking cool. Isn't used much, but I like him.
It's really weak against flying, so that explains Rock Slide. Seed Bomb is STAB, and doesn't have recoil like Wood Hammer. Bulk up raises attack and defence stats. Brick Break is also STAB and it breaks screens.

Blastoise @ Blastoisinite
Ability: Torrent
- Surf
- Hydro cannon
- Rain Dance
- Skull Bash

A water type to save Chesnaught from fire. Also a great kanto starter.
You just need surf, that's the only reason it's in. Hydro cannon is a great water move, and Rain Dance even helps it. Skull Bash for a good normal type move.

Gardevoir @ Gardevoirite
Ability: Trace
- Psychic
- Moon Blast
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt

This is your special attacker/sweeper. Of course Gardevoir also has a mega evolution.
I don't think the moves need much explanation, just your special moves that fit Gardevoir perfectly. And yes, I know, it's very offensive.

Aegislash @ ???
Ability: No Guard
- Shadow Claw
- Iron Head
- Sacred Sword
- King's Shield

I know that it's being used very much, but it's just a great Pokemon!
Shadow Claw and Iron Head are STAB moves. Sacred Sword helps against the steel type's that resist Iron Head, and King's Shield is a brilliant defensive move. Also lowers the opponent's attack.

Talonflame @ NO ITEM
Ability: Flame Body
- Fly
- Acrobatics
- Flamethrower
- Solar Beam/Overheat

It's not being used much, but I needed a flying type. You can get it early, and without an item acrobatics is pretty powerfull.
Flamethrower is your STAB move. It's really weak against rock types, so you could use Solar Beam to cover that up. If you want to use Blastoise for the rock types, you can also learn it another strong fire type move like overheat.

Tyrantrum @ ???
Ability: Strong Jaw
- Earthquake
- Giga Impact
- Stone Edge
- Dragon Claw

I guess you could call this a sweeper, but it's more a filler actually. Look nice and is a dragon type. Earthquake is just an amazing move, and Giga Impact is very strong. Stone Edge and Dragon Claw are STAB moves.

That's it! Sorry for any mistakes in my English, it's not my first language.
If you have any comments, please let me know.

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I have the same set on my Blastoise
talonflame could hold a flying gem, acrobatics still works awsomly
Flying Gem is unrealesed
0 votes

Hey how about this team, Pokemon X.
Charizard @ Charizardite X
Ability: Blaze -> Tough Claws

  • Fly
  • Flare blitz/Flamethrower
  • Dragon Claw
  • Earthquake

Flare blitz can be killer with Mega charizard X but if you don’t like the recoil flamethrower is good.
Fly will work good, Dragon Claw has STAB. Tough Claws will work wonders with this moveset.

Gardevoir @ Gardevoirite

  • Psychic
  • Thunderbolt
  • Hyper Beam
  • Shadow Ball

As Gardevoir has a high special attack, you can also use it as a Thunder Pokemon. Hyper Beam as Mega Gardevoir has Pixilate so 190 power Fairy type move!!! Shadow ball to eliminate ghost weakness. Psychic as its best STAB move.

Tyrantrum @ N/A
Ability: Strong Jaw

  • Dragon Claw
  • Earthquake/Crunch
  • Stone edge
  • Thunder fang

Dragon Claw and Stone edge STAB. Earthquake generally a good and useful move. Thunder Fang to eliminate weakness and to use ability. Crunch can be used as it will successfully use its ability Strong Jaw.

Aegislash @ N/A

  • King's shield
  • Swords dance
  • Iron head
  • Shadow sneak

Iron head STAB and to eliminate fairies. Kings shield as basic. Swords dance and shadow sneak work good with it.

Lucario @ N/A
Ability: Inner Focus

  • Close combat/Aura sphere
  • Thunder punch
  • Ice punch
  • Extreme Speed

First is STAB. Thunder punch and Ice punch good for all types. Extreme Speed is very useful.

Greninja @ N/A
Ability: Protean

  • Extrasensory
  • Surf/Water shuriken
  • Dark Pulse/Night slash
  • Ice Beam
    Extrasensory to eliminate fighting. Surf, or Water Shuriken whichever suits you. Dark pulse or Night Slash. Ice beam for grass Pokemon.
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You can give lucarionite to Lucario
0 votes

Here is a team that I think would be very effective

Chesnaught (Grass/Fighting)
enter image description here
Overgrow Ability
- Bulk Up/Swords Dance
- Hammer Arm
- Seed Bomb
- Strength

Chesnaught is a great starter for beginning players due to the fighting type which can hit five different types for super effective damage. Swords Dance is for raising attack to insane levels or you could use Bulk Up to be on the safe side with a Defense and Attack Boost. Hammer Arm is a great fighting stab that Chesnaught can pull off anyways due to its mediocre speed. Seed Bomb hits bulky water types for a good amount of damage and Strength is there for an HM move. Also it can use fighting moves to hit its weakness, Ice. It can do great against Siebold, the water elite four and other gyms such as Rock and Electric.

via Route 8
enter image description here
Intimidate Ability
- Dragon Claw
- Flamethrower/Fire Blast
- Earthquake/Crunch (Until Earthquake TM is obtained is available when it is found in Route 22)
- Fly

Salamence is a great choice early on in the game due to its insane power. You can get it on Route 8 right outside or the Zubat Roost. Dragon Claw hits for a hard stab move only resisted by Steel and Fairy. Flamethrower is accurate and has more PP but Fire Blast hits harder. Lets say a fire type comes in on Chesnaught, you would switch to Salamence, resist the hit and then Earthquake it. Fly is just there to get around on your awesome Dragon and as a HM move. Salamence does well against the Grass and Gsychic gyms(You'll probably have Crunch because you get Earthquake late in-game).

via Lost Hotel Tuesdays in Trash Can
enter image description here
Levitate Ability
Volt Switch
Shadow Ball

Rotom-H while getting fairly late (after sixth gym) it is a great Pokemon with great typing. Overheat is the only damaging fire move it gets but great for hitting Ice types that bother Chesnaught and Salamence. Volt Switch is to get off the field to clear the SpA drop from Overheat. Thunderbolt is a good STAB move that can hit Water types or you can Volt Switch to keep it safe. Lastly, Shadow Ball is a good coverage move when facing Ghost and Psychic types. Rotom-H does well against all the gym leaders it has to face, Psychic and Ice as well as Siebold.

