PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You can use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

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51 Answers

0 votes

Torchic Team

There are TONS of Megas in this team, so I either recommend switching between them or focusing on one.

Blaziken @ Blazikenite
Ability: Blaze --> Speed Boost
- Blaze Kick
- Sky Uppercut
- Earthquake
- Strength / Flare Blitz

This is your average starter made for sweeping teams. If you want, you can replace Strength for Flare Blitz. I personally used Flare Blitz as it is good for Steven's Metagross. Strength will come up later on a different team member.

Breloom @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Effect Spore
- Mach Punch / Rock Smash
- Power-Up Punch
- Seed Bomb
- Leech Seed / Sleep Powder

The Grass type for this region. It's my personal favorite non-starter Grass type. This thing destroys Roxanne and Wallace in seconds, and can be a useful ally for Sidney. Also, anything that touches it turns useless thanks to Effect Spore.

Sharpedo @Sharpedonite
Ability: Speed Boost --> Strong Jaw
- Surf
- Waterfall
- Dive
- Crunch

Sharpedo is good for Tate & Liza and can sweep Flannery. It's good for the Water HMs, as well as having Crunch for STAB.

Aggron @ Aggronite
Ability: Rock Head --> Filter
- Double-Edge / Strength
- Iron Head / Iron Tail
- Stone Edge / Rock Slide
- Earthquake / Flamethrower

Aggron is a great tank and can even go head to head with legendaries, as well as being a good switch-in to Steven's Metagross.

Dusclops @Eviolite
Ability: Pressure
- Shadow Punch
- Shadow Ball
- Future Sight / Dark Pulse
- Rest / Will-O-Wisp / Thunder Wave / Yawn

This absolutely DESTROYS Mt. Pyre and Phoebe. It can tank hits from about any Pokemon, except maybe a Mega Raquaza.

Altaria @Altarianite
Ability: Natural Cure --> Pixilate
- Hyper Beam
- Fly
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Pulse

Pixilate Hyper Beam is death to all dragons and nothing will stop it once it gets off a Dragon Dance.

Not bad but for aggron I'd use Heavy Slam for his steel move. It's tailor made for him. More damage the heavier the user, and that guy ways 800lbs and the move has 100% accuracy
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This is my go-to team. Never had a hard time with it and had overall easy time destroying everyone.

Blaziken @ Blazikenite
Ability: Blaze --> Speed Boost
Adamant Nature
- Shadow Claw (Psychic weakness coverage)
- Earthquake (Great STAB)
- Flamethrower / Blaze Kick (STAB)
- Sky Uppercut / Brick Break (STAB)

All moves here have 100% accuracy and will counter more than half of all Pokemon types, and still throw a hefty punch at the other types.

Gardevoir @ Gardevoirite
Ability: Trace --> Pixilate
Modest Nature
- Psychic (STAB)
- Shadow Ball (Coverage against Psychic, Dark and Ghost)
- Moonblast / Dazzling Gleam (STAB)
- Focus Blast (Steel weakness coverage)

This is by far the best moveset, and it will devastate anything thrown at her. Focus Blast has only 70% accuracy but oh my, when it hits, it hits hard.

Salamence @ Salamencite
Ability: Intimidate --> Aerilate
Hardy Nature
- Fly (HM/STAB)
- Steel Wing (Fairy weakness coverage)
- Dragon Claw (Dragon weakness coverage/STAB)
- Flamethrower (STAB)

This is my preference for a very powerful moveset and one I feel fits a dragon. Salamence has such high attacking stats, he will OHKO almost anything and destroy the highly favored Altaria by Speed and Attack alone. A good stand-in until you get Salamence is Latias/Latios since you get them easily before you get the HM Fly.

Ability: Intimidate
Hardy Nature
- Ice Fang (Coverage)
- Earthquake (Electric weakness coverage)
- Thunderbolt (Coverage)
- Surf / Waterfall (HM/STAB)

Gyarados has a higher physical Attack, therefore Ice Fang is stronger than Ice Beam. With this moveset, Gyarados can crush all the other types without having to use a Water HM slave for simply surfing. Waterfall is a good alternative if you want to utilize Gyarados' higher Attack.

Aggron @ Aggronite
Ability: Sturdy --> Filter
Jolly Nature
- Rock Slide (STAB)
- Earthquake (Great coverage move)
- Aerial Ace (Fighting weakness coverage)
- Heavy Slam (Great STAB)

This guy is a walking tank simply put. With decent Attack and incredibly high Defense, it can take almost anything. With this moveset you will counter his biggest weakness (the Fighting type), and with his Mega Evolution it loses its Water weakness. Heavy Slam is its best move, as it does more damage the heavier the user -- and the guy weighs 800 lbs! Aerial Ace counters its Fighting type weakness and Rock Slide has a higher accuracy than Stone Edge, so it's best to hit more, as sometimes that's vital for Aggron.

