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Ok so when people say that there are only two fire type Pokemon in the regional dex of diamond and pearl, I think of infernape and rapidash as do most people because those are the two that Flint uses. Then I realized that Magmortar exists and was made in gen 4 so why do people say it's not part of the regional dex? Is it unavailable until after you beat the game? Because if it is I think Flint should still be able to use it nevertheless?

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Diamond and pearl are weird. If you look in the regional dex, its just not there. I dunno why they did this, but it just isn't. I believe some other gen 4 evos aren't there either.

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What the heck? But they even left it out of the fire elite four members team who has two fire types? Disgraceful
Ya i dunno. Gen 4 is weird.
Yeah, for some reason, I’m pretty sure that many of the gen 4 evolutions (with exceptions like Ambipom) weren’t apart of the dex until platinum released.  I’m not 100% sure that’s correct, however.
Y'all realize that you can check the regional Pokedex whenever you want, right? No need to be less than 100% sure. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pok%C3%A9mon_by_Sinnoh_Pok%C3%A9dex_number
Thanks for the resource :).  I knew that they weren’t in the Pokédex, I just wasn’t sure whether the Pokémon existed before platinum.
i think i know why

its probably bc they are in the after-game area, which isnt technically sinnoh. plus u get there after getting natdex so why make themmpart of regional dex? unless they were elsewhere and im idot
But I firmly stand by gen 4 as being the best gen. Anyone agree with me?
I agree, I guess :). I’m not positive it’s my favorite but I think it is.  I’ll have to wait for the remakes to be certain.
i prefer gen 7, but Sinnoh especially holds a special spot in my heart.
The RSE Pokedex includes Beldum, Lati@s, Jirachi, and Deoxys, even though the first 2 are in "the after-game area", and the other 2 are event exclusive. The Sinnoh Pokedex is just weird.
No but ik you can get magby before the league because I have one and I just beat the league. I think you can't find the evolve items until the battle area
Magby isn't on the DP Pokedex either.
Lazy gf
at least its better than GO-
what? i said nothing