Crawdaunt(Water/Dark) @ Mystic Water
via Good Rod/Super Rod Route 3
enter image description here
Hyper Cutter/Shell Armor
- Dragon Dance/ Swords Dance
- Crabhammer
- Crunch
- Surf

I bet you're wondering about this choice and why I didn't pick Mega Blastoise or something. The reason is Dragon Dance. If you can manage to breed for a Corphish to get dragon dance its the best link to the team. If not a jolly swords dance will do just as fine. Crawdaunt can OHKO any Pokemon in the Elite Four (except for Wikstrom's Probopass because of Sturdy). You can get it right before the 5th gym and it does superb against the Psychic gym. Surf for HM move.

Vivillon(Bug/Flying) @ Silver Powder/Sharp Beak
via Route 2
enter image description here
Compound Eyes Ability
- Sleep Powder
- Quiver Dance
- Hurricane
- Bug Buzz

Warning, only use this with the ability compound eyes otherwise Hurricane will miss a lot. Vivillon is great because it gets a free setup with Sleep powder and Quiver Dance, than hit accordingly with an accuracy-boosted Hurricane or Bug Buzz stab. It does well against the Fighting, Grass, and Psychic gyms. Also you can get it on the first route in the game making it very useful and its fully evolved at level 12.

Gengar(Ghost/Poison) @ Gengarite
via Route 14
enter image description here
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Bomb
- Dazzling Gleam
- Focus Blast

Basically if you want to use an all out SpA monster, Mega Gengar is your man. It has access to Dazzling Gleam to hit Dark types and Focus Blast to hit Steel types and 2 useful stab moves. It's impossible to stop (except Mega Mawile but no trainer in the game uses it), especially with a base 170 Special Attack Stat. You get it right before the Fairy gym just when you need it but don't start it in battle due to the Mawile, use Rotom-H instead. It does well against the Fairy and psychic gyms. Also if you can't trade just use Haunter, it still has a base 115 Spa stat.

So yeah this is my team I recommend its got pretty good type coverage. You will have trouble against Grant's Amaura so catch a wild Hawlucha to help you there. Also there are 3 members weak to ice so against Wulfric, send out Rotom-H and use Overheat on Abomasnow, switch to Crawdaunt because Cryogonal has low HP and Def so you can Crunch it, than switch back to Rotom-H to one-shot Avalugg with Overheat again.

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0 votes

Chesnaught @ Black Belt
Ability: Overgrow

  • Spiky Shield
  • Seed Bomb
  • Low Sweep
  • Dragon Claw

The "Knight" of the three starters.

I kept Low Sweep and gave Chesnaught a Black Belt for extra damage. Spiky Shield protects from most attacks (good for Sucker Punch blocking). Seed Bomb is a powerful Grass-Type attack, besides the STAB bonus. Sadly, Chesnaught cannot learn Leaf Blade in any possible way, so Seed Bomb is the best you can do. Dragon Claw is good for pretty much everything (except Fairy).

Chesnaught has good defense and great attack, and decent speed. Only thing it can't do much against with this moveset is Fairy.

Weaknesses: Flying, Psychic, Fire, Ice, Poison, Fairy
Resists: Water, Electric, Grass, Ground, Rock, Dark

Malamar @ Scope Lens
Ability - Contrary

  • Psycho Cut
  • Night Slash
  • Thunderbolt
  • Superpower

Psycho Cut and Night Slash's increased critical hit rate along with the Scope Lens help take down anything, and Malamar's high Attack and Defense continue to increase damage. Thunderbolt is the only special attack in the moveset, but Malamar's decent Sp. Attack can make those Thunderbolts HURT. With Malamar's ability Contrary, Superpower instead increases Attack and Defense, not lower. Malamar's higher than average speed can take down most near-level opponents quickly.

Malamar would be harder to work with if not for its typing. It has few weaknesses, but no resistances. My Malamar with this moveset took down half of Diantha's team in OHKO's.

Weaknesses: Bug, Fairy
Immune: Psychic

Talonflame @ None/Rocky Helmet
Ability: Flame Body

  • Flamethrower
  • Steel Wing/Roost
  • Fly
  • Acrobatics/Brave Bird

Flamethrower is a good Fire-Type move, and good for damage and speed. Fly is a two-turn move, and is HM-taught. Acrobatics is good for the No-Item moveset, along with Steel Wing. Steel Wing has lower damage, but does double-damage to Ice and Rock types, and Rock does increased damage on Talonflame. If you go with Brave Bird, you could go either way and take Steel Wing or Roost. Roost heals for half of Talonflame's max HP, and loses its Flying-Typing for the rest of the turn, making Rock do less damage and have Ice be a resistance.

Talonflame is good for any team, really but it depends on how you play.

Weaknesses: Rock, Electric, Water
Resists: Grass, Fighting, Bug, Steel, Fairy, Fire

Aigislash @ Leftovers
Ability: Stance Change

  • Sacred Sword
  • Night Slash
  • Iron Head
  • King's Shield

Sacred Sword's Fighting type is odd for a Ghost-type, but it bypasses all stat changes and hits for good damage. Night Slash hits for decent damage, and attacks with high Crit. chance. Iron Head is one of the best Steel-Type offensive moves, hitting for decent damage and possibly making the enemy flinch. King's Shield is a good blocker, with increased priority and blocking Sucker Punches. King's Shield also lowers Attack of any opponent that makes contact (except a few moves).

Aegislash is pretty awesome overall. Mine took down Mega Gardevoir with one Iron Head ten levels down. It also has a bunch of resistances.