Now, with the last Pokemon, I wasn't really sure. These five can pretty much hold their own and together punch back anything thrown at them. So this is my personal choice, feel free to use a Manectric or Magnezone but this choice is faster and when it comes to battles, the first punch is the best.

Pikachu @ Light Ball
Ability: Static
Lax Nature
- Grass Knot (Ground weakness coverage)
- Dig (Super effective against other Electric types)
- Brick Break (Great STAB)
- Thunderbolt (Duh)

Now hear me out. I know Raichu is better, but I prefer Pikachu. Yes, Manectric and Magnezone are stronger but Pikachu is faster. It can hit first and when it does, I make sure it's effective. Then there is the Light Ball that I found on Route 119 (I think) that boosts its Attack and Special Attack to rival Manectric and Magnezone. But again, that's just my preference. With this moveset, Pikachu will dominate its weaknesses and other Electric Pokemon.

Grass Knot is perfect for Pikachu as it deals more damage the heavier the target, and Pikachu is rather light. Dig deals with other Electric types and Brick Break is just a good move to deal with more difficult types like Steel. Thunderbolt is more accurate than Thunder and I'd rather be accurate.

This is my team. I've used said team in all generations (Thunderbolt for Gardevoir for the older gens) and my team destroyed everyone. I've never had a hard time and neither will you.

Now for HM slaves. You'll always need one till you face the Elite 4 and these are the three best, HM wise, to use:

Ability: Pickup
- Cut
- Strength
- Rock Smash
- Surf

When I learned this guy can pick up items during battle I immediately, on my next run through in Emerald, had four of them in my team as I trained Torchic and Ralts. Besides being fantastic HM slaves it's just nice to get Poke Balls, Potions, and even Rare Candies from them. Anywho, this is a good HM move set for Linoone to use.

Wait Linoone can learn Surf? That makes no sense. So can Aggron, and that makes even less sense, but Zigzagoon can be found right on Route 101.

If you decided your Water type should keep Surf:

- Strength
- Rock Smash
- Dive
- Waterfall

Wailmer is such a versatile HM slave. The Swiss Army knife of HM slaves, as Wailmer can learn all except Cut and Fly.

Now of course you can teach it Surf, but if you want your Water Pokemon to use Surf anyways without having to sacrifice other moves for HMs, then Wailmer is for you. Relatively easy to get with the Good Rod, he is the best for Water HMs.

Now let's say you don't want to use Latios/Latias as they are legendary and want to use a legit Pokemon to fly and don't want to use bird Pokemon. Then this one is perfect as it can use all other non-Water HMs:

- Fly
- Cut
- Rock Smash
- Strength

Another versatile HM slave that can easily be caught before you get the HM Fly.

A great replacement for Linoone and stand-in until your preferred flying Pokemon that are harder to get, like Flygon and Salamence.

And that does it for my best team for Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. With the exception of Pikachu and the HM slaves, they can all Mega Evolve. Only a few of their moves don't have 100% accuracy but still have quite the power. With the movesets provided, you can deal with all Pokemon types you'll encounter and just devastate anyone.

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0 votes

For this team, I didn't use any Post-Game TMs, Egg Moves, version exclusives, trade evolutions or legendaries. I tried not to use any moves over Level 50 or any late game TMs unless if it was necessary. Also I used Pokemon that you can access early in the game. This way, the team can be used by anyone without too much difficulty. Enjoy c:

Swampert (Starter)
Ability: Torrent
- Surf
- Earthquake
- Ice Beam / Ice Punch
- Waterfall / Hammer Arm / Rock Slide / Rain Dance

Swampert is the best starter to use in Hoenn, hands down! It does well against 4 Gym Leaders and is neutral to the rest. It can dish out hits as well as take hits too. It also dominates Team Magma and is great against Team Aqua. If you don't want to use HM Slaves, you can give both Surf and Waterfall to Swampert, as they are both good STAB moves. Earthquake is incredibly powerful and is Swampert's best Ground STAB option. Ice Beam / Ice Punch covers Swampert's Grass weakness. Hammer Arm is very strong coverage - great for taking out Mightyenas as well as twp of the Elite Four and of course the Champion. Rock Slide isn't bad either, as it has a chance to flinch, or you can use Rain Dance for Mega Swampert's Swift Swim Ability.

