PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
8 votes

Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon Sun and Moon on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You may use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

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Do you have some compilation of all the answers? What pokemons turned up the most? Any way of ranking the answers?

41 Answers

0 votes

This was my in-game team for Moon and it worked pretty well.

Primarina@Primarium Z
-Sparkling Aria-STAB and access to Z-move
-Ice Beam- good move
-Psychic- coverage against Poison types
-Moonblast- STAB

Bewear@Fightinium Z/Expert belt
-Brick Break- STAB and because Light Screen and Reflect are annoying
-Payback- takes advantage of Bewear's low speed and helps with Ghost types
-Hammer Arm- STAB and very powerful
-Thrash- STAB and very powerful

Vikavolt@Electrium Z/Magnet
-Thunderbolt-STAB and because why not
-Volt Switch-STAB and good move
-X-Scizzor/Bug Buzz- STAB and strong moves
-Energy Ball- Coverage against Rock-types

Salamence@Dragonium Z/Focus Band
-Dragon Claw- STAB and coverage against other Dragon types
-Crunch- good move
-Fly- STAB and good move
-Flamethrower- good move and coverage against Ice types

Alolan Marowak@Firium Z/ Charcoal
Ability-Cursed Body
-Bone Club/Shadow bone- good move or STAB
-Flare Blitz-STAB and strong
-Thrash- very powerful
-Stomping Tantrum- good move. Only have if Shadow Bone was picked instead of Bone Club

Metagross@Steelium Z/Psychium Z
Ability-Clear Body
-Meteor Mash-STAB
-Zen Headbutt-STAB
-Hammer Arm- Coverage for Dark types
-Bullet Punch- STAB and priority

0 votes

1.Decidueye@Deciduim Z ( amazing move to start the battle with)
ability: Overgrow or maybe someday Long reach.
move set:
Leaf Blade (Stab)
Spirit Shackle (Stab and offensive against other ghost types)
Brave Bird ( A great move to use and helps fight off other grass types) or Sucker Punch
Nasty Plot ( Great to power up with and help out with and power up Decidueye's amazing attack) or U-turn

got mine shiny since I reset the game about 11 times before choosing him.

  1. Bewear @Fightnium Z ( Helps if Bewear is in a pinch.)
    ability: Fluffy
    move set:
    Brick Break ( Stab)
    Hammer Arm ( Stab but does lower speed by quite a bit)
    Rock Tomb ( Offense against Flying types and lowers speed)
    Payback ( Bewear speed stat is bad so this helps out against most speedy Psychic types)
  1. Mudslale @whatever item
    ability: Stamina
    Heavy Slam ( Super Heavy Pokemon so this helps out a lot)
    High Horsepower ( Stab)
    Earthquake ( Great for double team battle if Pokemon is a flier or levitates)
    Rock Slide
  1. Alolan Raichu @Twisted spoon
    ability: Surge Surfer
    Thunderbolt/Discharge ( Stab[ evolve Pikachu around level 32 so it learns Discharge. evolved mine to early])
    Psychic ( Stab)
    Nasty Plot ( only Pichu learns this) or if powering up isn't your style go for Thunder Wave to catch Pokemon
    Grass Knot ( helps out against ground and Rock types)
  1. Salazzle @ Charcoal ( It's a pain to get I know, but it is worth it)
    ability: Corrosion
    Toxic ( Mainly to poison)
    Poison Jab ( Destroys fairy types also STAB)
    Flamethrower ( Stab)
    Dragon Pulse ( Huge amount of coverage)

  2. Lapras @ Never-Melt Ice
    Freeze-dry ( Stab and super effective against water types) or Hydro Pump
    Surf (Stab)
    Psychic ( Coverage against Fighting)
    Ice Beam ( Stab and make it an amazing Dragonslayer)

Well all in all this team was amazing to use and I loved it. It might be difficult to get but it is super worth it.

Nasty plot upgrades Special Attack, not regular Attack
0 votes

Here was my first playthrough team:

Decidueye @ Decidium Z/Miracle Seed
Type: Grass/Ghost
Ability: Overgrow
- Leaf Blade
- Spirit Shackle
- Brave Bird
- Synthesis/False Swipe

The final evolution to the grass starter Rowlet! It has a decent typing which allows for a good offense but a weaker defense. Decidueye's decent defense stats however, make up for its amount of weaknesses. Though it is quite slow, Decidueye has good attack stats that make up for it along with some powerful moves in its learnset. Leaf Blade and Spirit Shackle are powerful STAB moves for Decidueye while Brave Bird is a powerful Flying type move that provides coverage against Fighting, Bug and Grass types. Depending on your method of ingame play, you could use False Swipe, which may be important in catching Pokemon for the Pokedex or Synthesis for recovery.

Alolan Raichu @ Electrium Z (until Aloraichuim Z)
Type: Electric/Psychic
Ability: Surge Surfer
- Thunderbolt
- Nasty Plot
- Psychic/Psyshock
- Discharge

Alolan Raichu has a unique typing of Electric/Psychic that will aid you on your journey through the Alola region. This Pokemon is essentially a glass cannon. Alolan Raichu also has a good speed stat, which many Pokemon in the Alola region don't have. Psychic/Psyshock and Thunderbolt will be STAB moves for Alolan Raichu to use, with the latter Thunderbolt acting as the Z-Move for Stoked Sparksurfer whilst Discharge is a STAB move to use during Totem battles and difficult wild SOS battles. Nasty Plot will also be useful if you are in a position to set up and sweep.

Salazzle @ Firium Z
Type: Poison/Fire
Ability: Corrosion
- Dragon Pulse
- Sludge Bomb
- Flamethrower
- Toxic/Nasty Plot

The female evolution of Salandit! Salazzle is a very quick and powerful Pokemon and will be the Fire type member of your team. However, like Alolan Raichu, Salazzle is a glass cannon but with a 4x weakness to Ground. Sludge Bomb and Flamethrower are strong STAB moves for Salazzle while Dragon Pulse acts as coverage for Dragon types and anything that Salazzle can't hit for neutral damage. Toxic makes use of Salazzle's ability Corrosion (can poison Steel and Poison types), however, Nasty Plot is also available for boosting Salazzle's special attack when ever is possible.

Golisopod @ Quick Claw
Type: Bug/Water
Ability: Emergency Exit
- Brick Break
- Liquidation
- First Impression
- Leech Life

Golisopod is a Water/Bug type with high Defense and Attack stats which learns some high base power moves. First Impression makes good use of Golisopod's otherwise terrible ability and is STAB. Leech Life and Liquidation are powerful STAB moves for Golisopod while Brick Break provides coverage against Rock, Steel, Ice and Normal types. Though Golisopod is a very powerful Pokemon, its ability may turn people off so here is another Pokemon to fill this team's Bug/Water typing.


Araquanid @ Quick Claw
Type: Bug/Water
Ability: Water Bubble
- Lunge/Leech Life
- Liquidation
- Crunch
- Poison Jab

Araquanid is a Water/Bug type with high Defense and Special Defense and an amazing ability. Water Bubble is Araquanid and Dewpider's signature ability which has three effects: weakening fire type moves, preventing burns and increasing the power of Araquanid's Water type moves. Leech Life/Lunge and Liquidation are powerful STAB moves for Araquanid whilst Crunch and Poison Jab provide coverage against Fairy, Ghost, Psychic and Grass types.