Weaknesses: Ground, Ghost, Fire, Dark
Resists: Flying, Rock, Bug, Steel, Grass, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Fairy
Immune: Normal, Fighting, Poison

Tyrantrum @ King's Rock
Ability: Strong Jaw

  • Rock Slide
  • Earthquake
  • Crunch
  • Dragon Claw

Tyrantrum gets Rock Slide late (around level 60-65), so I went with Rock Tomb until the E4, then I farmed Victory Road for Rock Slide. Rock Slide does moderate damage, and has a chance to make the target flinch, and King's Rock increases that chance, though Rock Slide does have slightly lower accuracy. Earthquake does massive damage to your enemy, but also hurts your teammate (in a double battle), unless they are a Flying-Type or have Levitate as an Ability. Crunch does increased damage with Strong Jaws, and can decrease Defense. Dragon Claw is good for fighting other Dragons (Tyrantrum has decent speed), and can do good damage by itself.

Tyrantrum is overall a good sweeper, with good Attack and Defense, but has many weaknesses.

Weaknesses: Fighting, Ground, Steel, Ice, Dragon, Fairy
Resists: Normal, Flying, Poison, Fire, Electric

Blastoise @ Blastoisinite
Ability: Torrent

  • Surf
  • Waterfall
  • Dark Pulse
  • Ice Beam

Surf and Waterfall are decent moves by themselves, having 90 and 80 Power, respectively, and are used outside of battle to travel. Dark Pulse is good for Mega Blastoise, as the gained ability Mega Launcher damage for increases pulse and aura moves (Such as Aura Sphere or Dark Pulse) by 50%! Ice Beam is a good move overall, and with Blastoise' increased Sp. Attack, can do incredible damage.

Blastoise was never my favorite starter, but is good for Sp. Attack and Sp. Defense.

Weaknesses: Grass, Electric
Resists: Steel, Water, Fire, Ice

This is probably one of the best teams I have ever had. It is balanced, and the types cover each other very well. I use other Pokemon for most HM's and Rock Smash, but I think Fly, Surf, and Waterfall are good enough moves by themselves to use in battle.

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Dont use flamethrower on talonflame use flare blitz
0 votes

I have seen a bunch of teams posted here and I have personally beaten Y multiple times so I thought "Maybe it's time for me to post a team." So here it is:

Greninja @ Nothing
Ability: Torrent
- Waterfall
- Night Slash
- Acrobatics/ Aerial Ace
- Power-Up Punch/ U-turn

Ever since I've heard of X and Y, I've wanted Froakie and when I saw Greninja I was sold. It was love at first sight.
From everything I've seen Greninja is supposed to be a good Spec. Attacker, well mine haven't been. They always end up with a larger Attack, so I thought how about a physical Attacker? Waterfall is a pretty good move, gets STAB and there's a chance the opponent will flinch. Power-Up Punch ups his attack enhancing his whole move set. Night Slash is a good move that Greninja gets STAB from and it also has a high critical hit ratio. Acrobatics is great with the whole no item thing and it covers 3 out of his 5 weaknesses. Aerial Ace is in case you want to hold an item and it still covers 3 out of his 5 weaknesses. U-turn is a gimmicky move that is more powerful than Power-Up Punch, it may be a hit and run, but it is still a pretty good move.

Talonflame @ Leftovers
Ability: Flame Body
- Flare Blitz
- Steel Wing
- Fly
- Aerial Ace

In my opinion Talonflame is totally under-rated, with its amazing speed and decent attack this Pokémon can rock your opponents world. Flare Blitz is an amazingly powerful move with STAB, but has a pretty harsh recoil which hints to the reason for the Leftovers. Steel Wing provides coverage against Rock types and it has the possibility of upping his attack. Fly is STAB and gets you places, which leaves Aerial Ace. Now due to the Leftovers Acrobatics became a flop for this set and I already have one move that does recoil which knocks out Brave Bird. Since I was making this Pokémon a physical attacker any other Flying move would have been pretty pathetic. But wait If you think I'm hating on Aerial Ace you're wrong, because for Flying type Pokémon it becomes one of the best moves, with a base power of 90 (because of STAB) that never misses its pretty much amazing.

Heliolisk @ Zap Plate
Ability: Dry Skin/Sand Veil
- Rain Dance/ Sand Storm
- Parabolic Charge/ Hyper Beam
- Surf

Lots of people love this Pokémon so I thought I would try it out. I already love Electric Pokémon, but Heliolisk... I LURVE Heliolisk! With its awesome Speed and Spec. Attack it becomes a monster. Thunder is a massively destructive move (that works best with the Dry Skin Ability) and with STAB and Rain Dance it turns into fire from Hell. Thunderbolt works better with Sand Veil, mainly because of Thunder's lack of accuracy in a Sand Storm. Surf is coverage and let's you Surf. Parabolic Charge is a useful move that gets a 90 base power with STAB and the Zap Plate, and Hyper Beam is Hyper Beam.

Lucario @ Lucarionite
Ability: Steadfast
- Aura Sphere
- Bone Rush
- Metal Claw
- Psychic

I have loved Lucario since I first used one, but who hasn't? And now you can get one that Mega Evolves making this Pokémon even more of a BA!!! OH YEAH!!! Aura Sphere has always been one of my favorite moves to give him, and with Adaptability his Mega Evolution Ability it becomes so freaking amazing. It gets a whopping 160 base power and it never misses, it freakin never misses!!! Thats better than Hyper Beam!!! Bone Rush is coverage and stops those with Sturdy in their tracks, Psychic is even more coverage and Metal Claw becomes a really good move with STAB, and It has the chance of boosting his awesome attack even more.

Florges (Blue) @ Pixie Plate
Ability: Flower Veil
- Moon Blast
- Psychic
- Energy Ball/Petal Dance
- Calm Mind

Everyone's always hating on Florges but not me, Florges and I are BFFs! With STAB and the boost from the Pixie Plate, Moon Blast has gotten me out of many tight spots. Psychic is some serious coverage and Energy Ball / Petal Dance can prove to be very useful on the battle field. Florges already has an amazing Spec. Defense and a pretty good Spec. Attack, but with Calm Mind, this Pokémon becomes a Special Attack/Defense tank!

