PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
3 votes

In the game Pokémon Shuffle, whenever you battle a Mega Pokémon, its Trainer appears as a silhouette. Is it ever revealed who these Trainers are, and who are they? The one who commands Mega Sableye has a bandanna and sort of resembles Team Aqua Leader Archie…

this is a new one.
I know there's a Fairy Tale Girl, who commands Mega Lopunny, had to use 7 hearts on her...
So I have done some research and found absolutely nothing. I play Shuffle myself and wonder the same thing. I am wondering if maybe when you beat the game you wil find out...
Anyway, there is currently zero information on the topic and it will probably stay like that for a long time.
Then why did you answer the question?..
I think it's characters from oras. I'm not sure thow.
the mega audino person looks like a gentleman. lets try to put this all together to get this question of the list
There is no current information as to who these silhouettes are. They will remain a mystery until further information surfaces.
Seriously now? What the heck does it matter that it's still on the unanswered list? Does it bother people that badly? Don't give an answer unless you've found something about. Leave it open until it's able to be answered, don't just answer with some BS just to get it off a list, come on now.
^ Agreed. I'd rather have no answer than an incorrect/incomplete answer, unless you have proof that there is no proof.
'proof that there is no proof' thanks, i just found my QOTM (quote of the month) for March
Man, this hasn't been answered for a long time.
Do you really need this answered?
Haven't you found the answer?
Umm, no, I haven't? If I had then I would hide the question/answer it myself.
In ORAS some girl gives you an intriguing stone. Ended up  going to Devon Corp. to  find out it's a pidgeotite.
Wrong game, buddy xD

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

To be honest no one really knows. I'd say their silhouettes are of certain trainer designs (ie; fairy girl, bug catcher, so on) or designs remixed from prominent characters in the games. However, I doubt we'll ever know who they are.

Source: None other than logic due to the lack of sources available for shuffle other than theories much like my own

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I love logical answers :D
I do too. Logic is the Game Of The Year hands-down.