Alolan Ninetales @ Icium Z OR Fairium Z
Type: Ice/Fairy
Ability: Snow Cloak OR Snow Warning (if you can deal with hail)
- Ice Beam
- Extrasensory
- Dazzling Gleam
- Dark Pulse/Blizzard (Better with Snow Warning for 100% accuracy)

Alolan Ninetales is a very strong Ice type that I highly recommend. It has high Speed and Special Defense along with decent Special Attack and Defense along with a phenomenal movepool of Ice, Psychic and Fairy moves. It can fit both a supportive and offensive role in a team, however ingame, I recommend an offensive moveset. Ice Beam and Dazzling Gleam are powerful STAB moves for Alolan Ninetales whilst Extrasensory provides coverage against Fighting and Poison types. Dark Pulse also provides coverage against Ghost and Psychic types and hits Steel types neutrally whilst Blizzard is an incredibly powerful Ice tyoe move preferred with the Snow Warning ability where in Hail, it has 100% accuracy.

Kommo-o @ Amulet Coin/Lum Berry (if available)
Type: Dragon/Fighting
Ability: Soundproof
- Outrage/Dragon Claw
- Sky Uppercut
- Dragon Dance
- Poison Jab

Kommo-o is Alola's pseudo-legendary and isn't available until Poni Island. However when caught, Kommo-o is an incredibly strong and useful Pokemon with high Attack, Defense, Special Attack and Special Defense with average Speed. Outrage/Dragon Claw and Sky Uppercut are powerful STAB moves for Kommo-o to use whilst Poison Jab provides coverage against Grass and Fairy types. Dragon Dance allows for Kommo-o to set up at the start of a battle and increase its average speed, allowing it to sweep entire teams (I managed to sweep the Champion with just Kommo-o after I set up on their first Pokemon).

0 votes

Okay, so I don't actually know if this team is any good or not, but it worked for me.
Also, I'm not any good with competitive or anything, so I don't have any Natures listed.
Anyway now that's out of the way, lets get started.

I'm writing one-up for Popplio, this little sea lion won my heart the moment I saw it, and its evolution in great,


Type: Water/Fairy
Item: Primarium Z
Ability: Torrent

  • Sparkling Aria: Signature Move, +Stab
  • Ice Beam: Grass Coverage
  • Moonblast: Stab
  • Psychic: Poison Coverage

Next up, Togedemaru.
This guy truly is a hidden gem, I was able to take out 4/6 of Proffesor Kukui's Pokemon with him! Not to mention, he's adorable!!


Type: Electric/Steel
Item: Electrium Z
Ability: Iron Barbs

  • Zing Zap: Signature Move, +Stab
  • Charge: +Sp. Def, Powers up electric type moves the next turn
  • Gyro Ball: Stab
  • Spiky Shield: Protection

Now, on to Lurantis.
Ah, the Grass/Bug type, one of- wait, it's not a bug type?? Whh??


Type: Grass
Item: Grassium Z
Ability: Leaf Gaurd

  • Solar Blade: Signature Move, +Stab (Stacks up with Sunny Day)
  • Sunny Day: (Stacks up with Solar Blade)
  • Toxic: Poison
  • Aerial Ace: Bug Coverage

Next on the list, Marowak!
This ghost fire thing is defiantly one of my favorite Alolan forms.

Alolan Marowak

Type: Fire/Ghost
Item: Firium Z
Ability: Lightning Rod/Rock Head (Either one)

  • Shadow Bone: Signature Move, +Stab, Ghost Coverage
  • Flamethrower/Flare Blitz: Stab
  • Thunderbolt: Water Coverage
  • Focus Blast: Dark Coverage, Rock Coverage

Only two more left, hooray.


Type: Normal/Fighting
Item: Fightingium Z
Ability: Fluffy

  • Superpower/Hammer Arm: Stab
  • Trash: Stab
  • Brutal Swing: Psychic Coverage
  • Aerial Ace/Rock Tomb: Fighting/Flying Coverage

Last one!!


Type: Rock/Flying
Item: Rockium Z
Ability: Shields Down

  • Aerial Ace/Rock Tomb: Fighting/Flying Coverage
  • Power Gem: Stab
  • Acrobatics: Stab
  • U-turn: Grass Coverage
  • Solar Beam/Charge Beam: Water Coverage

I don't really feel like giving any major explanations for these, if you really need one, don't be lazy. look it up.
If I did something wrong please tell me

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0 votes

Notice: This team was made by my friend, but I'm uploading it because they don't like using Forums.

Grass Pokémon

Item: Decidium Z
Spirit Shackle-Z move requirement
Leaf Blade-STAB
Brave Bird- Good Coverage
U-turn-Helpful if low HP

Fire Type

Alolan Marowak
Item: Shell Bell
Flare Blitz- STAB and can burn
Shadow Bone- STAB
Bonemerang- Coverage

Water Type

Item: Wide Lens
Hurricane-STAB and can confuse
Water Pulse- STAB and can confuse
Ice Beam-Coverage

Fighting Type

Item: Icicle Plate
Ice Punch-STAB, can freeze
Close Combat-STAB
Dizzy Punch- Coverage, can confuse
Iron Defense- Restore Defense

Electric Type

Alolan Raichu
Item: Amulet Coin
Quick Attack-Priority Move
Nuzzle-STAB and always paralyzes

Fairy Type


Item: Scope Lens
Draining Kiss-Heals
Quick Attack- Priority Move
Skill Swap- For disarming an enemy

0 votes

I use in-game a team of mainly legendaries/mythicals, but I will not be able to provide other options
https://richi3f.github.io/pokemon-team-planner/# (Copy + Paste)

Decidueye @ Decidum Z

Tackle (for Pokemon with sturdy/good defense)
Spirit Shackle (Z)
Leaf Blade (STAB)
Brave bird (STAB)

Lunala @ ???
Shadow Sheild

Moongeist Beam (Signiture)
Night Daze (STAB)
Psychic (STAB)
Moonblast (Dark weakness)

Magearna @ Farium Z
Soul Heart

Fleur cannon (Z + STAB)
Flash Cannon
Energy ball
aura sphere

Necrozma @ Psychicum Z
Prism Armour

Night Slash
Psycho Cut
Power Gem
Prismatic lazer

Pikachu (if not picked alolan raichu) @ Pikanium Z

Volt Tackle
Brick Break

Lucario @ Lucarionite (Hard but worth it)

Flash Cannon
Close Combat
Aura Sphere

This Team will not be very good against Ghost, Fire, Dark or Ground So... Change it?

0 votes

This was my Pokemon team for Pokemon Moon

Decidueye (Kiko)
Ability : Overgrow
@Decidium Z (Malie Garden)
Spirit Shackle (Evolution)
U-Turn (TM - Malie City Pokemon Center / Level 1 - Heart Scale)
Synthesis (Level 28)/False Swipe (TM - Iki Town)
Leaf Blade (Level 44)

>Rowlet evolves into Dartrix at level 17, which evolves into Decidueye at level 34 and can be aquired in Iki Town as the starter, This Pokemon has good stats, a great typing of ghost and grass and a vast variety of moves, has a solid 100 Sp. Def stat, 107 Attack stat, 100 Sp. Attack stat, and the highest speed of the starters at a mediocre 70, however this Pokemon makes up for it with the other stats. Not only that this Pokemon has an awesome design, I'm aware this doesn't actually matter to the Pokemon itself but it really helped for me that Rowlet was absolutely adorable, Dartrix had a derpy and funny look to it, and Decidueye has a super badass design. The moveset I chose for my Decidueye (Kiko) had Spirit Shackle, an outstanding physical ghost move with 80 base power and the ability to trap a Pokemon then my next move I chose was U-Turn as my favorite strategy was to trap my foe then U-Turn out into my best match, and if it was Kiko I'd utilize my best STAB move Leaf Blade, which has 90 base power and a high critical hit chance or Spirit Shackle which is a good damaging move, then I'd either recommend Synthesis for the ability to heal without using a potion or what I used, False Swipe to help catch Pokemon. The item I chose was its signature Z-move which can be acquired after the Electric trial on Ula'ula island from Kukui at Malie Garden.