Salamence @ Expert Belt
Ability: Intimidate
- Dragon Claw
- Flamethrower
- Stone Edge/Earthquake/Brick Break
- Draco Meteor

Salamence has been one of my personal favorites since Hoenn, and they FINALLY bring it back! Dragon Claw is a great move with STAB and technically provides coverage. Flamethrower provides coverage and I wanted a Pokémon to have a Spec. Attack Fire type move. Stone Edge / Earthquake / Brick Break are more coverage moves and are both pretty good. And Draco Meteor is the most powerful Dragon type move, what's not to love?

With this set I get two Physical attackers, two Spec. Attackers and two mixed. BOO YAH!!! As I hope you can tell this set is just for all out attack and it works great in my opinion, but that's just my opinion do as you wish with each Pokémon.

Note: You can also have a Flygon instead of Salamence. He has less weaknesses and a pretty good move pool.

Flygon @ Whatever
Ability: Levitate
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Rockslide
- Crunch

Ok, so I recently beat X and this is the team I used:

Chesnaught @ Black Belt
Ability: Overgrow
- Seed Bomb
- Spiky Shield
- Low Sweep
- Dragon Claw/ Poison Jab

Charizard @ Charizardite X
Ability: Blaze
- Flamethrower
- Dragon Claw
- Fly
- Brick Break/ Earthquake

Sylveon @ Pixie Plate
Ability: Cute Charm
- Moon Blast
- Draining Kiss
- HP Ground/ Psyshock
- Shadow Ball/ Calm Mind

Clawitzer @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Mega Launcher
- Surf
- Aura Sphere
- Dragon Pulse/ Sludge Bomb
- Dark Pulse/ Sludge Bomb

Frost Rotom @ Wide Lens
Ability: Levitate
- Thunder
- Blizzard
- Toxic
- Shadow Ball/ Hex

Now I'm seriously mixed between using Malamar or Aegislash as my last. I've used both but can never decide, but I'll still post the movesets.

Malamar @ Scope Lens
Ability: Contrary
- Psycho Cut
- Night Slash
- Superpower
- Rockslide/ Pluck


Aegislash @ Leftovers
Ability: Stance Change
- Iron Head
- Shadow Claw
- King's Shield
- Sword's Dance

I hope this has been helpful.

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This is a fantastic set!!! It's kinda like mine, but very different. +1
0 votes

This team is for Pokemon Y
Charizard: Let's face it: most people are going to choose charizard. I'm not saying the others are inferior, but fire types are generally harder to come by. to be fair, though, the kalos region has more fire types to choose from than any other; even the region's bird and flare blitz gifted flareon.
Charizard @CharizarditeY
Flamethrower: Stab, sun boosted
Solarbeam: Coverage, no charge in sun
Roost: Health
Air slash/Dragon Claw: Special stab/ physical coverage
Super train spA to max if you can, speed not as important in game, so rest can be used for bulk

Chesnaught: Of the kalos starters (other than delphox, and you shouldn't double up on fire types) Chesnaught pairs best with the sunny day induced by charizard.
Hammer Arm: Fighting Stab, Speed drop not an issue when already slow
Wood Hammer/SeedBomb: Stab, power vs no recoil
Rocktomb/Earthquake/Synthesis/SwordsDance/LeechSeed: Choose two: Rock Tomb received power and accuracy buff in gen 6, eq good move all round, synthesis heals more in sun, swords dance for higher attack, leech seed saps health and can support team.
SuperTrain for bulk

Tyrantrum: What took gamefreak so long to make a T-Rex? Anyway, Unique typing, rock dragon, early gift and Good Attack and movepool to back it up.
DragonClaw: DragonStab by level up, must have
Earthquake: Learned by level up.
Rock Tomb/HeadSmash/RockSlide: Rock Stab.
Rock Polish/Crunch: Boost low speed or use ability for base 120 dark move.
Super train spDef and use remainder elsewhere.

Lapras: Bulky Water type, plus neat bonus of unique surfing model
Surf: Stab and hm and bonus mentioned above
Ice beam: Stab by level up very early after obtaining
Thunderbolt: Provides great bolt beam coverage.
Waterfall: Hm
Super Train Spa and bulk

Espeon: Psychic type, Very useful in game. Plus, ADORABLE
Psychic: Stab, learned much earlier in x and y
Dazzling Gleam: Coverage against dark types
Shadowball: Coverage Against Steel and psychic
Morning sun/Calm Mind: Heal by level up/Tm boost spA and spD
Super train SpA, Hp, and Def

Pidgeot: Flyer, buffed speed, almost garunteed as first encounter
Fly: Stab hm
Return: Stab
Roost/FeatherDance/Steel Wing/Twister/Thief: Choose Two. Heal or halve foes attack, Coverage (Steel, Dragon, or Dark)

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This is my ingame team for Pokemon X/Y. Sorry if it's long but I made it to go good with any starter. If you switch out Gallade for Gardevior, switch out Sylveon/Diancie for Niovern. The movesets for Gardevior and Niovern are at the bottom.


Greninja @ Expert Belt
- Dark Pulse (Stab)
- Hydro Pump/Surf (switch as needed) (Stab)
- Ice Beam
- U-turn
I chose Greninja for my starter because he has high speed stats and he can learn a lot of Tms. U-turn is really helpful in battles when you have lower Hp and covers it's weakness to grass. Ice beam is to deal with Dragon Flying Ground and also Grass. Hydro Pump has good Stab but Surf is the best substitute. Dark Pulse is also a good Stab and deals with Psychic and Ghost types.

Venusaur @ Venasaurite
Grass/ Poison
-Sludge Bomb (Stab)
-Petal Blizzard (Stab)
-Petal Dance (Stab)
Professor Sycamore gives you a Kanto starter at the beginning that holds a mega stone. Sludge Bomb is a Stab move that take cares of Fairies because poison is it's only weakness. Petal Blizzard and Petal Dance are both Stabs and do about the same damage but Petal Blizzard is safer to use against trainers how uses many types. Earthquake is for coverage against Fire types and will have effect against Charizard X but not Y.

