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10 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Kommo-o, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Kommo-o Pokedex & learnset for reference.

Kommo-o sprite

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23 Answers

9 votes

Kommo-o @ Choice Specs
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Clanging Scales
- Focus Blast
- Flash Cannon
- Flamethrower

Clanging Scales is a nice move. No annoying SpA drops make it a bit more spammable than Draco Meteor. Flamethrower hits Steel types with more accuracy than Focus Miss, and Flash Cannon hits all the Fairies running around.

Hmmm special kommo-o
Got one with almost same set, mine has a Modest nature and 4 EVs into HP instead of Def, and I like more Kommonium Z as it doesn't lock me into one move, though I do feel that his SpA could be better..
Love it. I use that but replace Flash Cannon for Clangouros Soul.
They didn’t have Clangouros Soul then, it was introduced in Gen 8
all good but it might me better to have naive as you are going to even lower physical defence with timid
Naive lowers Special Defense, Timid lowers Attack which isn't used. Timid is better
6 votes

Here's my set for my Kommo-o

Mixed Soulblaze

Kommo-o (M) @ Kommonium Z
Ability: Soundproof
EVs: 32 HP / 252 Atk / 224 Spe
Naughty Nature
- Clanging Scales
- Drain Punch / Close Combat
- Earthquake / Fire Punch
- Poison Jab

The point of this set is maximize the use of Kommo-o's special and physical attacks. Kommo-o's Kommonium Z Will give you a stat boost once, and can also OHKO Garchomp and Mega Salamence. Drain Punch is to OHKO Tyranitar and Weavile, while Close Combat OHKOs Hydreigon, Mega Kangaskhan and Heatran. Earthquake is to OHKO Gengar, Magnezone and Salazzle while Fire Punch Is Used Against Steel types that are immune or take neutral damage from Earthquake, like Scizor, Skarmory, and Ferrothorn. Lastly Poison Jab OHKOs Tapu Bulu and Whimsicott and KOs Fairy Types That have been weakened.

32 EVs in HP avoids the 2HKO From Mega Aerodactyl's Ice Fang and Scizor's Bullet Punch.
252 EVs in Attack with a Naughty Nature allow Kommo-o to hit as hard as It can.
224 EVs in Speed lets Kommo-o ensure it can outspeed Pokemon with a base Speed of under 80.
Soundproof is to block other Kommo-o using Clangorous Soulblaze and Swampert's Roar.

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Best moveset for Kommo-o in ultra sun/moon
4 votes

This is my current moveset for a sweeping kommo-o

Kommo-o @ Throat Spray
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Flash Cannon
- Clangorous Soul
- Clanging Scales
- Drain Punch

Clangorous Soul raises all stats by a single stage and triggers Throat Spray for a double Special Attack boost. Clanging Scales is a great move with this as it receives a 3x power multiplier (2x from double SpA increase, 1.5x from STAB). Flash Cannon is coverage against Fairy types and Drain Punch is to help recover health loss from
Clangorous Soul if you find yourself needing it.

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I'd recommend swapping the Attack and Special Attack EV's, because then they'd be balanced. But great moveset!
3 votes

Kommo-o @ Life Orb / Focus Sash
Ability: Overcoat
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw / Outrage
- Sky Uppercut / Brick Break
- Earthquake / Poison Jab

Dragon Dance is a must on him to allow him to be a fast physical sweeper. It may be difficult to set up, but Kommo-o may force a switch against something it checks. Focus Sash is there to ensure that he makes a move before being KO'ed. Overcoat is a great ability for Kommo-o as when he hang on to Focus Sash or has low HP, he won't be affected by the weather. Bulletproof and Soundproof are options if you would like the immunity to moves like Shadow Ball or Bug Buzz. Outrage is STAB, so is Dragon Claw which is more reliable. Sky Uppercut is STAB, but Brick Break is an option if you want to break through Reflects and Light Screens. Earthquake and Poison Jab are coverage.