Alolan-Raichu (Swag Surfin')
Ability : Surge Surfer
@Twisted Spoon (Malie City) / Aloraichium Z (Seafolk Village)
Psychic (Evolution)
Discharge (Level 32 on Pikachu) / Thunderbolt (Level 1, Heart Scale)
Grass Knot (TM - Lush Jungle)
Thunder Wave (Level 18 on Pikachu / TM - Route 7) / Nasty Plot (Level 13 on Pichu) / Volt Switch (TM - Route 10)

Pichu which evolves into Pikachu by max happiness, which evolves into Alolan-Raichu when exposed to a Thunderstone, can be found on Route 1 in the two patches of grass closest to Iki Town, however if you're patient you can wait until the you've beaten the first trial and SOS chain the Pichu until it calls a Pikachu which is what I did. Alolan-Raichu has an outstanding Sp. Attack stat of 95 and a Speed stat of 110. This was my choice as you can get it early on and is very fast and a good special attacker, not only that it has a useful typing of Electric and Psychic which allows it to cover the flying types Decidueye struggles to kill, not only that this Pokemon can carry the momentum of Decidueye with its use of Volt Switch which allows to switch between Pokemon very easily and do solid damage. My other choices of moves were Psychic, a 90 damage STAB move that your Alolan-Raichu gets as soon as it evolves. My other STAB move was Discharge which Pikachu learns at level 32. If you're impatient however, you can get Electro Ball on Pikachu at Level 13 and with its Speed stat you can make that work until the end of the game when you have a Heart Scale and use the move re-learner on Mount Lanakila and get Thunderbolt. My last move was Grass Knot, which gave me the ability to kill very heavy pesky rock and ground types like Gastrodon and Mudsdale. Your items can be acquired either by going Northwest from Malie City to the Recycling Plant and battling the 2 guys there and getting the item, Alolan-Raichu's signature Z-Move can be acquired at Seafolk Village by talking to a female NPC to the east of the Pokemon Center.

Araquanid (Widowmaker)
@Waterium Z (Brooklet Hill)
Ability : Water Bubble
Liquidation (Level 57) / Scald (TM - Brooklet Hill)
Leech Life (Level 33 / TM - Route 9) / Lunge (Level 45)
Crunch (Level 38) / Mirror Coat (Level 50) / Poison Jab (TM - Route 17) / Infestation (TM - Route 3)
Crunch (Level 38) / Mirror Coat (Level 50) / Poison Jab (TM - Route 17) / Infestation (TM - Route 3)

Dewpider is a very common Pokemon while surfing at Brooklet Hill during the day time, it evolves fairly early on at level 22, it has mediocre stats but more than makes up with its absolutely insane ability, Water Bubble, that doubles all water type attacks damage, halves fire moves damage on you, and makes it so you can't be burned. My Dewpider was actually a shiny female I named randomly and appropriately named her after one of my favorite Overwatch heroes, Widowmaker, this Pokemon was primarily my wall and switch in for Fire types with its good 92 Defense stat and its and its amazing 132 Sp. Defense stat and solid 70 Attack stat, the moves I chose for mine were Liquidation, Leech life, Poison Jab, and Crunch. However, you have plenty of options for its move as I listed above, I used Liquidation based 80 damage, as an outstanding Hydro Vortex with the Water Bubble boost and decent Attack stat, however until I got Liquidation I used Scald which is a solid water type move with 80 base damage however its Sp. Attack is lackluster at only 50. I used Leech Life as a STAB 80 base power bug-type move that would restore my HP. However Lunge is also an option if you really want as it does lower the attack stat of who've you hit, which helps to take down physical attackers, I utilized Poison Jab an 80 base power move with a chance to poison the enemy that would allow me to kill pesky fairy types in usually 2 to 1 hits. I used Crunch to kill the pesky ghost types that would block me normally as most of the ghost types in this game are relatively bulky and could eat my water type attacks. The Waterium-Z which did an absurd of amount of damage can be acquired after the first trial on Akala island after defeating Lana's totem Wishiwashi.

Salazzle (Sol)
@Firium Z (Wela Volcano Park)
Ability : Corrosion
Toxic (Level 29 / TM - Aether Paradise)
Venoshock (Level 39)
Flamethrower (Level 44)
Dragon Pulse (Level 56) / Nasty Plot (Level 32) / Venom Drench (Level 51)

Salandit can be caught at Wela Volcano Park and evolves at level 33 but only if the Salandit is female, which is only a 12.5% chance, this Pokemon has a very unique typing of fire/poison that covers most things incredibly well, notably Fairy types and Grass types, the moveset I chose for my Salazzle, appropriately named after the Roman goddess of the Sun, Sol, took advantage of its interesting ability Corrosion which enables to poison all Pokemon, Steel types and Poison types included, to go along with this I took the Toxic and Venoshock combo which allowed my Salazzle to completely blow up Pokemon, Flamethrower an amazing STAB 95 damage Fire move that has a chance to burn and 100% accuracy so there's really no reason not to use it on my Salazzle, for the 4th move you have some options of more movepool with Dragon Pulse so you can slay some dragons, or Nasty Plot if you're the type to setup, or Venom Drench if you enjoy crippling and taunting your enemies while their poisoned and awaiting their inevitable doom from this nuke of a Pokemon. As this team has a lack of fire type moves I chose to apply Firium Z to my Salazzle which allowed Flamethrower to hit like a truck when it was neccesary, Firium Z is acquired after defeating Kiawe's totem Salazzle at Wela Volcano Park.

Alolan-Ninetales (Japanese Name)
@NeverMeltIce (Route 10)
Ability : Snow Cloak / Snow Warning
Ice Beam (Level 36)
Dazzling Gleam (Evolution) / Moonblast (Egg Move)
Ice Shard (Level 12 on Vulpix / Heart Scale)
Extrasensory (Level 31)

Now, I actually got quite lucky with this one as I had gone on the GTS in search of an Alolan-Vulpix since it was exclusive and I was trying to fill some dexspace and I had gotten one with Moonblast an egg move and snow warning, its hidden ability, for a Jangmo-o I had gotten from wonder trade. This Pokemon evolves into Alolan-Ninetales when exposed to an Ice Stone which you can get at Po Town. I love this Pokemon so much not only because its amazing design but also its a fast Sp. Attacker with solid defensive stats With 81 Sp. Attack, 100 Sp. Defense, 75 Defense, and 100 Speed. I didn't think I was going to use mine but it was too appealing with a good nature, a good eggmove, and its hidden ability to not use it. The moveset I chose was a very strong STAB Sp. Attack Ice type move, Ice Beam that enabled me to one shot all the Pokemon weak to Ice types. Moonblast is a very strong STAB Fairy type move that OHKO's almost all Dragon types (Around its level of course!), My other move I chose was Ice Shard which was a priority move that allowed me to switch in try to finish off many Pokemon. I also had Extrasensory to help me take down pesky poison types that threatened my Alolan-Ninetales incredibly hard. The item I chose for my Ninetales was a NeverMeltIce that I found randomly on Route 10 and it really helped me with my Ice type damage. I wish I could have came up for a name for this instead of a random Japanese name as I only speak English and Dutch.