Talonflame @ Flying Gem
- Flare Blitz (Stab)
- Fly (Stab)
- Acrobatics (Stab)
- Steel Wing
Fletchling you get really early in the game. Steel Wing is to cover rock types which are super effective. Fly is for travel and with the Flying Gem only uses one turn to attack, not two, then use acrobatics which does double damage when user is not holding an item plus it's Stab. Flare Blitz is also Stab and it takes care of Ice types which are super effective.

Gallade @ Expert Belt
-Night Slash
-Zen Headbutt/Psycho Cut (Stab)
-Leaf Blade
-Brick Break (Stab)
I chose Gallade because of it's typing and high attack and speed. Night Slash is coverage for Ghost types and high attack. Brick Break is also Stab and destroys Screen moves and is effective against normal types. Leaf Blade is for coverage against water growing and rock types. It is okay to switch out for Gardevior.

Lucario @ Lucarionite
-Dark Pulse
-Aura Sphere (Stab)
-Dragon Pulse
Lucario is practically given to you like Venasaur. It can also learn about every type of move too. Dark Pulse is for coverage against Ghost and Psychic. Dragon Pulse is to take care of Dragon Types and nothing except Steel and Fairy. Psychic is to take care of Fighting types because of Lucario's Steel typing. Aura Sphere is a good Stab and has tons of coverages.

Diancie @ Normal Gem (got over wonder trade most likely hacked)
-Diamond Storm (Stab)
-Moonblast (Stab)
-Gyro Ball
I was really surprised to get Diancie in my game and was lucky to make a moveset for it. Because of it's typing it is only weak to Steel. Moonblast is Stab and kills all dragon type hybrids. Diamond Storm is a signature move for Diancie and is Stab. Diamond Storm hits every opponent like Dazzling Gleam and take cares of Flying types. Gyro ball is for coverage but Diancie is fast for a rock type to give it an iron tail when Normal Gem is spent. Return is for more coverage and it is suggested to max out Diancies love for you.


Sylveon @ Weakness Police
-Moonblast (Stab)
-Shadow Ball
Sylveon is a really strong Fairy type and an evolution of Eevee. It is really easy to get Eevee too. Return is because you have to evolve Eevee with high friendship knowing a Fairy type move so Return does loads of damage. Psyshock is for coverage against Poison types. Shadow Ball is also for coverage. Moonblast is the strongest Fairy move that Sylveon can learn. The Weakness Police item heals Sylveon when hit by a super effective move. This is the strongest moveset I can get for Sylveon because it learns no powerful moves.

If you switched Gallade for Gardevior then switch out Sylveon/Diancie for Niovern.

Gardevior @Gardeviorite
-Shadow Ball
-Psychic (Stab)
- Moonblast (Stab)
Shadow Ball covers Gardevior's weakness to Dark. Thunderbolt is for coverage and surprises most people. Psychic and Moonblast is for coverage.

Niovern @Choice Specs/Dragon Scale
-Dragon Pulse/Draco Meteor (Stab)
-Hurricane/Air Slash (Stab)
-U-turn/Focas Blast
Flamethrower is for coverage on Ice. U-turn is for escape or Focas Blast for power. Dragon Pulse and Draco Meteor has good Stab and so does Hurricane and Air Slash too.

Fairy also has Steel type as a weakness.
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Charizard is a good start, with his extremely high Special Attack and Speed stat, but when you get his Mega Evolutions, those are taken to extremes.
Ability: Blaze.
Dragon Claw
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Azumarill. Hmm. Let's see if you think this is a bad idea when my Lvl74 Azumarill kicks the crap out of all your Dragon Types, Fire Types and Ice Types. Find one with decent Attack and Defense stats and no-one can stand in your way. Trust me, I beat Malva and Siebold using only Azumarill.
Ability: Thick Fat.
Play Rough
Super Power
Blizzard/Ice Beam.

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Raichu. With high speed and Special Attack, Raichu will literally rule. Raichu can have the ability Static, or somehow, you can find it's hidden ability, Lightning Rod. I really don't know how to get a hidden ability, but that would be just awesome. Give it Rock Smash, and annoying Rock types become a thing of the past.
Ability: LightningRod/Static.
Rock Smash.

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Garchomp. I swear, it is worth having this Pokemon. I mean, a Ground Type and Dragon Type which can learn Surf, Flamethrower and False Swipe? Well, it really depends if you want to learn False Swipe or not.
Ability: Sand Veil.
Flame Thrower.
Dragon Rush/False Swipe.

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Roserade. Oh, those poor Fairy Types... And Dragon! I'll show you what I mean.
Ability: Natural Cure.
Giga Drain.
Sludge Bomb.
Dazzling Gleam.

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And... Your starter!
....I'm sorry, I just prefer a team without starters so I can't be much of a help around this part.

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Delphox: Fire Blast, Flame Thrower, Psychic, Future Sight.
EVERYONE HATES DELPHOX, WHY!!! Delphox is a great Pokemon, the fire and psychic typing is good, it has a SUPER high speed and special attack and can rip through special defensive Pokemon.

Florges: Moon Blast, Petal Dance, Dazzling Gleam, Solar Beam.
Fairy is one one of the best types, and why not use this one, especially because it can learn most powerful grass type moves.

Mega Blastiose: Waterfall, Flash Cannon, Hydro Cannon, Head Smash.
Just because you basically get squirtle for free!

Hydreigon: Dark Pulse, Draco Meteor, Outrage, Fly
Has a very balanced move pool and is a pseudo!

Heliolisk: Thunder, Cut/Rain Dance, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Surf
Hes cute, has good stats, AND can out speed many Pokemon.

Mega Lucario: Strength, Dragon Pulse, Earthquake, Close Combat
He's given to you and he can mega evolve. Another reason is because he will be much more helpful later on in the story because of his balanced move pool.

Thanks for reading, this list did not include legendaries, but if you use Yveltal or Xerneas (Like I do) then replace Florges with either.