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Now you could also use  Drain Punch because of the move tutors in USUM :)
Oh yeah, because of the tutors you get drain Punch, but then again, lvl75 gives you close combat
A decent Strategy for setting Dragon Dance's is as always getting someone to make a Substitute for you in Doubles/Singles, that's how I do it atleast to be able to get 2-3 off before going haywire and start 2HKO'ing/1HKO'ing everything.
That is a pretty good idea
3 votes

Gen 8 OU
Belly Drum Sweeper

Kommo-o @ Salac Berry
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Substitute
- Drain Punch
- Thunder Punch
- Belly Drum

This set is intended to be a sweeper on hyper offense teams. It works best with Reflect, Light Screen or Aurora Veil support from Tapu Koko or Alolan Ninetales. Use Substitute to get to 75% health. Then use Belly Drum, getting you to 25% and activating the Salac Berry. At this point, you can outspeed and 0hko most of the mons in the OU metagame. Drain Punch is stab, and heals you so that you don't die to a Weavile Ice Shard or Scizor Bullet Punch. Thunder Punch is required to beat Toxapex and Tapu Fini. Bulletproof makes it immune to Shadow Balls, which let's it set up on choice locked Ghost types. This set often has trouble setting up safely, but is a beast once it gets going. You are advised to bring it in on a slow wall or the aforementioned choice locked ghost types. Lastly, Kommo-o 's awkward speed tier leaves it outsped by many common scarfers even after a boost, such as Tapu Lele, Urshifu etc.

2 votes

Kommo-o @ Life Orb / Choice Band / Assault Vest
Ability: Overcoat
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature / Jolly Nature
- Autotomize
- Outrage
- Ice Punch
- Close Combat

Autotomize - Doubles its already decent speed
Outrage - STAB
Ice Punch - Coverage
Close Combat - STAB and VERY powerful

So with Autotomize, we out speed threats like Flygon.
Outrage just kills anything except for Fairies and Steel types.
Ice Punch is coverage for types you can't hit too hard with the rest of this set.
Close Combat is STAB and wrecks everything, never even knew Kommo-o got Close Combat!

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2 votes

This guy is so OP that I did thousands of sweeps (with some back ups, of course...).
Ok, so here is mine:

Kommo-o @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Close Combat
- Poison Jab

You may think Weakness Policy is not very good because he has a 4x weakness to Fairy-type. So, what I recommend is a Pokemon that can use Reflect and Light Screen. What Pokemon depends on you (I use Klefki because it has Prankster).

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2 votes

Gen 7 NFE

Hakamo-o @ Eviolite
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Drain Punch / Close Combat
- Earthquake / Iron Head / Substitute

Dragon Dance is to boost your attack and speed. Dragon Claw is STAB. Drain Punch is also STAB and it allows you to recover HP. Close Combat can be used for a stronger fighting STAB. Earthquake is for coverage. Iron Head can be used to hit fairy types. Substitute is also an option to avoid status conditions like Thunder Wave and Will-o-Wisp.

2 votes

Gen 9 Monotype Clangorous Soul (Dragon)

Kommo-o @ Throat Spray / Leftovers
Ability: Soundproof
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Clangorous Soul
- Clanging Scales
- Vacuum Wave
- Flamethrower

Kommo-o is now in Gen 9 thanks to DLC 1, so here is a Clangorous Soul set it can use on Dragon teams. Despite Clangorous Soul making Kommo-o lose HP, giving stat boosts to all stats makes Kommo-o a potent cleaner. Clanging Scales is used for the Dragon STAB since it doesn't lower Kommo-o's Special Attack like Draco Meteor in addition to bypassing Substitute. Kommo-o gets Vacuum Wave in Gen 9, which is pretty cool. After getting a speed boost from Clangorous Soul, Kommo-o can be revenge killed by a Choice Scarf Meowscarada or non Choice Scarf Chien Pao that has Ice Shard. With Vacuum Wave, Kommo-o can move first before being revenge killed by the mentioned Pokemon. Flamethrower allows Kommo-o to hit Steel-types such as Gholdengo, Corviknight, Jirachi, and Scizor super effectively. Throat Spray can be used to give Kommo-o another Special Attack boost upon setting up with Clangorous Soul. Leftovers can be used to give Kommo-o passive HP recovery each turn. Soundproof is the Ability to prevent Ditto from being able to revenge kill you.

1 vote

Kommo-o @ Weakness Policy / Assault Vest
Ability: Soundproof / Bulletproof
EVs: 252 SpD / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Careful Nature
- Sky Uppercut
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Swords Dance / Dragon Dance / Poison Jab

Kommo-o's attacks and defenses are pretty even naturally, so adding to the bulk can allow it time to set up against the opponent. The Weakness Policy will strengthen its Attack as long as it's hit by a super effective attack, and if Kommo-o is made into an all out attacker, the Assault Vest can be used, because most of Kommo-o's weaknesses are special attackers, so the Assault Vest makes it easier to survive the attacks. Sky Uppercut and Dragon Claw are good damaging attacks and provide STAB. Earthquake is type coverage. Swords Dance can raise the attack stat, so Kommo-o can sweep easier. Dragon Dance can also raise Attack (Not as much as Swords Dance) and raise Speed to help Kommo-o outspeed its opponents. Poison Jab can be used to deal with the Fairies.