Or if you can't get your hands on a Vulpix you can use

Froslass (Rey)
Ability : Cursed Body
Destiny Bond (Level 61)
Will-o-Wisp (TM - Konikoni City)
Frost Breath (Level 37)
Shadow Ball (Level 42)

Bewear (Queen Ronda)
@Fightinium Z (Iki Town)
Ability : Fluffy
Return (Ula'ula Malasada Shop)
Payback (Level 23)
Hammer Arm (Level 36)
Pain Split (Level 49)

Originally I wasn't going to use Ronda the Stufful but I needed a fighting type for coverage and wasn't a huge fan of Kommo-o so I decided that this bulky cuddle monster was my best choice for a team member. Bewear has a nice 120 HP stat and a 125 Attack stat and a solid 80 Defense stat, along with it's great ability that makes it defense doubled so consider it 190 but makes fire type moves supereffective against it, however I think this niche is definitely worth it as you can get an absolutely absurd defensive wall that can eat many hits and deal massive damage and even recover itself with Pain Split which Bewear gets at level 49. As this Pokemon has a low base 60 speed it takes great advantage of Hammer Arm, you get this at level 36, which is a STAB fighting type move with a nice base 100 power however when you hit an enemy your speed lowers, this truly doesn't matter however as the Bewear can also take advantage of Payback, you get this at level 23 on Stufful, which has a base 60 power but it doubles if you move last which raises it to 120 power which can easily one shot all ghost types which are generally much faster than your Bewear. The next move is especially useful once your Bewear has leveled up about 20 times and hasn't died much you can get Return and Frustration from the same Oranguru in the Ula'ula Malasada shop after defeating Nanu, use whichever gives you higher damage. You get Fightinium Z after defeating Hala's grand trial on Melemele Island, I'd reccomend saving this for when your Bewear gets in trouble because it is slower and if you use it to early you could get trapped with no way to kill.

0 votes

Okay, so I finished moon with Decidueye, Mudsdale, Toucannon, Solgaleo, Vikavolt and Greninja. I've just started again on Sun and I have chosen Popplio for this play through. Note: I only just started this play through, still on the first Island, suggestions on making the team better much appreciated.

Item - Primarium Z
Moves -
Sparking Aria (Water STAB and Primarium Z)
Moonblast (Fairy STAB)
Ice Beam (Grass Coverage)
Psychic (Poison Coverage)

Toucannon (Shiny)
Item - Sharp Beak
Moves -
Beak Blast (Flying STAB)
Brick Break (Why not?)
Bullet Seed (Skill Link)
Return (Normal STAB)
Item - Dragon Fang or Dragonium Z
Moves -
Dragon Claw (Dragon STAB)
Fly (Flying STAB)
Steel Wing (Fairy/Rock/Ice Coverage)
Flamethrower (Ice Coverage)

Item - Undecided
Moves -
Trop Kick (Grass STAB)
Acrobatics (Bug/Fighting Coverage)
Low Sweep/Hi Jump Kick (Ice Coverage)
U-Turn or Stomp

Item - Soft Sand or Groundium Z
Moves -
Earthquake (Ground STAB)
Rock Slide (Ice Coverage)
Heavy Slam (One heavy dude)
Low Sweep or High Horsepower
Item - Soft Sand, Groundium Z or BlackGlasses
Moves -
Earthquake (Ground STAB)
Crunch (Dark STAB)
Dragon Claw or Outrage (Dragon Coverage and power move)
Brick Break (Ice/Steel Coverage)

Item - Not sure
Moves -
Thunderbolt (Electric STAB)
Psychic (Psychic STAB)
Brick Break (Dark Coverage)
Volt Tacke (Physical STAB)

Item - Spell Tag
Moves -
Shadow Ball (Ghost STAB, Psychic/Ghost Coverage)
Dark Pulse (Psychic/Ghost Coverage) or Sludge Bomb (Poison STAB, Fairy Coverage)
Hypnosis (Sleep)
Dream Eater (Combo with Hypnosis)
Item - Spell Tag
Moves -
Shadow Claw (Ghost STAB)
Play Rough (Fairy STAB)
X-Scissor (Dark Coverage)
Thunderbolt (Couldn't think of another move)

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your starter is decidueye cause I said so
Item:Decidium Z


Leaf Blade
Sucker Punch
Spirit Shackle
Brave Bird

[insert paragraph on why I chose the moveset and the strategy behind the moves]
be creative with the name cause I have nothing v . v
Lycanroc (Midnight)
Item:Quick claw (cause EVERYTHING MOVES SO SLOW)


Rock Slide
[insert a slightly smaller paragraph explaining the purpose]
BONUS:a name for it is edgepupper

Item:Poisonium Z


Dragon Pulse
Sludge Bomb
[insert the most original paragraph that EVERYONE does]

Toxic Spikes

Item:Psychium Z


Calm Mind
Shadow Ball

Held item:Fairium Z
Shadow Sneak
Play Rough
Shadow Claw
Hone Claw

0 votes

Choose Rowlet as your Starter


Ability - Overgrow/Long Reach

@Decidium Z


1 Leaf Blade - Lvl 44 (STAB)

2 Spirit Shakle - Evolution (Need for Z Move)

3 Brave Bird - Lvl 55 (Coverage)

4 Nasty Plot - Lvl 60 (Stat Rasing)

Pick up a Pikipeck on Route 1


Ability - Skill Link

@Razor Beak


1 Beak Blast - Evolution (STAB)

2 Bullet Seed - Lvl 40 (Makes use of Skill Link)

3 Rock Blast - Heart Scale (Makes use of S.L)

4 Feather Dance - Lvl 44 (Setting up)

Find Yourself a Crabrawler in a Berry Pile


Ability - Hyper Cutter/Iron Fist

@Black Belt


1 Ice Punch - Evolution (STAB, boasted by I.F)

2 Close Combat - Lvl 40 (STAB)

3 Crabhammer - Learned as Crabrawler (Useful coverage)

4 Buldoze - TM78 (Coverage)

Go to Ten Carrat Hill and get a Rockruff

Lycanroc (Midnight)

Ability - Vital Spirit



1 Crunch - Lvl 40 (Coverage, Chance to Lower Defence)

2 Stealth Rock - Lvl 29 (Good for setting)

3 Stone Edge - Lvl 48 (Powerful STAB)

4 Rock Climb - Lvl 45 (Chance for Confusion)

Pick up an Eevee at Route 4/6


Ability - Synchronise

@Darkium Z


1 Moonlight - Lvl 33 (Healing Move)

2 Snarl/Dark Pulse - TM95/TM97 (STAB, Needed for Z Move)

3 Psychic - TM29 (Coverage)

4 Return - TM27 (Power based on happiness, Powerful as EVO is happiness based)

Catch a Klefki at the Ghost Trial Site


Ability - Prankster



1 Play Rough - Lvl 43 (STAB)

2 Mirror Shot - Lvl 34 (STAB)

3 Spikes - Lvl 15 (Good for Setting)

4 Crafty Shield - Lvl 23 (Prevents Status moves from effect all friendly Pokemon)

0 votes

I've been thinking of this team for quite some time now and I've finally got it.


Sparkling Aria
Disarming Voice
Hydro Pump/Bubble Beam

Sparkling Aria is a strong STAB move, as well as Primarina's trademark move. Moonblast and Disarming Voice are also good STAB moves with their own advantages, as Moonblast can weaken the enemy's special attack and Disarming Voice never misses. Hydro Pump and Bubble Beam are good STAB moves too, you can pick which one you want. While Hydro Pump is stronger, Bubble Beam has better accuracy and can slow the enemy down.


Beak Blast
Aerial Ace
Drill Peck
Bullet Seed

Aerial Ace, Beak Blast, and Drill Peck are all strong STAB moves with their own advantages: Aerial Ace never misses, Beak Blast can cause burns, as well as being Toucannon's trademark move, and Drill Peck can hit nonadjacent enemies in Triple Battles. Bullet Seed is coverage against Rock types, as well as compensation for the lack of a Grass type.


Magnet Bomb
Flash Cannon

All 4 moves are good STAB moves with their own advantages: Discharge and Thunderbolt can cause paralysis, Magnet Bomb never misses, and Flash Cannon can weaken the enemy's special defense.


Flame Burst

Flame Burst and Flamethrower are strong STAB moves with their own advantages, with Flamethrower being able to cause burns and Flame Burst hitting any Pokemon near the enemy. Toxic for poisoning enemies and taking advantage of its Corrosion ability, and Venoshock is a good STAB move that gets stronger when used on poisoned enemies.