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This is my team for Pokemon Y
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Greninja @ Expert Belt/No Item
Ability: Torrent
-Night Slash/Dark Pulse
-Ice Beam

Surf is a must have because you need it throughout the game. Night Slash or Dark Pulse, whatever you like better. Ice Beam for coverage. Extrasensory can be used to take out Fighting types and gives you a reason to use the Expert Belt, but Acrobatics is stronger and gives you more coverage, but makes using items pointless.
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Charizard @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Blaze(Drought)
-Flamethrower/Fire Blast
-Air Slash
-Roost/Dragon Pulse/Will-O-Wisp

Since Dragon Pulse is hard to get, going with Roost is probably the best option. But Will-O-Wisp is good for Burn as well. the other moves are pretty straight forward. Flamethrower or Fire Blast, your choice. Air Slash has STAB and Solar beam to take advantage of Drought and for Rock and Water types.
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Gardevoir @ Gardevoirite
Ability: Synchronize(Pixilate)
-Moonblast/Dazzling Gleam
-Calm Mind
-Shadow Ball

Psychic or Psyshock, doesn't matter. Dazzling Gleam is there until level 85 when you can get Moonblast. Calm Mind to boost stats and Shadow Ball for coverage.
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Raichu @ Magnet/Zap Plate
Ability: Static
-Volt tackle
-Electro Ball
-Iron Tail/Brick Break/Grass Knot

Volt Tackle is extremely powerful and gets STAB. Electro ball because Raichu has high speed. Iron tail is hard to get, so you might be better off with Brick Break. And Strength because it is a HM and is a overall decent move.
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Staraptor/Swellow @ Sky Plate/Toxic Orb
Ability: Intimidate/Guts
-Close Combat/Facade
-Quick Attack/Pluck

Fly to go places. Close Combat has coverage for Staraptor and Facade to take advantage of Swellow's item and ability. Agility for speed and the last moves to fill the move slot.
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Aegislash @ Focus Sash/Quick Claw
Ability: Stance Change
-Shadow Claw
-Iron Head
-King,s Shield
-Sacred Sword

i would recommend the Quick Claw because Aegislash has low speed. The set is pretty straight forward. Iron Head and Shadow Claw for STAB, King's Shield for form change, and Sacred Sword for coverage.

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Starters: Bulbasaur and... Froakie.
Trolls: Graveler, Klefki
Sweepers: Scrafty/Bisharp, Lucario/Garchomp/Gyarados


252 HP, 252 Sdef/Def, 4 Def/Sdef
Leech seed
Petal Dance/Venoshock

Alright, this is the best troll... ever. It gets great recovery, and with protect you can deal bonus damage, but Toxic and Venoshock Wombo Combo is OP. Leech seed also lets you take more HP back along with damaging them. EQ, Protect, and Synthesis are all options to keep coverage or allow more recovery

Greninja@ Any Item you want
Modest Nature
252 Speed, 252 attack, 4 SpA
Shadow ball
Quick attack
Night slash

Alright, Night slash Quick attack and some form of ghost move, this trolls fighting quite effectively, while Extrasensory is for poison coverage, which you will need.

Graveler@ Literally nothing is required
maybe impish,
252 Atk, 252 HP, 4 Def
Stealth Rock
Explosion/Self destruct
Rock type move
Ground type move

Alright SR for stuff... Self destruct to give them what for, and Rock+Ground move for coverage. simple nuff
Location: caves.

Klefki@Sitrus Berry/Lum Berry
Bold nature
252 HP, 252 Def
Draining kiss
Calm mind

Look, this is a set I personally devised... it works. T-wave, then Calm mind, if you get statused eat berry, then recycle, and then sweep draining kiss. simple.
Location: route 16, along with a few others

Careful nature
252 HP, 252 Sdef, 4 Atk
Brick break/Stone edge
Bulk up

Yup, Scrafty, built specially defensive to tank hits, and then dish them out. Crunch and brick break for coverage, but bulk up and rest to perpetuate life. also Rest+Shed skin. Covers Special Dark, special steel, and Psychic.
Location: Route 5

Bisharp@Expert Belt
Iron head
Night Slash
Low Kick

Perfect for fairies. Iron head wrecks them, Night slash and X-scissor for ghosts and psychics, low kick for steel or dark Pokemon... Because Team flare uses them.
Location: Lost hotel

Lucario@Expert belt/filler
Modest/Timid Nature
252 speed 252 SpA, 4 Atk
Extreme speed
Flash cannon
Dragon pulse/Dark pulse
Aura Sphere

You know, this has great coverage and is given for free, so what you do is SpA near death and E-speed to finish off, can run mega, but meh...

Garchomp@Filler Item
252 Attk, 252 Speed, 4HP
Dragon claw/Strength
Stone edge/Rock slide
Swords dance/Rock smash

Garchomp. Pseudo legendary. Necessary for poison, but still also capable of taking on fire and dealing with electric, dig/EQ for the fact that EQ is rather lategame. SD allows Garchomp to hit HARD.

Gyarados@Any Item you prefer
252 Speed, 252 Atk, 4 HP
Ice fang
Dragon dance

Ice fang kills dragons. DDance lets things die faster. Waterfall STAB move w/ good power. Surf, for HM... also Viable on Greninja however.

Lastly, any number of HM slaves required to get you through somewhere.
Fletchling (Fly)
Bidoof(literally everything else.)

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I love the dragon type so if you don't, this team ain't for you.
I don't know how to post pictures as this is my first time posting but I will figure it out. Just gonna copy paste. I have tons of teams made in my google drive but I am playing through right now with this one.

Chesnaught-Fighting, Grass Starter
-Wood Hammer
-Hammer Arm
-Stone Edge
-Seed Bomb

This is a tanky Pokemon and I am loving the damage. Maybe it isn't your favorite but this is the setup I have planned. Wood Hammer has way to much damage to pass up. The recoil is a side affect that is hard to ignore though this is your move to clean up a team. Not something you would constantly use. That is what seed bomb is for. Both have STAB and 15 PP. I originally had earthquake here, but you need a backup to avoid recoil. Hammer arm is extremely powerful and takes the STAB damage. So what it lowers the speed? Chesnaught is to slow to worry about losing any speed. It is worth it. Stone Edge is good insurance for fire and ice types.

