Hello people! How you doing? Never mind. Anyway, today I plan on a short but hopefully interesting review on the famous Blastoise! I'll do this in sections, giving an overview, pros,cons, and sets for it's respected tiers and uses. I this case, lets begin!!
Everyone knows about this overgrown Squirrel turtle hybrid. It's got bulk to jump at and a very decent movepool. Although it's never really seen much shine since Gen 3/4, it's definitely not a forgotten Pokemon. It also has access to the rather exclusive rapid spin, making a fairly reliable spinner. It doesn't however appreciate the poison damage from toxic spikes, and with almost no recovery, it doesn't appreciate repeated switch ins. Play it carefully however, and you'll be laughing at your opponents petty Night slash or psychic right in their face.
Bulky Spinner
Blastoise @ Leftovers
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
- Toxic
- Scald
- Rapid Spin
- Dragon Tail
This is one of the most common used sets in UU. By spreading toxic out then tailing your opponent of of the arena, you'll find your sweepers will be making short work of your enemy's walls. Spin gets rid of the obvious hazards with is good with Pokemon like Yanmega with needs. Speaking of which, Yanmega struggles to 2HKo even with no SpDef investment.
Choice Specs
Blastoise @ Choice Specs
Ability: Rain Dish
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- Surf
The power that this far underrated set brings catches many Pokemon off guard. Hydro pump does immense damage against everything not named Snorlax or Milotic. Hp Grass hits annoying Swampert or Quagsire (unless your names flare you won't be using Quag very often, but whatever). Ice beam 2HKOs SpDef Roserade, and KOes all others. Tho it won't like a leaf storm to the pokeballs.
I would put more sets, (i got so many it isn't even funny >.<) but I am going to break the limit.
Respectable bulk mixed with a good movepool that includes Rpaid spin makes for a troll and a half. The specs set isn't half bad either in terms of power.
Although it is a good bulky water type, it isn't the best. If you don't nee rapid spin, it's best just to go with Swampert, Miltolic or Suicune. All have good ovepools and greater bulk.
Blastoise also don't have any real recovery unless you count ChestoRest. And that isn't exactly reliable.
I hope this helped you in anyway, or at least you got a cheap laugh from it.