High Horsepower
Heavy Slam

High Horsepower, Bulldoze, and Earthquake are all good STAB moves, with Bulldoze being able to slow the enemy down, and Earthquake being able to hit underground enemies. Heavy Slam is coverage against Ice types and to take advantage of the fact Mudsdale ways over a ton.


Karate Chop
Sky Uppercut
Bullet Punch

Karate Chop, Crunch and Dark Pulse are all good STAB moves with their own advantages: Karate Chop has a high critical hit ratio, Crunch can cause flinching, and Sky Uppercut can hit airborne enemies. Bullet Punch is coverage against Fairy types.

Thanks for reading and tell me in the comments what you think of this team.

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0 votes

This is the team I used in my most recent Sun playthrough. Its got a Sun exclusive, and I don't know what else could really fit in that slot from Moon, so this will unfortunately be a Sun exclusive team. I usually build my in-game teams by starting with a core, usually fire/water/grass, and going from there. I managed to fit 3 different cores in this one: Fire/Water/Grass, Dark/Psychic/Fighting, and Fairy/Steel/Dragon.

I have listed these in the order they're avaliable in the game, so you shouldn't have any trouble with backtracking. That being said, there's only one Pokemon that isn't available on the first island, so you shouldn't have any problem putting this team together.

For starter, I chose Litten. I picked Litten because it was the only starter I hadn't used yet.
Litten Torracat Incineroar
The name is ultimately up to you, if you want to give it a nickname at all, but I had been watching Naruto recently, so I named mine "Killer Bee" since he gets Darkest Lariat.

For moveset, I went with these:
-Flare Blitz : Strongest Fire STAB he learns
-Flame Charge : A lot of people use Swords Dance, but I thought Incineroar hit hard enough, and needed more speed instead.
-Darkest Lariat : His signature move, and Dark STAB
-Leech Life : For recovery and coverage
For Item, I went with Incinium-Z

Next is Pichu. Its a huge pain to train up, but once it evolves into Alolan Raichu (which could take a while If you want Thunderbolt on it pre-E4) it becomes pretty good. Originally I had an Espeon, but when I realized I didn't have hardly any coverage for flying types, I went back and got Raichu instead, since it kept the psychic type I needed for my core, and gave me electric type to cover my flying weakness.
PichuPikachu Raichu
I named mine Pancakes, after Joey and Emvee's Raichu, if you follow the MBL.

For moveset:
-Thunderbolt/Thunder : A pain to get, but is worth it, as its the best STAB move it gets that doesn't miss. You could use Thunder, though, if you want to switch in to Raichu after leading with the next team member.
-Psychic : One of the only psychic moves it gets, its STAB, and hits hard.
-Volt Switch/Electric Terrain : Volt switch is to get you out of situations you don't want to be in, against anything except a ground type, but, If you're willing to go through the effort, and you don't want Raichu to have a practically useless ability, you can catch a Togedemaru, get electric terrain on it, and breed it onto a Pichu. Just like thunderbolt, it's a pain to get, but is worth it. Electric terrain is a good buffer for your electric type moves (50% increase) and it allows your ability to not be useless. Up to you which one you choose. Both are good.
-Nasty Plot : I thought Raichu was plenty fast, so I kept it as a Pichu long enough to get Nasty Plot. Good setup move, helps Raichu to hit even harder.
For Item, I went with Aloraichium-Z, but if you decide to forego Thunderbolt, you can't use Stoked Sparksurfer, so you could go with something like a magnet, or the electric/psychic Z crystal.

Next, Is a Pokemon I'm honestly surprised I didn't see more of in this thread, and is basically the reason I decided to make an answer to this thread. Its Wingull! Pelipper is honestly a complete monster in this game, so long as you make sure your wingull has Hydration as it's ability. If it does, It'll get Drizzle when it evolves, and It makes Pelipper incredibly strong for In-game purposes.
Wingull Pelipper
I named my Pelipper Stormbringer, because that's literally what he does. Generic? yes. Fitting? Also yes. Name it whatever you like.

For Moveset:
-Hurricane :
Normally I wouldn't use Hurricane for story stuff. It can miss a lot, and you really don't need it most of the time. But, with Drizzle setting up the rain, Hurricane becomes 100% accurate, so there is no drawback to using this move. Its extremely strong Flying STAB that can't miss as long as the rain is up.
-Scald/Surf :
Depending on what you prefer, the utility of the burn chance of scald, or the higher power of surf, both suffice as good water STAB for Pelipper. I used Scald, because if you need that extra power, I had Pelipper hold Waterium-Z. Nothing survives a rain boosted STAB Hydro Vortex. Nothing.
-Ice Beam : You get this really late in the game, but it provides nice coverage at about the time you need it. If Raichu dies to Kahili, you'll have some bonus coverage for her in Pelipper with Ice beam.
-Roost : Recovery. Pelipper is pretty bulky naturally, so having recovery is great.
For Item, as I mentioned above, I chose Waterium-Z. I don't think a single Pokemon I used it against survived that Hydro Vortex. But, if you prefer, you could get the damp rock in Malie city, and use that to extend the duration of your rain.

Since the introduction of Fairy types (I think fairy's are broken tbh.) I've included two things on my team: A Dragonslayer (Fairy type) and a Fairy Killer. The next Pokemon is Alolan Diglett, my Fairy Killer. In my opinion, there's only two bad things about Alolan Diglett. One: It's horrendous HP stat of 35, and Two: I hate it's design. Two is a nitpick, though, which is why I used him!
Diglett Dugtrio
I named mine Loreal, because he's worth it.

For moveset:
-Iron Head : Good STAB. Makes sure any fairies bite the dust.
-Earthquake : He learns it kinda late, but Earthquake is powerful. If you have a ground type, you use Earthquake.
-Stone Edge/Rock Slide : These are for Coverage. For some reason, rock type moves just do not like to have perfect accuracy. So, either one is fine. I chose Stone Edge for mine personally, since it's got higher base power for Continental Crush if you want to use it, but, if you prefer more accuracy, go with rock slide.
-Sandstorm : This is utility. Provides chip damage, and if you use Z-Sandstorm, it buffs Dugtrio's speed. Mostly its here because I don't think Tangling Hair is that great of an ability, considering that Dugtrio has that terrible HP of 35, so Mine had sand veil, and I put this on here to take advantage of that ability. It helps Dugtrio stay alive more often, since he has evasion. That's his way of taking damage, is to avoid it altogether.
For Item, I used Rockium-Z. If you want some extra speed, you can use Z-Sandstorm to both get your speed boost, and setup for Sand Veil. It also gives you options if you need that strong rock move in Continental Crush.

Now that we have a Fairy Killer, I needed a Dragonslayer, and I chose Cottonee. Cottonee was a tough nut to crack. I honestly wasn't sure how I felt about her untill she finally evolved into a Whimsicott. Arguably, this was the hardest Pokemon to train on the whole team, because on one hand, it's attacks only tickled the enemy, and on the other hand, Prankster Leech Seed is extremely good at stalling. Idk, it fit two of my 3 cores. It finished off my Fire/Water/Grass core, and built upon the Fairy/Steel/Dragon core. It fits well, but definitely was pretty mediocre for most of the game.
Cottonee Whimsicott
I named mine Kena, because it was a female and I like that name a lot.

For moveset:
-Giga Drain : Decent Stab, but the big part is that it provides recovery.
-Moonblast : A dragonslayer needs a sword, and this move is any fairy type's sword.
-Hurricane : This is here for coverage, and because it works together with Pelipper's ability. Normally I wouldn't use this, but Whimsicott doesn't get much in terms of coverage, so, it's here.
-Leech Seed : Leech seed saved this Pokemon's life so many times it's unreal. Prankster made sure I didn't get flinched before setting up the leech seed, and between this, and mega drain, Totem Wishiwashi slowly but surely faded away.
For Item, I had already used a lot of Z moves, and while you could use yet another Z move on it, I chose Big Root. Big Root increases HP recovery of both Leech Seed and Giga Drain, it just fit so well, that I didn't think a Z-move would even be better in this case.