Gardevoir (Ralts - Route 102)
Ability: Synchronize / Trace
- Psychic
- Moonblast
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast / Calm Mind

Gardevoir is a very useful special attacker, as it has access to a lot of coverage as well as having high Special Attack and Special Defense stats. Psychic and Moonblast are its strongest STAB options. Shadow Ball takes care of its Ghost weakness and can be useful against Tate & Liza. Focus Blast takes care of Glacia, Sidney and Steven - you can give it an X Accuracy if it misses a lot. If you want to setup and sweep, go for Calm Mind.

Hariyama (Makuhita - Granite Cave)
Ability: Thick Fat / Guts
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Bulk Up / Heavy Slam

Hariyama is very bulky and hits extremely hard. Close Combat is really powerful and is strong against Wattson, Norman, Sidney, Glacia and Steven. Stone Edge is strong coverage - great against Flannery, Winona, Glacia, Drake's Altaria and Salamence, and deals with its Flying weakness. Earthquake is just way too powerful so I had to put it on a strong physical attacker. Bulk Up is a good setup move and goes well with Close Combat. If you want more coverage, use Heavy Slam.

Crobat (Zubat - Granite Cave)
Ability: Inner Focus
- Acrobatics / Fly
- Cross Poison
- Steel Wing / Roost
- X-Scissor / U-turn

Crobat has really good Attack and insane Speed with decent overall stats. Crobat is going be this team's flyer so you can give it Fly for convenience. If you have an HM Slave then you can teach Crobat Acrobatics instead. Acrobatics is amazing STAB and since Crobat is very fast, it will destroy anything that is weak to it (e.g. May's Sceptile). Cross Poison is its best Poison STAB and great for dealing with Fairies. Steel Wing is a decent coverage move as it can deal with Crobat's Ice and Rock weaknesses, and having the Defense boost is nice. If you want recovery, Roost is your best option. X-Scissor can help out against its Psychic weakness as well as taking care of Sidney's team and Steven's Claydol. U-turn can be handy if your Crobat is at low health and you need to switch.

Manectric (Electrike - Route 110)
Ability: Static
- Thunderbolt
- Flamethrower
- Double Team
- Thunder Wave / Volt Switch

Manectric is an all-out attacker, having high Attack and Speed stats. Thunderbolt is really good STAB and makes quick work of Winona and Wallace. Flamethrower is great coverage against Glacia, Steven and May's Sceptile. You can set up a quick Double Team to ensure you don't get hit. Thunder Wave is great for crippling the opponent's Speed. Volt Switch is pretty handy when you're in a tough situation and need to save your Pokemon from fainting.

Absol (Route 120)
Ability: Pressure / Super Luck
- Night Slash / Sucker Punch
- Psycho Cut / Flamethrower
- Aerial Ace
- X-Scissor / Swords Dance

This Pokemon is overall amazing and its stats back it up -- especially its Mega Evolution. It does well against the evil teams, as well as the rival and Wally. Night Slash is really powerful STAB, great against Tate & Liza, Phoebe's team, and Glacia's Froslass. Sucker Punch is another option. Psycho Cut can deal with Absol's Fighting weakness, or you can use Flamethrower if you chose Magnezone as your Electric Pokemon. Aerial Ace is there to take out any Fighting type threats. X-Scissor is there for more coverage, or if you want to set up, you can use Swords Dance.

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Why is surf and waterfall interchangeable, when you need both to beat the game? Also, you can't get magnemite until you have 8 badges.
You only need Waterfall to get to Ever Grande City and in Victory road so after you arrive at the pokemon league, you can choose whether you want to keep Waterfall or use Surf. Also i didn't know you had to beat the game to get magnemite so sorry about that.
You need surf to use waterfall lol.
5 Pokémon before the 3rd gym wow
@NovaThePro the line about no magnemite afte 8 badges isn't true. New Mauville's accessible when you get surf (after gym 5) and I think it can be found in the grass North of Slateport City
0 votes

Blaziken @ Blazikenite
Ability: Blaze
- High Jump Kick (Move Reminder) / Sky Uppercut (Level 57)
- Flare Blitz (Move Reminder or at Level 63) / Blaze Kick (Level 36)
- Earthquake (TM found in the Seafloor Cavern)
- Stone Edge (TM can be purchased from Lilycove Department Store for 30,000 Pokedollars) / Quick Attack (Level 25)

High Jump Kick is a wonderful STAB move. Sky Uppercut can be used instead if you don’t want recoil damage if you miss. Flare Blitz is another great STAB move, albeit with recoil damage. Blaze Kick is a good alternative if you don’t want recoil damage. Earthquake is an excellent coverage move. Stone Edge covers Blaziken’s Flying weakness, while Quick Attack is a nice priority move, should it ever be necessary.

