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Please list the Hoenn Gym Leaders Pokémon’s Movesets. This includes Moves, Levels, Held Items, and Abilities if any. As these are the Hoenn Leaders, Pokemon and Movesets will need to be provided from RS, Emerald and all rematches, and ORAS. You must use competitive syntax to answer.

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I can't access Bulbapiedia, and the main reason for this question is to have the info on this site, like the Kanto q.
I really think this should be answered so we'll have the movesets on PB.
Just wanted to put a comment here to say that this is an important question, and probably hasn't been answered due to it's oldness, but should still be answered so we'll have the info on this site. And with this comment will be brought to the top of the recent activity page, so people can answer it/ find it easily.
I will answer it, don’t worry
If you can't access Bulbapedia, can you see this page? https://www.speedrun.com/pkmnemerald/resources

1 Answer

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Best answer

Leader Roxanne

Geodude- Level 12
Ability: Sturdy
Defense Curl
Rock Tomb

Nosepass-Level 14
Ability: Magnet Pull
Rock Tomb

Leader Brawly

Machop-Level 14
Ability: Guts
Karate Chop
Seismic Toss
Bulk Up

Makuhita-Level 16
Ability: Guts
Arm Thrust
Knock Off
Sand Attack
Bulk Up

Leader Wattson

Magnemite-Level 19
Ability: Sturdy
Thunder Wave
Volt Switch

Voltorb-Level 19
Ability: Soundproof
Volt Switch

Magneton-Level 21
Ability: Magnet Pull
Magnet Bomb
Volt Switch

Leader Flannery

Slugma-Level 26
Ability: Flame Body
Rock Throw
Light Screen
Sunny Day

Numel-Level 26
Ability: Simple
Earth Power
Lava Plume
Sunny Day

Torkoal-Level 28
Ability: White Smoke
Body Slam
Sunny Day

Leader Norman

Slaking-Level 28
Ability: Truant
Feint Attack

Vigoroth-Level 28
Ability: Vital Spirit
Fury Swipes
Feint Attack

Slaking-Level 30
Ability: Truant
Chip Away
Feint Attack

Leader Winona

Swellow-Level 33
Ability: Guts
Quick Attack
Aerial Ace
Double Team

Pelipper-Level 33
Ability: Keen Eye
Water Pulse
Aerial Ace

Skarmory-Level 33
Ability: Keen Eye
Sand Attack
Air Cutter
Steel Wing
Aerial Ace

Altaria-Level 35
Ability: Natural Cure
Dragon Breath
Cotton Guard

Leaders Tate and Liza

Lunatone-Level 45
Ability: Levitate
Light Screen
Calm Mind

Solrock-Level 45
Ability: Levitate
Sunny Day
Rock Slide
Solar Beam

Leader Wallace

Luvdisc-Level 44
Ability: Swift Swim
Water Pulse
Sweet Kiss
Draining Kiss

Whiscash-Level 44
Ability: Oblivious
Mud Sport
Zen Headbutt

Sealeo-Level 44
Ability: Thick Fat
Aurora Beam
Body Slam

Seaking-Level 44
Ability: Swift Swim
Aqua Ring
Horn Drill
Rain Dance

Milotic-Level 46
Ability: Marvel Scale
Hydro Pump
Disarming Voice
Ice Beam

None of them use held items. I understand that this is ORAS, but if I were to give a list for all "3" different Hoenn games then I would reach the answer text limit. RS and ORAS are fairly similar, while Emerald is pretty different. Here are some links if you can't see Bulbapedia. Emerald Ruby and Sapphire I cannot find any website that gives information on what movesets the gym leader rematches in Emerald have, so this is going to have to do. I don't think there is better information on Google on a safe website


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"Pokemon and Movesets will need to be provided from RS, Emerald and all rematches, and ORAS."

This isn't an acceptable answer, sorry.
This is mostly good, I can access link two, just add the variations of ORAS, and we'll be good.
Done. You cannot rematch gym leaders in hoenn
Thanks Gmax!
https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Roxanne Wait these aren't rematches? I thought you could rematch gym leaders in Pokemon Emerald. Have my eyes and memory failed me? Am I wrong?
Incorrect. Hoenn Leaders can be rematched, and you didn't include their rematch teams (or any teams other than ORAS, for that matter). Please include them or hide your answer.
I did include RSE matches through links, and the OP found that acceptable. I have to say I did not know you could rematch them in Emerald, so I will add that too.
I still think you should include everything in your answer. It was required for the other Gym Leader threads, so why not this one? If you're just going to post links to other sites, what's the point of having the thread at all? OP may find this satisfactory, but I don't think it conforms to the expectations of these threads.

I'm unsure though, so I'm flagging for other staff thoughts on this.
Why should I waste the next three hours of my life copy and pasting from a link if I could just put the link on the answer, and the OP FINDS IT ACCEPTABLE!!!!! Also, I would reach the answer text limit, and someone else would have to finish the answer. Why should I waste my time if the OP is ok with it

Edit: just figured out that the Emerald rematch teams for each Gym Leader have 4 VARIATIONS. Do you expect me to list all of this
He asked originally because he couldn't access Bulbapedia. Gave him a link he could access
Nosepass has Rock Throw.
I believe it has been established in the past that, if the information a question requests simply requires a large amount of copying from another website, it's okay to just link the website. It explicitly states in the rules, "If the answer calls for a long list or a huge amount of detail, then it is fine to link to another site, but otherwise put all the information in your answer."
Nosepass (F) @ Oran Berry
Ability: Study
Level: 15
- Block
- Harden
- Tackle
- Rock Tomb

Isn't competitive syntax like this? And you didn't include their abilities, which were asked for.
He did say none held anything, but I do need the abilities please, if you can find 'em.
No website I have looked at so far has shown their abilities, i can try to look.

Yes competitive syntax does look like that, I can make it look like that if MS wants.
You can see their abilities on Bulbapedia. I know that MimikyuShadow can't access Bulbapedia, but I wouldn't see the harm of getting info from there, especially since there are other links.
Yup, that's where I got it from
Why is this flagged?