Finally, it'll be a loooong time before you pick up the last member of the team, but I think the team is more than capable of holding it's own untill Kommo-o finally becomes available. I chose Kommo-o because he finished off the other two cores I had been building. Fairy/Steel/Dragon, and Dark/Psychic/Fighting.
Jangmo-o Hakamo-o Kommo-o
I named mine Susanoo-o as a play on his name, and, like I said, I'd been watching a lot of Naruto. Haha.

For moveset:
-Dragon Claw/Clanging Scales : While Clanging scales is powerful, I went with Dragon Claw because Clanging Scales only has 5pp. If you've been saving your PPups, you could use Clanging Scales if you prefer, but I had already used all of mine by that point, so I kept Dragon Claw.
-Brick Break : I'm honestly surprised that Kommo-o doesn't get harder hitting fighting type moves. Yeah, he does get Focus Blast, but that's low accuracy and low pp, so I opted out of that for the same reason I opted out of Clanging Scales. Brick Break is 100% accurate, decent base power, and has the added bonus of breaking through light screen and reflect, if anything sets one of those up. I hope he gets Close Combat in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. It'd be so much better. Drain punch would be really nice, too.
-Poison Jab : Coverage. Although I wouldn't dare put Kommo-o in the face of a fairy JUST to poison jab it, if it comes down to it, and you need it, he can hit fairies hard with this.
-Bulk Up : This is mainly here because I like to have some form of status or setup move on every Pokemon, because there's always the chance you might need it. Its better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.
For Item, I went with Fightinium-Z so that I could have that high base power fighting move if I needed it.

Finally, if there is one piece of advice I could give you for this team, it would be to never underestimate Pelipper. He was the MVP without a single doubt in my mind. He destroyed absolutely everything. Hope you give this team a try, and enjoy it!

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0 votes

This is a team for Litten and I think it is pretty dang good. Just to let you know this is for Pokemon Sun Only

Tigrar (Male) @ Incinium Z
Ability: Blaze
- Brick Break
- Darkest Lariat
- Fire Fang/Flare Blitz
- Leech Life

Incineroar, the final evolution of your starter, Litten, is a complete powerhouse. Fire Fang is the best Stab move you get in your early days at level 15 and you do get Flare Blitz at level 55. Darkest Lariat is there for the Z-move, Malicious Moonsault, and good dark type stab which is learnt on evolution. Leech Life is for recovery and heavy damage and is taught through a tm you find in Akala Outskirts. Brick Break is found in Verdant Cavern and is for coverage and breaking barriers. You can obtain the Incinium Z in the Malie Garden.

Alolan Raichu
Sparkz (Male) @ Aloraichium Z
Ability: Surge Surfer
- Focus Blast
- Psychic
- Surf
- Thunderbolt

You can catch Pichu on route 1 as soon as you get your starter and Raichu is so much better this generation than the previous others (in my opinion). Thunderbolt is there once again for stab and the Z-move Stoked Spark Surfer. You can either get thunderbolt from the move reminder at the Pokemon league or keep a pikachu until level 40 which I don't recommend. Psychic is there for its new type stab and good power which it learns on evolution. You can buy Focus Blast in Sea Folk Village Pokemarket and is good coverage. Surf is found on Poni Breaker Coast and is for coverage as well. You receive the Aloraichium Z in the Seafolk Village.

Ivy (Female) @ Shell Bell
Ability: Queenly Majesty
- High Jump Kick
- Trop Kick
- Teeter Dance
- U-turn

You find Bounsweet in the Lush jungle and its final evolution is no force to be reckoned with. Trop Kick is an amazing stab move that is learnt on evolution and lowers the foes attack. U-turn is bought in the Malie City Pokemarket and is a easy way of retreat while doing damage. High Jump Kick is learned at level 49 and has huge power and great coverage against ice types. Teeter Dance is learned at level 25 and is more of a filler kind of move. You can also find the Shell Bell in Hau'oli City

Barbs (Female) @ Black Sludge
Ability: Merciless
- Baneful Bunker
- Liquidation
- Toxic
- Venoshock

Mareanie may be hard to get but its quite worth it. You have to fish for a Corsola in Melemele Sea and then force it to S.O.S call for a Mareanie. Baneful Bunker is for Toxic-Stalling and it itself has a chance to poison. Liquidation is water stab learnt at level 58. Toxic is for Toxic-Stalling and is learnt at level 21. Venoshock is for huge power after using Toxic and can be learnt at level 25. Here's a link to help you find the black sludge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4pDtHxDSzU. Pretty straight forward, eh?

Alolan Ninetales
Dawn (Female) @ Light Clay
Ability: Snow Cloak
- Hail
- Dazzling Gleam
- Blizzard
- Aurora Veil

In the ruins of the Tapu Village, you can find Alolan Vulpix, a Sun exclusive. To evolve it, you can pick up an ice stone at Po Town. Hail is there for many purposes. It first of all activates Ninetales' ability, boosting its evasiveness by 20%. Then, it allows 100% accuracy Blizzard and lets Ninetales set up Aurora Veil. You can buy the Blizzard tm at Seafolk Village Pokemarket and find Hail in the Royal Avenue Pokemarket. You are able to pick up the tm for Aurora Veil in the Heahea City Pokemarket and Dazzling Gleam is learnt on evolution. In order to get the Light Clay you need to do the same method with Alolan Grimers to get the Black Sludge except with Mudsbrays.

Scales (Male) @ Dragon Fang
Ability: Bulletproof
- Dragon Claw
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Sky Uppercut

Finally, in the Vast Poni Canyon, you can catch little Jangmo-o who evolves into the pseudo legendary of Alola. Dragon Claw is learnt at level 43 and is for stab and power with the Dragon Fang and and Dragon Dance is learnt at level 59 and is for boosting stats. You can keep Sky Uppercut when your Jangmo-o evolves and is for good stab. Earthquake's tm can be found in Resolution Cave and is for coverage.

Nice team.MunchingOrange use the same team.Also maybe Flash Cannon not earthquake cus Kommo o has x4 fairy damage
0 votes


Spirit Shackle
Leaf Blade
Giga Drain/Brave Bird
Sucker Punch
Decidueye is a good physical and special attacker with atk107 and sp.atk100


Aqua Tail
Ice Beam
Wishiwashi has a whopping 620 base stat. Hp45 and every other stat is high.


Fire Blast
Sludge Bomb/Sludge Wave
Salazzle's most moves are special, as she is a special attacker. You may change any attack if you want.


Electro Ball
Actually I'm not sure about this. Anyone please suggest a good moveset. :)


Vital Throw
Sky Uppercut
Bulldoze/Earthquake/Rock Tomb
Pangoro is a attacker and bad sp.attacker


Pollen Puff
Bug Buzz
Dazzling Gleam
Energy Ball
Nothing to say, ribombee is amazing

So this was the team. If you want to change anything please tell and also if you want you may suggest a moveset.

Please explain your choice of ribombee. I thought that early game bugs that aren't vikavolt are weak
0 votes

I did quite an analysis on this. Im a bit of an excel nerd so before showing my final answer i'll show you how I did my selection process.

I did a matrix with the possible 6 Pokemon on the top and then, assuming each Pokemon would be able to learn a move of at least 75 base power of the Pokemon's strongest category (physical or special).

The matrix ended up looking like this.

Row 2 represents the Pokemon's types. In order to make this easy this is looked up in a Pokemon database so if I just change the name of the Pokemon these types get updated automatically.