Roserade @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Natural Cure
- Giga Drain (Level 25 as a Roselia) / Energy Ball (TM found in the Safari Zone)
- Sludge Bomb (TM found at Dewford Town)
- Shadow Ball (TM found at Mount Pyre)
- Toxic Spikes (Level 28 as a Roselia)

Giga Drain is STAB that recovers your own health, while Energy Ball is a more powerful STAB move that doesn’t regain HP. Sludge Bomb is good STAB. Shadow Ball is coverage, and a way to cover Roserade’s Psychic weakness. I rarely used Toxic Spikes, but it’s always an option for longer battles.

Gyarados @ Mystic Water / Never-Melt Ice
Ability: Intimidate
- Aqua Tail (Level 35) / Waterfall (HM05)
- Crunch (Level 41)
- Ice Fang (Level 32)
- Earthquake (TM found in the Seafloor Cavern)

Aqua Tail is a nice STAB move. Waterfall can be used instead for a lower power, higher accuracy option. Crunch is coverage and does well against Phoebe. Ice Fang is coverage, and helps Gyarados do well against Drake. Earthquake covers Gyarados’ devastating Electric weakness.

Swellow @ Sharp Beak / Silk Scarf
Ability: Guts
- Fly (HM02) / Brave Bird (Level 51)
- U-turn (TM found in Mauville City)
- Quick Attack (Level 9)
- Return (TM found in Pacifidlog Town)

Swellow is a solid, reliable Pokemon to have around. Fly is good STAB and convenient. Brave Bird can be used if you want more power and don’t mind recoil. Quick Attack is a nice finisher for a Pokemon on low HP. U-turn makes it easy for Swellow to pivot. Return is very powerful STAB.

Flygon @ Soft Sand / Dragon Fang
Ability: Levitate
- Earthquake (TM found in the Seafloor Cavern)
- Dragon Claw (Level 45)
- Stone Edge (TM can be purchased from Lilycove Department Store for 30,000 Pokedollars)
- U-turn (TM found in Mauville City)

Earthquake is a wonderful STAB move that Flygon can utilize very well. Dragon Claw is a reliable STAB move that can be used consistently, unlike Outrage. Stone Edge helps against Flygon’s Ice weakness, though it is a bit inaccurate. U-turn allows Flygon to safely switch out.

Froslass @ Spell Tag / Never-Melt Ice
Ability: Snow Cloak
- Shadow Ball (Level 42)
- Ice Beam (TM can be found in Sea Mauville)
- Thunderbolt (TM given by Wattson in Mauville after completing a sidequest)
- Psychic (TM found at Ever Grande City)

While these moves are accessed fairly late, they work well on Froslass. Shadow Ball and Ice Beam are both very good STAB moves. Thunderbolt and Psychic are both solid coverage moves.

ew Blaziken XD
I think Blaziken is a bit better than Camerupt, which is really the only other good, readily available Fire type. I prefer Swampert as a starter, but Blaziken seems to be better for a Hoenn playthrough, in my opinion.
Ninetales is a solid alternative if you want a fire type.
0 votes

The team I thought of:

Swampert @ Swampertite
- Waterfall (Sootopolis City)
- Earthquake (Level 51)
- Ice Beam (Sea Mauvile)
- Surf (Petalburg City)

Swampert is a crazy good Pokemon. Great stats, solid movepool and great in-game because there are no Grass bosses.

Crobat @ Sharp Beak
- Cross Poison (Move Relearner) / Sludge Bomb (TM36: Dewford Town after beating Norman)
- Acrobatics (Level 35)
- Fly (Route 119 from your rival)
- Steel Wing (TM51: Granite Cave)

Best flyer in-game, insane Speed, decent Attack and ok bulk with an ok movepool.

Gardevoir @ Gardevoirite
- Moonblast (Move Relearner) / Dazzling Gleam (TM99: Route 123)
- Psychic (Level 31)
- Shadow Ball (TM30: Mt. Pyre)
- Calm Mind (Level 26) / Focus Blast (TM52: Lilycove Department Store)

Fairy types are broken and Gardevoir is great, with insane special stats, a great movepool, and decent Speed.

Hariyama @ Quick Claw
- Close Combat (Level 46) or Brick Break (TM31: Sootopolis City)
- Vital Throw (Level 22)
- Rock Slide (Route 134) or Stone Edge (TM71: Lilycove Department Store)
- Knock Off (Level 19)

Fighting types are great, and Hariyama is no exception. Its whopping 144 HP and 120 Attack will maul anything weak to Fighting.

