I am disappointed in the EV spread for the talonflames I'm seeing. It only needs a bit of speed, because gale wings gives it the priority to flying, and it outspeeds most steel/bug types to use flare blitz with. Here is my set:
Talonflame @ Life Orb
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 124 HP / 252 Atk / 104 Def / 28 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Roost / Steel Wing / Tailwind
- Brave Bird / Acrobatics
- Flare Blitz
You might be thinking "what in the world?" This speed stat is just enough to outspeed an adamant mega lucario, and literally every steel, rock, and bug types to use your steel wing and flare blitz against, and you don't need any more speed investment for other faster Pokemon because of gale wings. HP for the extra bulk and defense because I find that most of the super effective hits that it will receive would be physical, and volt switch and hydro pump would KO it even with the special defense investments. Swords dance is to boost Talonflame's mediocre attack stat. Roost is to heal up if you predict the opponent to switch. Steel wing for coverage against Tyranitar and other rock types, or you could choose tailwind to greatly boost your speed and outspeed even more Pokemon with flare blitz. Brave Bird is its best move, it's always going to go first because of Gale Wings, and deals massive damage. Acrobatics is a slightly weaker alternative but it doesn't have the recoil so it can last longer, which in my opinion doesn't matter because it's supposed to be a late game sweeper. And Flare Blitz is also a must, since it counters scizor, mawile, aggron, fortress, and much more that would take a brave bird any day.
Talonflame could run max speed, so it can outspeed things like latios, but lots of those Pokemon can't take a brave bird either, so it isn't recommended. Hope you enjoy it!