Rows 9-13 are the stats also looked up from the Pokemon base stats database.

Rows 3-6 are the attacks for these Pokemon. On the left is the attack's type and on the right is the following formula Cell C3 as an example:

=75 1.5 MAX(C8;C10)

What this does is what I mentioned before: Assume the Pokemon can learn a move (either by leveling up or TM) of at least 75, that gets STAB (1.5) and of the Pokemon's strongest category (max(C8:C10)). The actual damage done to the opposing Pokemon would be this value divided by the defense or special defense of the opposing Pokemon so its a good indicator of how powerful the Pokemon's moves will actually be. This of course will vary in the game.

Rows 15-32 calculate which of the Pokemon's moves is most effective against any given type (and how effective it actually is).

The formula is something like this using C15 as an example:

=MAX(C3effectiveness(B3;A15) ; C4effectiveness(B4;A15))

Where effectiveness is a lookup of type effectivenes. In the case of cell C15 it finds out that Fire is x2 effective agains bug so its multiplies 12,934*2 to get 25,875 and in cell B15 it shows that the most effective move is Fire.

In columns N and O I show which type from my team is the strongest against any given type (and how strong). Columns P an Q are the second best.

So the final score for my party as a whole is average strongest move against all 18 types. The result is shown in cell N36.

I did 9 iterations from teams I "felt" were good and I also considered one of the teams a friend proposed was the best. The results are the following.

I ended up choosing the team highlighted in blue as the best although no Pokemon can cover against Fairy. A good ground-poison Pokemon would have been nice like nidoking but it isnt available on sun or moon.

So all this process was to find the team that could do the most damage to any type of Pokemon. It did not take into account abilities, HP, defense, speed or if a given Pokemon can learn certain moves.

So, respecting the site's format the team is as follows:

z-crystal alternate between Incinium and firinium.
Mild Nature
-Darkest Lariat 85
-Flamethrower 90 (to use when you dont want to get recoil from flare blitz.) Sadly its not physical but Incineroar has both attack and special attack pretty high.
-Flare Blitz 120
- Outrage 120 To cover dragons.

Soft Sand or z-crystal
-Earthquake 100
-Superpower 120
-Mega Kick 123
-High Horsepower 95 (for double battles where you dont want to hurt your companion)

Slowbro or starmie
-dream eater

No item
-Acrobatics 110 with no item
-Rock Slide 75
-Dragon Claw

-Bug Buzz
-Volt Switch

Fightium or iceium
-Brick Break
-Close Combat
-Ice Punch

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I'm gonna flag this because of the ridiculously long post. The teams decent, but not sure how you plan to have a crabrawler on your team until mount lanakela.
I changed to the post to include links to the images instead of placing them in the body directly.
@tomsanzf Unless it was your intention to link a blank image that is 60,000 pixels high, something went wrong with the way you attached your pictures. Use a service like Imgur for reliable image hosting -- try putting the images back in the post after that.
0 votes

My Team Plan for Pokemon Moon

Pokemon 1: Decidueye

Ability: Overgrow
- Energy Ball (STAB, Chance to lower Special Defence) (TM53, Lush Jungle)
- Spirit Shackle (STAB, Signature Move, traps opponent) (Evolution)
- Work Up (Set up, Boosts Atk and Sp Atk) (TM01, Trainers School)
- Acrobatics (STAB as Rowlet and Dartrix, High Power) (TM62, Ten Carat Hill)

Pokemon 2: Ash Greninja

Ability: Battle Bond
- Scald (STAB, Chance to Burn) (TM55, Brooklet Hill)
- Night Slash (STAB, High Crit Rate) (Level 1)
- Ice Beam (Grass Coverage, Chance to Freeze) (TM13, Mount Lanakila)
- Water Shuriken (STAB, Boosts in Power after Transformation) (Level 1)

Pokemon 3: Arcanine

Ability: Intimidate
- Flamethrower (STAB, Chance to Burn) (Level 34 as Growlithe)
- Wild Charge (Water Coverage) (TM93, Route 15)
- Extreme Speed (Priority) (Level 34)
- Will-O-Wisp (Status, Cripples Atk Stat) (TM61, Koni Koni City)

Pokemon 4: Ribombee

Ability: Shield Dust
- Pollen Puff (STAB, Heals Allies) (Evolution)
- Dazzling Gleam (STAB, Hits both opponents) (Level 35)
- Psychic (Poison Coverage, Chance to lower Sp Def) (TM29, Aether Paradise)
- Quiver Dance (Set up, Boosts Sp Atk, Sp Def and Spd) (Level 49)

Pokemon 5: Mudsdale

Ability: Stamina
- Earthquake (STAB, Hits both opponents) (Level 47)
- Rock Slide (Flying and Ice Coverage, Hits both opponents) (TM80, Melemele Sea)
- Heavy Slam (Fairy and Ice Coverage) (Level 34)
- Payback (Ghost Coverage) (TM66, Malie City Pokemon Center, 10000 pokedollars)

Pokemon 6: Alolan Sandslash

Ability: Snow Cloak
- Icicle Crash (STAB, Chance to Flinch) (Move Relearner)
- Iron Head (STAB, Chance to Flinch) (Level 30 as Sandshrew)
- Rock Slide (Fire Coverage, Hits both opponents) (TM80, Melemele Sea)
- Leech Life (Psychic and Dark Coverage, Heals User) (TM28, Akala Outskirts)

0 votes

My team for sun and moon: (all of their items alternate between z crystals depending on the battle so I'm not including items.)

Ability: Overgrow

Leaf Blade (lv 44)
Spirit Shackle (when evolving from dartrix)
Brave Bird (lv 55)
U-turn (tm 89 Malie City PokéMart)

Leaf blade is the strongest grass type move Decidueye can learn, spirit shackle is the strongest ghost type move it can learn and prevents foes from fleeing or switching out, brave bird is the strongest flying type move it can learn and is just a powerful move in general and u-turn for coverage against psychic types and it's a free switch out.

Ability: Magnet Pull

Dishcharge (lv 43)
Flash Cannon (tm 91 Seafolk Village)
Tri Attack (evolve Magnemite into Magneton)
Volt Switch (tm 72 Mount Hokulani)

Discharge is the strongest electric type it can learn leveling up, flash cannon is the best steel type move it can learn, tri attack for coverage and potential of burning, freezing or paralyzing the opponent and volt switch for a free switch out while dealing damage.

Lycanroc (midday):
Ability: Keen Eye

Accelrock (evolve Rockruff)
Crunch (lv 40)
Brick Break (tm 31 Verdant Cavern)
Swords Dance (tm 75 Malie City PokéMart)

Accelrock for always being able to move first, crunch for being the strongest dark type move it can learn, brick break to deal with normal types and swords dance to boost stats in a pinch.

Ability: Shield Dust

Bug Buzz (lv 28)
Quiver Dance (lv 49)
Dazzling Gleam (lv 35)
Energy Ball (tm 53 Route 8)

Bug buzz is the strongest bug type move it can learn, quiver dance to boost it's special attack, special defense and speed, dazzling gleam is the strongest fairy type move it can learn and energy ball for coverage.

Ability: Corrosion

Flamethrower (lv 44)
Sludge Wave (tm 34 Seafolk Village PokéMart)
Dragon Pulse (lv 56)
Toxic (lv 29 as a salandit)

Flamethrower is the strongest fire type move it can learn without any side affects and more pp plus it has a 10% change to burn, sludge wave is one of the strongest poison type moves and it has a 10% chance of poisoning the opponet, dragon pulse for more coverage against dragon types and toxic for poisoning the opponent.