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1 vote

One of my Favorites! Although not top in the chart...

First time posting a moveset, I'll try my best tho.

Agressive Suicide Physical Sweeper

Kommo-cidal (Kommo-o) (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Bulletproof / Overcoat
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Outrage
- Reversal
- Earthquake / Rock Slide

This set focuses on going in, taking 1-3 enemies and then retiring. The reason why I maximized Atk and Spe is because you obviously want to act first, take advantage of the solid Atk Stat he has, buff it up with a single Swords Dance and then select a Outrage for a STAB, Reversal for STAB when low HP and Earthquake for covering Electric types or Rock Slide for Flying, although he shouldn't have much problem at KO'ing anything after he gets one Swords Dance out as his damage skyrockets. Bulletproof is to protect him from some moves that could cause trouble, Overcoat if he is in a Weather Comp (Which should not be the case actually in my honest opinion), Soundproof should be kinda disregarded as there are not many "sound" moves in the game that are abused, but it's always an option too.

Bulky Kommo

Kommo-o (M) @ Weakness Policy / Leftovers
Ability: Bulletproof / Overcoat
EVs: 252 Def / 252 SpD / 4 Atk
Careful Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Brick Break / Dragon Claw
- Counter
- Earthquake / Rock Slide

Careful nature for more SpD, which is to balance out his defenses. Weakness Policy is amazing to keep his offensiveness if you wish so. He becomes a great wall with a high damage output, slower than normal, but when he hits oh boy it hurts. Brick Break for STAB and breaking screens and Dragon Claw for dealing with other Dragons and having another STAB. Counter is a great move overall, and as you probably won't go to low HP too much with this EV spread. Reversal is only good if you often find yourself with low HP obviously and that is something that happens A LOT if you run the first set. Earthquake and Rock Slide for coverage. Dragon Dance is better than Swords Dance here, as you can often get 2-3 of these and go for a high damage, high speed Kommo-o, you basically get all the stats you need to survive and act fast while dealing damage. I put Leftovers for the for those who want consistency, it's not always that you'll get hit with a super effective move to activate Weakness Policy, but I personally prefer the damage over the sustaining capacity.

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1 vote

Kommo-o @ Shell Bell
Ability: Overcoat
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Belly Drum
- Earthquake
- Brick Break
- Dragon Claw

ATTACK POWERHOUSE! 1. Use Belly Drum (max. attack, but half health) 2. KO Opponents using best move and Heal 1/8 of what you dealt out. 3. Sweep and win!

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This set might fail as a lot of Pokémon are faster than Kommo-O. You might want to mention that this may fit better on Webs HO Teams.
1 vote

Kommo-o @ Salac Berry
Ability: Soundproof
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Substitute
- Belly Drum
- Sky Uppercut / Brick Break
- Dragon Claw / Poison Jab / Earthquake

Explanation: This is a good Belly Drum-Salac Berry Sweeper set. The Ability Soundproof is better than Bulletproof and Overcoat (HA) because you can't get roared out of battle. Substitute helps set up a Belly Drum.

Belly Drum raises Attack fully to 6 stages. Sky Uppercut or Brick Break is your choise of Fighting STAB. No Second Effect or get rid of Screens on the foe's Side. Your 4th move can be Dragon Claw for STAB, Poison Jab for Fairy coverage or EQ for all-round coverage.

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1 vote

Kommo-o @ Life Orb
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Lonely Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Poison Jab
- Dragon Dance
- Sky Uppercut

Dragon Claw (STAB)
Poison Jab (Fairy coverage)
Dragon Dance (Setup)
Sky Uppercut (STAB)

So basically we have Kommo-o as a physical sweeper. For this set, I personally do not really like the choice items, but you can make this set Choice Banded.

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If you want to run choice band then replace Dragon Dance with EarthQuake
1 vote

I use:

Kommo-o @ Leftovers
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Poison Jab
- Swords Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Sky Uppercut

I use this set as a lead in Monotype, and its job is to just get a KO before being KO'ed, so the set might change a bit (use Dragon Dance). Dragon Claw and Sky Uppercut are STAB (obviously) while Poison Jab is there to murder Fairies. Swords Dance is there as an option if you can. As I said before, this is a lead Kommo-o set so don't spam downvote because you sent this Kommo-o last and got rekt by Brave Bird. It is designed to have fallback Pokemon.

