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I'd like a complete list of all the various non-hack ways to get money from Generation 6 forward and I'd like to know if any of them stack.

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Rebattling and sweeping the Elite 4 and Champion with a Pokemon holding the Amulet Coin is a pretty good way to make phat stacks, if you're good at Mantine Surfing in Ultra SM I'm pretty sure you will be rewarded with big pearls, pearl necklaces, ect. Things you can sell to a shop for a high price.
I should have been more specific. I meant stuff like items, moves, abilities, etc. Again, I'd like to know if any of them stack.
I know that pay day, amulet coin, luck incense, make it rain, and g-max gold rush all grant extra money, but I don't think that any abilities do.
Only answer if you can fully encompass every method.
Do we believe OP is asking for all methods of making money or only ways of increasing money from battles and such? The title seems to lean towards only in battle situations

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