Ability: Natural Cure

Scald (tm 55 Brooklet Hill)
Psychic (tm 29 Aether Paradise)
Ice Beam (tm 13 Mount Lanakila)
Recover/ Rapid Spin (when you catch one, it should have these moves already)

Scald is one of the best water type moves period and has a 30% chance of burning the opponet, psychic is the strongest psychic type move it can learn, ice beam for coverage against grass types and dragon types and either recover to gain back hp or rapid spin to clear hazards.

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Flamethrower has 10% chance to burn.
Thank you for that. I forgot to include that
0 votes


Location: Its your starter so you get it right at the start of the game.

Fire Fang
Darkest Liariat
Cross Chop/Brick Break

Your starter for this playthrough. I decided to go with Litten as I already chose Popplio in my USUM team builder. Incineroar is almost impossible to survive with its high attack stat and solidly good bulk its Fire/Dark typing makes it useful against the grass trial and the electric trial due to vikavolt being part bug type along with its viability against the ghost trial and later on the ghost E4 member and 2 of the champions team. Overall Incineroar is a solid choice for a stater its a shame it dosent have that many good matchups in these games and is incredibly slow however atleast its typing, bulk and good offense dosent make it completely useless.


Location: Route 1, 7, 14, 15, Melemele Sea, Kala'e Bay, Hano Beach, Brooklet Hill, Secluded Shore

Sludge Bomb
Ice Beam
Dazzling Gleam

Tentacruel is an underrated Pokemon, however I still find it to be usable in playthroughs as its got a good movepool and it has an outstanding base 120 special defense and 100 base speed making it very fast and very bulky at the same time with good enough special attack to make use of its good coverage. There may be other water types to use however Tentacruel is still very viable in playthroughs and I highly recommend this if your looking for something that is bulky and fast at the same time.


Location:Trainers School

Flash Canon
Thunder Wave
Tri Attack/Signal Beam

One of the best for a playthrough of S/M, I used Magnezone in Platinum, B2W2 and USUM its a really solid Pokemon good defences and high special attack with good utility it can paralyse opponents to make catching wild Pokemon easier and its typing makes it useful against the water trial and the rock trials, it also walls the normal, grass and dragon trails. Grand Trials it does well against the Olivias entire team and later her E4 along with the Flying specialist. As you can see the Magnemite line does well through out the game and its accessible right after you get to the trainers school, do keep in mind its a 5% chance to find in the grass however its worth it once you catch one and use it on your team.


Location:Route 2

Cross Chop/Dynamic Punch
Dual Chop
Stone Edge
Poison Jab

Fighting types are good in every game. Machamp is really solid Fighting type with 130 base attack making it one of the highest in the game and solid hp stat making it bulky enough to dish out some good damage with access to Cross Chop and Dynamic Punch, 2 of the strongest fighting type moves in the game. The reason why I picked Machamp is because of its ability, No Guard making it impossible for it to miss with any of its attacks and Cross Chop and Dynamic Punch are innacurate most of the time but No Guard removes that drawback making it guaranteed KOs with STAB-Cross Chop/Dynamic Punch. You can get it before facing the Normal Trial which is great as Machop will get STAB-Brick Break during the trials and it will do good against the Rock and Dark Grand Trials. I used this in Silver, Ruby and Platinum and it was really good especially in gen 4 when it got No Guard making it OP and one of the best fighting types in the game, I recommend it if you want something that it guaranteed to always land hits and possibly OHKO the opponents. (P.S If you can't trade Machoke is still a decent Pokemon just give it the same moveset as I have and give it the evolite which you can get at Hau'oil City to make it almost as bulky as its evolved form)


Location:Route 2

Shadow Ball
Dazzling Gleam
Calm Mind/Nasty Plot

Another underrated Pokemon. Hypno is a really good special defensive wall with 115 base special defense and base 73 in both attacking stats it can dish out some good damage as along as you give it the right investments with access to Calm Mind to raise its Special Atk and Special Defense by 1 stage making it absorb special hits even more and dishing out good damage with its good coverage or Nasty Plot to raise your Special Atk by 2 stages so you can sweep more quicker however movepool wise its really good having access to Shadow Ball for coverage against other Psychic types and Dazzling Gleam for Dark Types. This will be your answer to the Fighting type trial seeing as you get it pior to facing the Normal Trial.


Location:Paniola Ranch

Wild Charge/Smart Strike
Stone Edge/Rock Slide
Zen Headbutt/Payback

Tauros is an outstanding pick for a psychical sweeper with 100 base attack and 110 base speed it will outspeed and KO opponents with its immense coverage and good attack stat especially with STAB-Return as along as you get it to MAX friendship and other moves to cover some of the major boss fights in the game. I chose Tauros over a flying type because in Gen 7 onwards, HMs no longer exist and you dont need to use the move Fly to traverse the region so that's why I put Tauros on here and its a good option for a Normal type seeing as it only weakness is Fighting and you get it not to late in the game, its movepool is wide however on the psychical side its also very good and its special attack unfortunately is pretty low. Overall Tauros is a solid pick for these games and I highly recommend it for a good psychical sweeper.

What I love about 3DS Pokemon games is that there is a wide selection of Pokemon to chose from and even though Sun and Moon might not be as good as their successors I still find them to be fun to play with the selection of Pokemon to use.

Have fun using this team :D

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Primarina sprite by Profkrd on DeviantArt
Item-Primarium Z
Ability: Torrent
-Sparkling Aria
-Energy Ball

Images of Talonflame (Pokémon) - SpriteDex, Pokencyclopedia.info
Item- Charcoal
Ability-Flame Body
-Flare Blitz
-Brave Bird

Alolan Raichu
Raichu sprites gallery | Pokémon Database
Item: Twisted Spoon
Ability: Surge Surfer
-Nasty Plot
-Grass Knot

Images of Krookodile (Pokémon) - SpriteDex, Pokencyclopedia.info
Item: Black Glasses
Ability: Moxie
-Dragon Claw
-Brick Break

Mimikyu Sprite by Profkrd on DeviantArt
Item: Life Orb
Ability: Disguise
-Swords Dance
-Shadow Sneak
-Play Rough
-Leech Life

Explore the Best Snorlax Art | DeviantArt
Item: Silk Scarf
Ability: Thick Fat
-High Horsepower
-Heavy Slam

0 votes

Decidueye sprites gallery | Pokémon Database
Decidueye @Decidium Z

  • Spirit Shackle (Evolution)
  • Leaf Blade (Lv. 44)
  • Brave Bird (Lv. 55)
  • Roost (Malie City - Poke Mart)

Raichu sprites gallery | Pokémon Database
Alolan Raichu @Aloraichium Z

  • Thunderbolt (Lv. 42 as Pikachu)
  • Psychic (Evolution)
  • Grass Knot (Lush Jungle)
  • Nasty Plot (Lv. 13 as Pichu)

Arcanine sprites gallery | Pokémon Database
Arcanine @Charcoal

  • Flamethrower (Lv. 34 as Growlithe)
  • Wild Charge (Route 15)
  • Bulldoze (Malie City - Poke Mart)
  • Outrage (Lv. 43 as Growlithe)

Golisopod sprites gallery | Pokémon Database
Golisopod @Sitrus Berry

  • First Impression (Evolution)
  • Liquidation (Lv. 48)
  • Poison Jab (Route 17)
  • Rock Slide (Melemele Sea)

Mudsdale sprites gallery | Pokémon Database
Mudsdale @Soft Sand

  • High Horsepower (Lv. 24)
  • Heavy Slam (Lv. 34)
  • Bulldoze (Malie City - Poke Mart)
  • Rock Slide (Melemele Sea - Sharpedo Jet Needed)

Sylveon sprites gallery | Pokémon Database
Sylveon @Fairium Z

  • Moonblast (Lv. 37)
  • Calm Mind (Seafolk Village - Poke Mart)
  • Shadow Ball (Route 14)
  • Dazzling Gleam (Vast Poni Canyon)