Chernoblim (Drifblim) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Aftermath
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Toxic
- Will-O-Wisp
- Thunder Wave / Defog / Pain Split
- Explosion
The reason I nicknamed him Chernoblim is because this is the MOST HAZARDOUS DRIFBLIM EVER, you have everything you need to hold the enemy Pokemon's with Status Hazards in this set.
If they throw a Wall you put it on a timer with Toxic.
If they throw a Physical Monster you can Will-O-Wisp him and reduce his Attack (beware Guts abusers like Conkeldurr).
You also have Thunder Wave to slow down Sweepers and take them out.
Explosion is there in case you just want to press the "eject" button but go out with a bang alongside it, warning that this can take out a member of your team too, so be cautious.
Rocky Helmet and Aftermath make sure they get what they deserve when they touch you, or KO you.
P.S.: Bold Moves can be swapped with the moves in Italic according to preference/need.
Warning: This set works best if you have Tailwind going, that allows you to act first 99% of the time with the Doubled Speed, even as Drifblim.
Warning 2: This set is very bad if you pretend to use Drifblim as a Staller, he is just a hazard ball, he goes in, then blows up after like 5-6 turns if he is not dead already, though he is fun and can cause some enemies to rage at you, legit, one of those "it just works" Sets. If you really want to make this set Work I advise you have 2 Walls alongside Drifblim (A Physical and a Special one, change them as needed) and a good Revenge Killer, with all the Status Hazards you have and with some decent Stalling this guy is kinda nuts as he can spread all those with ease (even better with a Taunter in your side so you evade some of those nasty hits).
This concludes it, sorry for the Wall of Text. Hope someone can have the same fun as me running this set :)