Aggron @ Aggronite
- Rock Slide (Level 25) / Stone Edge (TM71: Lilycove Department Store)
- Iron Head (Level 22)
- Earthquake (TM26: Seafloor Cavern)
- Aerial Ace (TM40: Mauville City Pokemart)

It's Aggron, an insanely cool (and strong) Pokemon. Just watch out for those 4x weaknesses ;)

Manectric @ Manectite
- Discharge (Level 30) / Thunderbolt (TM24: New Mauville sidequest)
- Flamethrower (TM35: Victory Road) or Overheat (TM50: Lavaridge City from Flannery)
- Thunder Wave (Move Relearner)
- Volt Switch (TM72: Mauvillle City from Wattson)

7.8 too much water. How to deal with that water? Zap it with electricity of course.

Might I suggest Mega Mawile (if playing Omega Ruby) over Aggron. Mega Mawile moveset of Iron Head (Lv45) Play Rough (Lv49) Crunch (Lv29) and Sucker Punch (Lv37). Mawileite can be found on Route 117 by going east from Verdanturf, and going down into the first fenced area at bottom of the screen and following a small trail. If playing Alpha Sapphire. keep Aggron
0 votes

Here is one for Blaziken.

Blaziken @ Blazikenite
- Flare Blitz
- Blaze Kick
- Sky Uppercut
- Bulk Up

Blaziken has good Attack and ok Special Attack. It's really hard to start the game with Torchic, but it's so good later. Sky Uppercut is for Fighting STAB, Flare Blitz is for Fire STAB. Bulk Up makes Blaziken a beast. Blaze Kick is a good move in general.

Nuzleaf @ King's Rock
- Extrasensory
- Razor Wind
- Leaf Blade
- Foul Play

Most powerful Pokemon!

Gyarados @ Lucky Egg
- Dragon Rage
- Surf
- Thrash
- Dragon Dance

Thrash is an awesome move. Surf is good Water STAB and of course an HM, Dragon Dance makes it a beast, and Dragon Rage is a good move in general.

- Wish
- Psychic
- Moonblast
- Calm Mind

Moonblast is great Fairy STAB. Psychic is great Psychic STAB. Calm Mind boosts Special Attack and Special Defense, and Wish is a good move for keeping Gardevoir in the battle.

- X-Scissor
- Swords Dance
- Rock Slide
- Stone Edge

X-Scissor is Bug STAB. Sword Dance is for boosting Attack. Rock Slide & Stone Edge are both good Rock moves.

Altaria @ Life Orb
- Dragon Pulse
- Dragon Dance
- Sky Attack
- Moonblast

Sky Attack is Flying STAB. Dragon Pulse is Dragon STAB. Moonblast is STAB if you Mega Evolve Altaria. Dragon Dance helps Altaria sweep.

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Well,I never thought I would come back to my favourite region, but here I am. I am the best Gen 3 Trainer in my town and now I will recommend a balanced team.

Swampert @ Swampertite
Rash Nature
- Surf: HM and overall a fantastic move.
- Dive: HM and good for dodging Solar Beam in the Mossdeep Gym.
- Earthquake: Good for Steven and Flannery.
- Ice Beam: Coverage against its only weakness, Grass. Also good for Winona and Drake.

- Air Slash: Good STAB move
- Poison Fang: May poison opponent
- Venoshock: If the foe is poisoned, its power is doubled
- Leech Life: Restores HP

- Leech Seed: Every turn, Breloom restores HP.
- Mega Drain: STAB that goes first, recovers Breloom's HP.
- Mach Punch: STAB that goes first. 40 base power.
- Bulk Up: Raises Attack and Defense (Defense is especially important).

- Calm Mind: Raises Special Attack and Special Defense.
- Ice Beam: If Swampert faints, Ice Beam is here as a backup.
- Psychic: Good STAB move. With Calm Mind it is OP.
- Shadow Ball: Sometimes lowers the foe's Special Defense.

Latios / Latias
- Mist Ball
- Psychic: STAB
- Dragon Breath: May paralyze
- Dragon Pulse: Awesome move

- Fire Blast: Powerful and may burn the opponent
- Dragon Dance: Raises Speed and Attack
- Outrage: 120 base power STAB move, but confuses at the end
- Earthquake: Great STAB move

Believe it or not this team got me through Hoenn easily, but it did not sweep. I made sure of it because it gives a thrill of excitement.
You don't need to use this team. You can if you want, but if anything, go with what you think is good!

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Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are the second best remakes in the series and one of my favorite set of games. I remember playing through my Omega Ruby file 8 years ago, good times weren't they? Anyways, let's get to team building.