Garchomp-Ground, Dragon Route 13
-Dragon Claw
-Stone Edge
-Swords Dance

Garchomp. Earthquake. Dragon Claw. Stone Edge. Swords Dance. You don't need an explanation. Just take it.

Blastoise-Water Gift
-Hydro Pump
-Ice Beam
-Scald/ Flash Cannon

Surf is an HM that is a necessity. It would be a good TM! You get power and an HM. Very good. Hydro Pump is a killer. Mostly for situations when you need raw power. Otherwise surf will be fine. Ice Beam is more for diversity and it is a solid move. Scald is very similar to Surf except it adds the burn factor. Flash Cannon will take dragons and offers more diversity.

Aurorus-Ground, Ice, Gift
-Ice Beam

Solid build. Ice Beam gets STAB and will wreck anything in your way. Thunderbolt will take care of pesky water types and isn't a bad all around move. Psychic was just a filler and a solid move. Earthquake will not pick up STAB sadly, but is not bad.

Magnezone-Steel, Electric Lost Hotel or Friend Safari
-Thunder Wave
-Flash Cannon

This kills fairy's so easy its not even funny. Thunder wave is gonna be helpful for fast enemies and really any enemies. Flash Cannon brings demise upon fairies and deserves to be here. Plus its a solid steel move. Thunderbolt and thunder will demolish anything not resistant to electric.

Hydreigon-Dark, Dragon Captured on Victory Road
-Dragon Pulse
-Dark Pulse

Dragon Pulse pulls out nice STAB as well as Dark Pulse. Both good moves. Flamethrower takes care of Steel types. Fly is mostly for post game. That's my team. I would love suggestions.

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My team for X and Y is one of my favorites! If you haven't read any of my other posts, you should know that I play for fun on my playthrough and build my competitive teams later on, so this may or may not work for you. I'll explain myself on this. So basically I got Pokemon Y, built my whole team - which was underleveled at the time - within the first two days, beat the first 2 gyms with much difficulty, and lost my 2DS (don't judge) for about 2 months. After I found my 2DS, I proceeded to beat the rest of the game and the entire post game in 2 days. These Pokemon grew on me a lot, and have since become my 2nd favorite team (after Pokemon White 2) ever.

Ability: Blaze
Item: Charcoal
Mystical Fire
Yes, I chose Fenniken instead of Ninja-Frog, deal with it. Both of my friends introduced me to Pokemon, and they started with X and Y (yes I am rather new to this, I understand. My first game was actually Alpha Sapphire). They had both picked Fenniken, and convinced me to pick him as well, and I REGRET NOTHING. Even though Delphox has a not entirely pleasant appearance, its Special Attack is great, it is fairly bulky on the Special Defense side, and it has quite a bit of Speed to boot. Plus, it's cry is awesome. Just thought I'd through that in there.

Item: Blastoisinite
Ability: Torrent > Mega Launcher
Iron Defense
Water Pulse
Squirtle had been my least favorite of the 1st gen starters until I played Pokemon Y. It just never held any appeal to me. Now that I have seen the true power that is Mega Blastoise, I am sold. Yes, I do realize that I have strength on this thing, but SOMEBODY had to learn it, because I am not wasting a slot in my team for an HM slave. Iron Defense just helps to increase Blastoise's bulkiness even more, Water Pulse was kind of just because I had an extra move slot open, and Scald is now my absolute favorite water-type move after using it on this thing. If you don't want strength, I'd run, I don't know, Protect? Whatever you want, really.

Ability: Refrigerate
Item: None
Icy Wind
Ice Beam
Rock Tomb
Rock Smash
If I had to name the weakest link on this team, it'd be this guy. I do realize that Aurorus isn't exactly great, but he's decent (and adorable), I really don't have much to say about him. He is rather nice against dragons and was a MAJOR help against Grant (even though I have a Fairy type on this team). And Ice Beam is always a nice move to have on your team.

Ability: Dry Skin
Item: None
Volt Switch
Parabolic Charge
I think the first question I am asked about this Pokemon is "Why surf?". I put down Surf simply for coverage, and also because I wanted to have something a little bit surprising. This may not sound like a huge deal to you, but I nearly beat my friend who introduced me to the game with this team when they were fresh out of completing the post game. She's really good at the game, and this guy was a bit help, especially since Surf was not predicted and I pulled it out at the last second.

Ability: Flower Veil
Item: None
Magical Leaf
Razor Leaf
Fairy Wind
Dazzling Gleam
Florges is my favorite Fairy type (with the exception of Gardevoir), and on this team she did not disappoint. I know, I know, I evolved her way too early and missed out on Moonblast, but she can still pull her weight on the team. Believe me, if she couldn't I would've replaced her with a Gardevoir or a Talonflame in an instant. My biggest issue with her is her ability. It is virtually useless considering as I have no grass types.

Ability: Suction Cups
Item: None (I didn't really place items on any of them)
Psycho Cut
I may be the first one to say this, but Malamar is great. It has a very solid attack stat, and most of these moves utilize it, and they also utilize its typing, since all of these moves have STAB. Hypnosis is just to annoy people, and mostly used on fairy types since fairy type moves can utterly wreck this thing.

Again, this team may not work for you, but I really enjoyed it and it was a lot of fun.

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The Fox Pokemon

Choose fenniken as your starter and then it is usally evolved by the time you are out of reflection cave into Delphox


Fire Blast

Delphox may give you some struggles in the second gym but in the 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 8th gym it will have the super effective moves. I would also recommend this Pokemon because it is a special attacker and learns physical attacks throughout the game.

The Seed Pokemon

Select Bulbasaur which will evolve to Venusaur around Geosenge Town. You select Bulbasaur after you battle Professor Sycamore in his lab when you first visit Lumiose City.

Venusaur@ Venusaurite

Sleep Powder
Petal Blizard
Petal Dance
Sludge Bomb

I picked to have Venusaur instead of Charizard or Blastoise because in the Pokemon League there is a water type Elite 4 member which only has grass and electric for weaknesses and there's not many of those in the game.

