PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
4 votes

There are quite a lot of fan's theories out there, like the Pokemon War, Blue's Raticate and the Lavander town's melody to name a few.

The problem with most of them is a lack of sources at best, or in the worst cases, they are just middle school level creepy pastas.

What I want to bring to your attention today though, is a research I've been working on for a couple of days.

Let me ask you this first, because by the time you'll be done reading this, your answer may need to be changed.

• What are we trapping inside those pokèballs?
• What defines our predominance over these creatures?

The reason why I bring you this seemingly obvious question is because, most of the time, the Pokémon we catch are based upon animals in our world.

After all, Growlithe is as close as you can get to a fire breathing puppy and Miltank is a big bipedal pink cow.

So what of those that don't have a real life counterpart?

For example, Slowking who is stated to have
> intelligence comparable to that of award-winning scientists

> A Pokémon formed by 108 spirits

or even better, Arceus, a Pokémon that
> emerged from an egg and shaped all there is in this world, before the universe even existed.

All these entries were taken from the Pokédex, which is our "first in the line" source of info about our friends, so it can't get more official than this.

So I think we can safely assume that, at times, we deal with beings that are equal to us or, at other times, above us.

But what I want you to focus on is not so much our equals or some old mythological God, but instead on the ones that we put inside these balls that are like us.

As in human.

Honestly, I should have said "*were like us*", but thru my research I've found that the connections between Pokémon and Humans aren't as far fetched as most seem to believe.

And I'm not referring to a slow evolution thru billions of years, I'm talking about metamorphosis or, in some cases, a complete transformation from Human to Pokémon.

What I'm about to say can be sourced back in the Canalave's Library via the books you can find on the second floor.

On these books there are documents that describe how, in the past,
> there used to be Pokémons living in the forests that shed their hide to sleep as humans

and in a different book the connection between Pokémon and humans intensifies when it is revealed to us that
> there once were Pokémon that became very close to humans,
> it was a time when there existed no differences to distinguish the two.

Although, that last bit has a different, deeper, meaning in the original Japanese game.
It says as follows:
> There once were Pokémon that married people.
> This was a normal thing because, long ago, people and Pokémon were the same.

enter image description here

Kinda brings a different meaning to the phrase "I choose you!", don't you believe?

Nevertheless, I couldn't retain myself to what may or may not be old folklore to stabilize a connection between Pokémon and Humans, so I bring you definitive proofs from THE MOST reliable source we could ask for:

The Pokédex.

Take a look at these entries:


It happened one morning - a boy with extrasensory powers awoke in bed
transformed into KADABRA.

> Each of them carries a mask that used to be its face when it was human.
> Each retains memories of its former life.


These Pokémon are created when
spirits of children who died while lost in the forest possess rotten tree stumps.

So now, reader, now that I've proven that not only there is the lore that points to Humans been the same as Pokémon at one point in history, but that there is a clear connection even in the Dex's entries between Pokémon and Humans,
let me ask you again:

• Are we sure that those are Pokémon we are trapping inside those pokèballs?
• Why should we feel predominant over our own kin?


• Are there any more connection I might have missed out about humans and Pokémons?

Let me know what you guys think, and have a good night!





Canalave Library




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Jeez, it took me forever to write this down!
Hope you guys will find this as entertaining to read as it was for me to write.

Can't wait for your answers! ;)

I'm beat now tho, Imma nap...
According to this Nuzlocke comic, humans are just highly evolved Pokémon. And can be caught in Poké Balls. It's not canon but it's funny.


(Btw Torym I think you'd really like his stuff, if you have time to read five Nuzlockes start to finish).
Well to be honest this is a very interesting question and I would like to see the answer
Watch the Game Theory for this on YouTube
...What exactly is the question here? This can't be truely answered atm, and likely it never will. I'm not even sure this is allowed. These questions seem way too opinionated. It seems more like you're just broadcasting your theory. IMO this would be a great thing to discuss on chat.
too opinionated
....how is it opinionated
I believe this is an opinionated question.
I wasn't aware of that episode, but it doesn't surprise me that some points were the same.
After all,there is only so much to bring up as facts from the games.
That video does answer my question of other proofs about the connection between humans and Pokémons though.

> ...What exactly is the question here? This can't be truely answered atm, and likely it never will.
I appreciate your feedback, for at least you gave more reasons than just a mere sentence.
The questions were, as I tend to do in all my questions, the three Bold/Italic sentences with a big dot in front of them you'll surely find at the bottom of the post. It's kind of hard to miss them honestly.

@Poyomon/ zoroark kills arceus/ Poke_Fan_Girl
> I'm not even sure this is allowed. These questions seem way too opinionated. It seems more like you're just broadcasting your theory.
> too opinionated
> I believe this is an opinionated question.
I'd like to clear something.
As I've stated in my post, the information I bring aren't suppositions or theories I found on the web.
These are informations you can find yourself in the games and, in the most part, on this very site thru the sources I provided at the end of the question.

In other words: they are facts.

Last time I checked, the definition of fact isn't a synonymous of opinion.
But the vocabularies and dictionaries may be different from country to country, so I encourage you to take a look.