Swampert @ Swampertite
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Ice Beam
- Rain Dance

The best starter for a Hoenn playthrough and unlike the original R/S/E, these games have a special/physical split, meaning Swampert can use its Water STAB properly. With access to Waterfall and Earthquake for Ground STAB, this will tear the region apart. Good Ice coverage will be your answer to Drake's entire team of Dragon types. Rain Dance is to make use of Swift Swim when Swampert Mega Evolves. Its Mega Evolution is really good with base 150 Atack. STAB Waterfall and STAB Earthquake are guaranteed to OHKO anything frail or that's weak to its dual typing, and its capable of learning most of the HMs in the game. Overall best starter for a Hoenn playthrough and my all time favorite starter line.

Crobat @ Sharp Beak / nothing
- Aerial Ace / Acrobatics
- Fly
- Cross Poison
- X-Scissor

Your flyer. Crobat has 130 base Speed, making it one of the fastest in the game and a solid 90 Attack stat, making it able to utilise its physical coverage. Cross Poison is for Fairy types, X-Scissor is for Psychic types (one of its weaknesses), and Aerial Ace / Acrobatics is for STAB. I would go for Acrobatics when it's not holding an item, as it will double in power. If you want a Crobat holding a Sharp Beak, go for Aerial Ace as it's a very solid Flying type move, as it can never miss. Really solid Flying type that is tedious to evolve from a Zubat, but it's worth it once you put the effort into it, and its a bit easier now that in gen 6 there's an auto-experience share. I recommend this over the other flyers in the game.

- Thunderbolt / Electro Ball
- Explosion
- Light Screen
- Volt Switch

I know, Electrode is not the best Electric type, but I wanted to give it some love. Electrode has 150 base Speed making it one of the fastest Pokemon in the game, along with good enough Special Attack to make use of its Electric STAB. Electro Ball will do a lot of damage with its high Speed stat, and Explosion can be used as a last resort. Light Screen is here for making it easier to set up against opponents and Volt Switch is for pivoting. Overall Electrode is a good but overlooked Pokemon that is outclassed by many other mons, but it's worth giving it a try.

- Psychic
- Thunderbolt
- Dazzling Gleam
- Calm Mind

The MVP of this team, Gardevoir has an insanely high Special Attack and Special Defense, making it a good special attacker and a good special wall at the same time. It also has good enough Speed to outspeed and KO opponents with the amount of coverage it has access to. Calm Mind is to raise its Special Attack and Special Defense by one stage, Psychic and Dazzling Gleam are for STAB, and Thunderbolt is the answer to all of the Water and Flying types in the game. This will be your counter to Wallace and Drake.

- Brick Break / Close Combat
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide / Stone Edge
- Facade / Poison Jab

Fighting types do well in Hoenn. Hariyama has immense bulk and an insanely high Attack stat, so it's able to take hits and dish them out too. Its evolves early from Makuhita at Level 24, meaning you will have Hariyama around the time you're at the 3rd Gym. It's a really good early game powerhouse and even in the late game its still really solid. Overall Hariyama is a really good Pokemon, very strong and very bulky with a good movepool.

- Iron Head
- Rock Slide / Stone Edge
- Brick Break
- Earthquake

Aggron is a really good defensive wall with a solid Attack stat, meaning it can take physical hits well and dish them out just as well with the coverage it has access to. Steel/Rock does give it two 4x weaknesses and a weakness to Water, but keep it away from those types and you will have a good physical wall. The Steel type means it resists Dragon types, so this is a good check to Drake's team. Overall, Aggron is a really solid defensive Pokemon. I recommend this if you want a Steel type that can also dish out good damage and take hits at the same time, even with a not-so-great defensive typing.

HM User

- Surf
- Strength
- Rock Smash
- Cut

ORAS is really big when it comes to the post-game content it has, with a lot of areas to explore such as the Mirage Islands and the other places with legendaries and unique Pokemon. They are just some of my favorite games in the series, especially since they gave a Mega Evolution to my favorite starter line.