Keep smashing rocks in the Glittering Cave and after a while you will find an Old Amber. Take it to the fossil Lab in Amberette Town to restore it into Aerodactyl.


Rock Slide
Rock Smash

I got Aerodactyl because I can use him to fly me around plus to cover an Elite 4 member which is the fire type one.

You can get a Pancham on route 5. To evolve it into Pangoro you need to have a dark type on your team ( You can catch sandile on route 9) and pancham to be at least lv 32

Pangoro@Black Belt

Power-Up Punch or Brick Break
Hammmer Arm

I put Pangoro on my team because there is a steel type Elite 4 member. It would be nice to cover every weakness so how about a fighting type to cover normal. If you want Power-Up Punch make sure that it has iron fist. If you want brick break than there are no requirments.

To get Sylveon you need to catch an evee in either a poke ball, great ball, or an ultra ball. The reason not to catch it in a luxury ball is because it doesn't evolve by happiness like espeon and umbreon. Now you have an evee, great! Head to your Pokemon Amie and feed it poke puffs (the things that look like cupcakes). When it starts eating you can play a game by tapping the musical notes( you can use this to get more pokepuffs as well). The harder you difficulty is the better poke puffs you will get. Keep repeating that until a about 25 hearts come out of your Pokemon. Now when you go to switch Pokemon in Pokemon Amie you will see that evees hearts are now at 2. Next requirement is that your evee needs to know a fairy type move. Make sure that it knows the move before it evolves. It learns baby-doll eyes at level 19 and charm at level 29.

Sylveon@Pixie Plate

Draining Kiss
Hidden Power

I chose Sylveon because there is an Elite 4 member with dragon Pokemon, now we cover all the Elite 4 members. I could evolve it into Glaceon but instead I wanted a fairy type plus Fairy types have less weaknesses.

To get Meowstic you need to catch an Espurr on route 6 and it will evolve into Meoswtic at lv 25.

Meowstic@Mind Plate

Dark Pulse
Fake Out

I put Meowstic on the team because I needed a good nice psychic Pokemon to help out the team a bit. Meowstic has a female and a male form. I played with both Meowstics for a while and I decided to use the female one.

I would like to thank Pokemondb for giving me a chance to write this to you guys.

The Youtuber with about 900,000 subscribers,


P.S Please tell me your team. I used my team I worked with Pokemon Showdown and I used that team for my XY walkthrough.

0 votes

A team that worked very well for me was this one:

Night Slash, Surf, Waterfall, and Dark Pulse is what I have right now. There weren't enough good water types throughout the rest of the region I wanted to use, so I used the starter. Besides, he looks pretty cool, too

Thunderbolt, Confusion, Psychic, and Dazzling Gleam. Gardevoir's specialty is special attack, so I don't use any physical moves. It has a very diverse move pool, and can take out a variety of types. It is one of the best members of my team.

Grass Whistle, Magical Leaf, Sludge Bomb, and Facade. I have always loved Roserade a lot, what with the special attack and speed. Its defenses aren't it's selling point, but if you throw into a battle, as long as the other Pokemon isn't strong against it, it can usually take it out before it can get hit. I have Grass Whistle mainly for catching legendaries, and Sludge Bomb/Facade for type coverage, but you can replace any of them with moves better suited to how you play.

Close Combat, Wing Attack, Fly, and Brave Bird is a pretty good move set. Wing attack is powerful and has 35 PP, so having Close Combat and Brave Bird as moves only used in harder fights is okay. But it might be a good idea to replace Brave Bird with Facade, it's always good to have a normal type move. Staraptor is reliable and very easy to fight with.

Flame Burst, Shadow Ball, Curse, and Inferno worked well for me. Flame Burst has 15 PP and high damage, works well as a PP move. Shadow Ball works against many types, and, like Flame Burst, has plenty of PP. Curse is good with tough battles, but since there aren't many of those in X and Y, you can replace it with something else. Inferno is good in longer battles, too. Chandelure has very high special attack, but couldn't pull off a physical attack to save its life. That's okay, though, because both of its types are predominately special. It is pretty late in the game before you can get your hands on a Litwick, though, so I take a Charmander from Professer Sycamore and use that until I can replace it.

Payback, Ice Shard, Screech, Strength. Payback is purely to have a physical dark type move. Options are pretty limited there. If you can find a better one, use that instead, because Weavile's speed is huge, it even outspeeds Greninja, so it is very rare that the damage will ever be doubled there. Ice Shard is very much the same, not many options. Screech is, obviously, to lower the opponent's defense so that the previous two moves work better. Strength is a powerful move with enough PP to get you through battles without a type advantage. You're screwed if Waevile has to battle a fighting type, but that's what Gardevoir/Staraptor are here for. Also, you aren't able to evolve Sneazel until AFTER the end of the game, but Sneazel is perfectly capable of holding its own, even in a team of fully evolved Pokemon. Imagine how it does once it evolves!

There are some Pokemon on this team that level up slowly, but when I played, I grinded to get everything up to level 30 just before Reflecting Cave and proceeded to beat the champion 10 levels above all of her Pokemon. This team has remarkable type coverage, and it made the game relatively easy, but not boring. It also works when fighting against legendaries and trying to catch them. It took about 5 tries to get Mewtwo, but I suck at catching Pokemon. This team wouldn't do any good competitively, but in game, it works like a charm.

0 votes

Best team for me

Greninja water/dark
Hydro cannon
Dark pulse
Ice beam
Charizard fire/ flying
Blast burn
Draco meteor
Dragonite dragon/ flying
Hyper beam
Draco meteor
lucario fighting/ steel
Aura sphere
Dragon pulse
Close combat
Shadow ball
Pikachu electric
Thunder bolt
So now for the electric type ampharos is usually good but don't take it if you do it's mega evolution is dragon and that will be to many dragons and although most people say no to this it actually works
Pikachu ( maybe raichou)
Volt tackle
Iron tail
Tyrantar rock/ dark
Foul play
Stone edge
Giga impact
