Gen 9 NU Custap Berry Swords Dance

Exeggutor-Alola @ Custap Berry
Ability: Harvest
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 52 HP / 252 Atk / 204 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Endure
- Dragon Hammer
- Earthquake
Alolan Exeggutor is useable in NU once again since it dropped to NU, so here is a Custap Berry Swords Dance set it can use in Gen 9 NU. Swords Dance boosts Alolan Exeggutor's Attack stat, making it a powerful breaker. Endure is used with Custap Berry and Harvest. Endure lets Alolan Exeggutor survive a move that can bring it down to 1/4 or less of its HP. Then, Alolan Exeggutor can consume its Custap Berry to go first against faster Pokemon as long as they don't use a priority move. After using your Custap Berry, Harvest lets Alolan Exeggutor have a 50% chance to get its Custap Berry back. If it doesn't get the Custap Berry back after using Custap Berry to throw off a powerful attack, Alolan Exeggutor can use Endure to have a free turn to get the Custap Berry back should it face a faster Pokemon. Dragon Hammer is used for the Dragon STAB since this set doesn't want to use Outrage due to having to use it for 2-3 turns and the confusion effect it has. Earthquake provides coverage against Steel-types such as Copperajah, Registeel, Lucario, Duraludon, Klefki, as well as Pokemon such as Diancie, Iron Throns, Toxtricity, Chandelure, and Galarian Slowbro. Tera Ground allows Earthquake to become a STAB move and is also useful to be immune to Prankster Thunder Wave shenanigans. 52 HP EVs allow Alolan Exeggutor's HP to be divisble by 4, with the rest of the EVs being used in speed to outspeed slower Pokemon such as Dragalge, Umbreon, and Vileplume.