Go out there and play some Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, and have fun using this team :D

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What's the item Swampert supposed to be? Do you mean the Swamperite?
lmao another typo, let me correct that
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Sceptile is my favorite Gen 3 starter so I wanted to make a team revolving around him while also using some Pokemon I have never actually used before. This is not going to be anyones best team for this game by any means but I feel it did surprisingly well.

w/ Sceptilite
Ability: Overgrow > Lightning Rod
-Giga Drain/Leaf Storm
-Leaf Blade
-Dual Chop/Dragon Claw
-X Scissor/Night Slash/Power Up Punch/Rock Slide

I spent over 9 hours soft resetting for a shiny and it was worth EVERY second. Sceptile is very fast and has a great special attack stat. Unfortunately his movepool is mosty physical so its great that his physical attack is decent letting him be a decent mixed attacker. For STAB you have his signature move Leaf Blade as well as Giga Drain to take advantage of his special stat and get recovery, I ended up replacing this with Leaf Storm for a big grass nuke for stonger foes and Leaf Blade for the daily grind. You'll want a dragon move for STAB when he mega evolves, Dual Chop is through lvl up or you can get the Dragon Claw TM in meteor falls since Dragon Pulse isn't available till Post Game (I think). You have a couple options for coverage depending on what you need, X Scissor is through level up, Night Slash through Heart Scale, while Rock Slide and Power Up Punch are TMs.

w/ Magnet
Ability: Static
-Thunder Fang/Discharge/Thunderbolt
-Fire Fang/Flamethrower
-Thunder Wave/Howl

Manectric is very useful due to all the water in the game and being able to mega evolve if wanted. While Sceptile is strong against water types, the appearances of Gyrados and Pelipper as well as most water Pokemon being able to have a coverage move for grass makes Electric a very nice type to have. Electrike can be caught in the grass under cycling road before the 3rd gym. He has great speed and sp attack but pretty frail and has a large physical movepool with underwhelming physical attack. Thunder Fang is his first stab move at lvl 19, then upgrade for Discharge or Thunderbolt whatever you can get first. Fire Fang can be heart scaled for coverage then replace with Flamethrower when you get the TM. Bite and Snarl for some dark coverage, Bite is through level up but I used Snarl (TM) to take advantage of his Sp Attack. Thunder Wave for utility, Howl is an option since it is through level up if you want to power up his physical moves.

w/ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Care
-Dragon Breath/Dragon Pulse
-Moonblast/Dazzling Gleam

Altaria is the flyer of the group bringing some nice bulk and coverage. Swablu can be caught just before you enter Meteor Falls after the third gym. Fly for STAB and to get around, STAB Dragon Breath is learned on evolution and Dragon Pulse comes shortly behind at lvl 40. Moonblast is great for coverage against Dark, Fighting and other Dragons plus gets STAB if you decide to mega evolve. Its learned at lvl 52 so use Dazzling Gleam if you want something stronger than Disarming Voice earlier. I went with Cotton Guard since mine had a nature boosting Sp Def and lowering Def so +3 to Def was nice to turn her into a wall. If you want more coverage instead Flamethrower and Ice Beam are great options.

w/ Wise Glasses
Ability: Thick Fat
-Power Gem
-Grass Knot/Charge Beam
-Calm Mind/Confuse Ray

Grumpig has always been a 'mon I really liked but never used (Gardevoir was always used in gen 3 runs of course) so I took the opportunity here. You can catch Spoink right after Mt Chimney. He actually was pretty solid with nice bulk, decent sp attk and speed and a nice movepool. Psychic is your STAB, you can't learn it until lvl 52 but you can throw it the TM or until then use Psybeam. Power Gem is a lvl up move as a Spoink at lvl 29 and great coverage. Teach him Grass Knot or Charge Beam for coverage and use Calm Mind or Confuse Ray for utility. Thick Fat was a nice ability for resistance to fire, as well as the ice types Glacia throws at you, just Power Gem them into submission.

w/ Soft Sand
Ability: Sturdy
-Rock Tomb/Rock Slide
-Poison Jab
-Whatever you want

I have always LOVED Donphan ever since he appeared in the first movie before Johto was even announced but never got a chance to use him in game. This time I made sure to get me one out of the Safari Zone. He can be found in the 4th zone, where you will need the Acro Bike. Glorious Soft Sand boosted Earthquake is your STAB and learned at lvl 43, heart scale or TM Bulldoze to use until then. Rock Tomb/Rock Slide for obligatory rock coverage. Honestly his movepool is pretty shallow and you cover a lot with those 2 moves, I used Poison Jab for fairy and grass types and used Stealth Rock/Rock Polish for utility. You can also heartscale on Fire/Thunder Fang. He was also my Strength user most of the play-through.

w/ Expert Belt
Ability: Cloud Nine
-Water Pulse/Surf
-Ice Beam
-Brick Break/Shadow Claw

While I would of used Starmie here I already had the Psychic type covered with Grumpig and had no luck looking for the 5% encounter Staryu. Golduck was a solid second choice here with very balanced stats and good movepool. Surf is obvious as you need to get around and I alternated Waterfall/Dive into his moveset when I needed to. The final moveset was Ice Beam to mess up Drake. Psychic was there since it can learn it from TM, use Confusion until then. Brick Break and Shadow Claw were coverage moves I alternated depending on the situation.