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1 vote

Clangorous Soulblaze is absolutely BROKEN! (It really is, so plz don’t ban me for all caps) Here is a VGC moveset for it:

Kommo-o @ Kommonium Z
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpA
Mild Nature
- Clanging Scales
- Close Combat
- Poison Jab
- Protect

Clanging Scales is for two reasons: So you can use Clangorous Soulblaze, and for insanely powerful Dragon-Type STAB. Close Combat is for Fighting STAB, which also allows him to hit Steel types. Poison Jab is vital coverage, and allows Kommo-o to hit Fairy types, and since Kommo-o has a +1 in speed, (Clangorous Soulblaze), he can outspeed most Fairy types and revenge kill them. Finally, Protect is a great way to scout your opponent, and in doubles, can fool your opponent into attacking Kommo-o, so your partner Pokemon can get a possible KO. Plus, almost all Pokemon in VGC have Protect, sooo...

Have fun with this set!

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1 vote

Hey, Guys. Here's how I use Kommo-o.

Kommo-o (M) @ Custap Berry
Ability: Overcoat
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Belly Drum
- Sky Uppercut/Drain Punch
- Poison Jab
- Dragon Claw

I use the Custap Berry for the move Belly Drum because when it reaches Half HP, I can move first without having to worry. Sky Uppercut or Drain Punch for STAB. Poison Jab to beat Fairy Types and Dragon Claw because STAB and also why not?

1 vote

Kommo-o @ Leftovers
Ability: Overcoat
EVs: 252 Atk / 144 Def / 112 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Clangorous soul
- Drain punch
- Poison jab
- Ice punch

Lead with Kommo-o, use Clangorous Soul (unless you deem it too risky), and then Drain Punch to restore. Keep doing this as often as you can. Ice punch is for Flying-types and is nice with the chance to freeze, Poison Jab serves the same for Fairy-types. The moves may be relatively low base power, but, coupled with a high Attack to start, and Clangorous soul, they work to great effect. The Speed is just high enough to be nice and fast after 1 Clangorous Soul so you can outspeed a lot. Overcoat prevents this nice setup being ruined by Spore and is nice if you have to use Max Hailstorm (if you Dynamax then capitalize on Max Knuckle's Attack boost).

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1 vote

Kommo-o @ Salac Berry
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Substitute
- Belly Drum
- Drain Punch
- Iron Head

My strategy is to make Kommo-o substitute first, dragging it to 75% health, then use belly drum to max his attack as the substitute tanks the hit and bring Kommo-o to max attack but only at 25% health left, this is where the Salac Berry comes in, raising its speed and that will get its speed to over 400 making it outspeed almost everything, with only little health left, Kommo-o can OHKO almost everything in its path with Drain Punch plus healing alot, I decided to give it iron head for its other move instead for STAB dragon claw, because otherwise, Kommo-o will really struggle dealing with fairy types.

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Poison Jab is better than Iron Head because it is stronger against Slowbro, Tapu Fini, Zapdos, etc.
I personally prefer Thunder Punch over Iron Head to hit Toxapex and Slowbro.
1 vote

Gen 9 National Dex UU Offensive Boomburst

Kommo-o @ Throat Spray
Ability: Soundproof / Bulletproof
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Clangorous Soul
- Boomburst
- Flamethrower
- Taunt / Focus Blast

A Tera Normal Boomburst set for Gen 9 NatDex UU. Clangorous Soul lets you get a +1 to all of your stats. Since Clangorous Soul is a sound move, it will activate Throat Spray, making you get another Special Attack boost to make you essentially have a +2 Special Attack boost. Since the Tera for this set is Normal, this means Kommo-o now has a really strong STAB in Boomburst. The 2x boost from Tera and the +2 Special Attack boosts emphasize the Boom in Boomburst. Flamethrower allows Kommo-o to melt Steel-types such as Scizor, Aegislash, Celesteela, and Specially Defensive Jirachi. Taunt stops Pokemon from crippling you with status moves and stops Pokemon such as Hippowdon from phazing you. Focus Blast can be used instead to hit Pokemon such as non-Tera Garganacl and Iron Thorns super effectively. Soundproof can be used to block sound move from Pokemon such as opposing Kommo-o. Bulletproof can be used to prevent Tapu Lele from using Focus Blast on it and lets you use Pokemon such as Mega Venusuar as setup fodder.

Could we choose to use Aura Sphere as an alternative to Focus Blast? While Aura Sphere's power is lower, it doesn't miss like Focus Blast, meaning it can be more reliable move to use