PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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For example Fire Red/Leaf Green, Heart Gold/Soul Silver, Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, and Let's Go Pikachu/Let's Go Eevee.

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Could you be more specific?

1 Answer

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As for remakes, no, no new Pokemon were introduced into a generation when a game was remade, however, alternate forms, for example, Mega Swampert in ORAS and Sky Shaymin and Origin Giratina in Platinum, have been introduced in remakes. As for sequels and other games that didn't start the generation, yes, there have been a few Pokemon. To my knowledge, they are Poiple, Naganadel, Blacephalon, Stakataka, Zeraora, (all in USUM) Meltan, and Melmetal (in LGPE)
EDIT: There's also Black and White Kyurem in B2/W2 and Dusk Mane, Dawn Wings, and Ultra Necrozma in US/UM.

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What about the B2W2 and USUM fusions? DO those count
I think they would, actually. Zygarde's alternate forms should count as well.
I think Zygarde's alternate forms were introduced in SM, which were not remakes.
Weren't Shaymin Sky Form & Giratina Origin Form introduced in Platinum after Diamond & Pearl?
@sumwun yeah, didn't think about that. I'll remove it
@Soundwave yes, they were.