All the HMs can also be used with this team, just delete at the move deleter when its time for the league and to finalize movesets.

0 votes

Okay so here was my first ever hoenn team (Omega Ruby). I love these babies so much and I am sad I lost the cartridge that had this team :(

Blazekin @Blazekinite
Ability: Blaze --> Speed Boost



Blaze Kick
Brick Break
Brave Bird

Yes this Blazekin was a shiny. I wanted my first hoenn team to have a shiny and I'm personally a fan of shiny mega Blazekin so I Soft Rested about 234 times to get this thing. I have no regrets.

Gardevoir @Gardevoirite
Ability: Synchronise



Dazzling Gleam
Shadow Ball

Not really alot to say. Gardevoir is a staple of any Hoenn Team. I kept teleport because it was always useful for when I had run out of escape ropes and repels and need a Pokémon Centre asap

Magnezone @Amulet Coin
Ability: Sturdy


Flash Cannon
Sonic Boom

Okay so when I first played it I was like 7 or 8 and I felt like it was a cool Poke on plus a mate had recommended I grab a steel type and I wanted to use Oval Magnet (as I had called it from seeing it in the show)

Tentacruel @Mystic Water
Ability: Clear Body


Sludge Wave
Ice Beam

Water type time. You can't not have a water type in Hoenn (7.8/10 too much water on IGN ya know the thing) and Tentacruel is a decently strong Pokémon for a team.

Tropius @Heat Rock

Ability: Chlorophyll


Solar Beam/Energy Ball
Sunny Day
Hidden Power (Fire)

So Tropius is my Flyer and the mon to round off a nice Fire/Water/Grass core. I liked Tropius as a kid, and while yes I am less fond of it now, I still have it in my top 10 Hoenn Pokémon. Now for the last member.

Latios @Latiosite
Ability: Levitate



Dragon Pulse
Shadow Ball

Yeah I used the Latios. I know some people do not like using a legendary, but if I'm given one, especially when its literally right in front of me, I am not going to say no. Please let me know your thoughts on my team.

–1 vote

Hi! So I've used a pretty similar setup about 5-6 times since Sapphire originally came out, but playing Omega Ruby & Alpha(each once) has changed my mind recently.
(Foreword: So, I have a soft spot for Grass types, and I'd usually go with Sceptile before in Gen 3, but I used Blaziken most recently, so I'll go with that setup.)

- Sky Uppercut
- Aerial Ace
- Blast Burn
- Fire Pledge

This moveset covers every area you would want, with the moves to take advantage of most Pokemon's weakness. It can even learn Thunder Punch by Move Tutor to offset Water's super effectiveness.

- X-Scissor
- Stone Edge
- Rock Blast
- Earthquake

I really like having at least one good Bug attack, one Ground and maybe Rock. This Pokemon can do that, and Brine can also be used if you want a counter for other Rock/Ground Pokemon. It can kinda be half tank, half attacker.

- Dragon Pulse
- Draco Meteor
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball

I like Beldum better, but since you don't get it until after the Elite 4, I personally use Latias/Latios. For Latias I use STAB moves and Shadow Ball for coverage.

- Surf
- Hydro Pump
- Dragon Pulse
- Dark Pulse / Crunch

Mega Gyarados is Water/Dark type, so you'll definitely want a Dark move for STAB bonuses. As far as replacements, I've Used Walrein twice and he's a monster, and Milotic is borderline OP, and both are SO easy to evolve now with the new EXP share.

- Leaf Blade
- Leaf Storm
- Extrasensory
- Dark Pulse
Shiftry is a Dark type so you'll want to keep a Dark move for STAB. Replacements could easily be Sceptile, Tropius, Vileplume (Poison type is useful) or Breloom (Grass/Fighting is helpful).

- Earthquake
- Earth Power
- Crunch
- Dragon Rush

An all-around good Pokemon. Doesn't excel too much in one area, but well worth raising. Can be swapped with Salamence, or scrapped altogether for an Electric Pokemon since Gyarados has Dragon and Dark moves (along with Shiftry).

hey i don't wish to be rude, but doesn't shiftry have that 4x weakness to bug? Yes i do know that bug has no specialist and dark is good for the league. I do like shiftry but I, personally, would recommend swapping Armaldo for a Cradily that has no item and Energy Ball, Ancient Power, Brine and Sandstorm, and then swapping shiftry for a Crobat with no item and the moveset of Cross Poison. Fly, X Scissor and Acrobatics. Hope this is something you could see reasoning for.