Anyway, since I realize that thru the video Fresh mentioned I already have one answer, I'm going to contact Fizz to see if this question is up to what he considers regularity.
I didn't say your facts weren't real I said the question is opionated.
The point is however, that there is no definitive answer or evidence besides opinion and speculation. Even if the question is legal it's unlikely that an answer will be. Only competitive, which differs because the opinions are backed by logic, experience and the meta in general, can be seen as a legitimate opinion answer.
I think that humans are in fact a more evolved pokemon species, that learned how to talk and about technology.
@AreWeFreshYet? That could not have been put in better terms. Nice job!
I don't know therefore Poke'Rus.

Just kidding lol I have my own opinion on this topic.

People and pokemon were most definitely alike thousands of years ago, but what could have changed them? I like to point the finger at Poke'Rus. A disease that infects pokemon and makes them stronger, faster. When you go to the pokemon center though the Nurse will cure this helpful disease. Why would she do this?

She does it because it is dangerous to people. Yes I said it, the poke'rus virus is dangerous to you and your family. I think this is because the virus will infect people too, turning them into pokemon sort of like how that virus in the anime Black Bullet worked, this method of infection also explains how a pokemon changes appearance when they evolve.

So when did humans start being pokemon? The virus is probably a lot slower than Black Bullet's and required some time to develop humans into pokemon.  When you mentioned the fairy tale about how the pokemon shed their hide to sleep as humans that was probably about a time when pokemon and normal animals JUST evolved from people and their was a huge craze over these new powerful people and animals.

Wait, I just realized something, I forgot to mention why normal animals are SO RARE in the pokemon world! This is because ANIMALS DON'T GO LOOKING FOR A CURE TO THEIR POKE'RUS!!!!!!

I'm running out of characters to write so I will post the full version of this on my wall.
You do realize that the Pokemon Centre doesn't cure, but only informs us of Pokerus, don't you...
I've always wondered though, why does Alakazam (with an IQ of 5000) give commands instead of you. I'm sure it could strategize better.
Here's what I think:

Why would we evolve into creatures like Slowpoke or Magikarp? Or lose our ability of speech? Seems like devolution, except it's nigh impossible for one species to devolve into such a multitude of creatures.

Maybe we evolved from pokemon, but that makes little sense as well. It would take at least many billions of years for a pokemon like dunsparce or ditto to evolve into an upright bipedal form, and if the poke-verse is anything like ours, than its only been around for a couple billion. It would only make sense if we evolved if we evolved from pokemon in the humanlike egg group, but even then it doesn't check out! Say we evolved from hitmonchan and hitmonlee. What would we have to gain by losing the sheer power of hitmonchan, or the force of hitmonlees kick? Speech? Intelligence? No!! Other pokemon, like alakazam and meowth have or can learn these attributes already!

In conclusion, I think it's safe to say we did not evolve from pokemon. Those pokedex entry's are far and few between, and could very easily be folk tales the professor of that region heard about that pokemon. Speaking of folk tales, that's exactly what those canalave library stories are. They're the equivalent of Jack and the beanstalk, or the 3 little pigs in our world. We believe them until a ceartin age, until science or logic or otherwise proves us wrong. So..
What are we catching? Pokemon. Pure and simple.
Also... Yes those stories and entries are in the game, but can you really call them facts? They're mostly aesthetic, nobody really looks at them. They're focused on catching em all. As such, while they do bring insight to this matter, I really doubt as much thought was put into writing the pokedex entry for yamask as there was creating the next generation of starter pokemon.
Is this a question, or *another* rant of why pokemon is unethical?

PS. I do have to give credit for the amount of work that was put into this post though.  Good job.
PPS. That still doesn't mean it belongs here.
@some random guy
Alakazam and hitmonchan can breed, sooo.
@KRLW890 It is a rant, but in my defense, you can't put up such a controversial subject without some objection. Also, I enjoy debating. I saw this as an oppurtunity, and I seized it.
Another thing, you see them eating meat. Where that meat comes from if not pokemon ? And if you said is true then ok.

1 Answer

1 vote

Well this question is certainly, interesting. I'm going to do my best to try and shed some light on it regardless of whether this follows db rules or not. so, lets begin.

Picture it like this. I'm sure you know that we evolved from primates millions of years ago, becoming the Homo sapiens we are today. now picture a chimpanzee, an animal which we evolved from. It is a well documented fact that chimpanzees are very intelligent creatures, able to use iPads, understand magic tricks and understand english, as well as a large variety of other things, their intelligence could possibly match that of a human. But if this is so, then why do we keep these amazing creatures in zoos? I believe there is a somewhat simple answer, which may answer your question. It could be because they have no rational human attributes. Chimpanzees will somewhat go wild at any foreseeable time, and will act like beasts due to little to no social training look at the attack of Charla Nash, attacked by Travis the chimpanzee, it went wild for seemingly no reason attacking Charla. Now look over at Kadabra or Yamask, those things may have been human at one point, but all traces of it are long gone. Waiting in grass and jumping kids trying to beat up their pets is not rational human behaviour. They are beasts and creatures now, not human. Chimpanzees may think like us, but they will never be us. They will always have a factor of animal instinct making them unpredictable at best, and straight up dangerous at worst.

I hope this helps you in your future endeavors

tl;dr: if they were ever human they aren't anymore because of losing all rational human thinking over time and becoming a beast.

Yeah… stalking children in tall grass and beating up their pets is totally not normal…

//edges away totally not supiciously
Humans are dangerous. We're a lot worse then Chimpanzees to be honest