PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
17 votes

Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon Platinum on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You may use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

Please use the Diamond and Pearl thread to share teams for Diamond and Pearl.

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74 Answers

0 votes

Pokemon Platinum

Infernape: Close Combat, Flare Blitz, Feint and Punishment
Close Combat and Flare Blitz are strong STAB moves. Feint is good move against opponents with Protect or Detect. Punishment is good move against psychic Pokemon.

Staraptor: Agility, Aerial Ace, Double Team and Whirlwind
Aerial Ace is STAB. Agility is good move against quick rivals. Double Team is good when low on health and Whirlwind is good to change opponent's Pokemon.

Crobat: Bite, Wing Attack, Poison Fang and Confuse Ray
Wing Attack and Poison Fang are STAB. Bite is good against psychic Pokemon. Confuse Ray is good when fighting strong opponents.

Machoke: Dynamic Punch, Cross Chop, Seismic Toss and Focus Energy
Dynamic Punch, Cross Chop and Seismic Toss are STAB. Focus Energy increases crit chance.

Golduck: Zen Headbutt, Disable, Water Pulse and Hydro Pump
Water Pulse and Hydro Pump are STAB. Zen Headbutt is good against fighting type Pokemon. Disable blocks one of rival's moves so it cannot use this move.

Heracross: Night Slash, Megahorn, Brick Break, Aerial Ace.
Megahorn and Brick Break are STAB. Nightslash is good against psychic Pokemon, while Aerial Ace is good against fighting type Pokemon.

Could you please explain your choices? Like... why both Crobat and Staraptor or why Infernape, Machoke and Heracross?
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I just finished the game in 3 days using this team. Very fun, easy, accessible. Your starter is Chimchar.

The Final Team before the Elite 4 is:


Infernape @ Fist Plate

Rock Slide
Flame Wheel
Mach Punch
Close Combat

Cc and mach punch stab power/priority. Flame wheel stab, rock slide beats flying types and fire types. Infernape is the fastest starter and wins most 1v1 battles easily, stabs are useful in Sinnoh.

Luxray (intimidate) @ magnet

Iron Tail

Beats flying and water types infernape hates, plus intimidate and paralysis chances are handy utility. Spark will be your stab the whole play through, crunch/bite and iron tail are about as good as coverage gets for it.

Gyarados (intimidate) @ razor claw

Dragon Dance
Ice Fang

Setup sweeper that can destroy elite 4, double intimidate with luxray, beats fire types and ground types, and can use surf in game until you learn dragon dance late game. Dragon dance busted (lol) waterfall stab, ice fang beats grass and garchomp, and thunder beats waters which wall gyarados.

Garchomp (sand veil) @ soft sand

Dragon Claw
Fire Blast/Fire Fang/ Rock slide

Very strong, provides electric immunity and ground stab. Versatile moveset with coverage to beat basically anything. Fire fang/blast beats ice and steel types, rock slide beats ice and flying types. Dig is useful in game and EQ is more powerful, choose as you wish. Dragon claw stab.

Espeon (synchronize) @ rose incense

Shadow Ball
Grass Knot
Sand Attack

The teams only special attacker gives depth against physically bulky mons, and beats fighting, poison, and psychic types. Espeon Is accessible to everyone as opposed to alakazam, which requires a trade. Psybeam stab, shadow ball beats ghost types and opposing psychics, grass knot coverage and sand attack is a filler move slot in which you can put whatever you like.

Weavile (pressure) @ never melt ice

Swords dance
Ice punch
night slash
brick break

2 Swords dances will make your attacks practically unlivable. Paired with fast speed, a great sweeper. Beats ghost, psychic, dragon and ground type pokémon. Swords dance is setup, ice punch and night slash stab, and brick break coverage vs steel, rock, etc.

Every Pokemon besides sneasel can be caught before the third gym. Leveling up the entire team to level 56+ should make the e4 a breeze. Please tell me your results of using the team!

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Empoleon Staraptor Luxray Lucario Garchomp
1: Empoleon: Empoleon Is a really great Pokemon overall, with well balanced stats. Empoleon can even use HM's like surf and waterfall without it being garbage.

2: Staraptor: Staraptor is a great Pokemon early AND late game. And with Staraptor's speed, hardly anything can attack before it. Not only is Staraptor Incredibly fast, but its attack is RIDICULOUSLY high.
Aerial Ace
Steel Wing
Close Combat
Fly (not that great, but it works)

3: Luxray: Luxray is great, especially once it learns bite or crunch. However, I'd replace bite with thunderfang later in game. Luxray comes early game and is a great backup if your main has fainted
Thunder (innacurate, but when it hits, its OP)
Shockwave (never misses. good for emergencies)
Charge Beam (Raises Sp attack on hit)

4: Lucario: If you need a fighting type, Lucario is a go to. Very easy to level, if you have the EXP. Share (which at this point in the game, you should). Lucario learns DECENT moves early, such as force palm. HOWEVER. This Pokemon is obtainable only once you have surf, so it's a late-ish game Pokemon.
Dark Pulse/ Rock Smash (rock smash only if you dont have other Pokemon able to)
Aura Sphere
Flash Cannon/Extreme Speed
psychic / Strength

5: Garchomp: Gible Is easy to obtain, In the secret entrance of wayward cave. Somewhat difficult to level, but its very much worth it. Garchomp is a BEAST on the feild with overwhelmingly high stats. A great last-resort.
Hyper Beam (Great move, but risky against flying-water types)
Rock Climb (Ok, call me crazy, but rock climb is great, because it deals good damage AND might confuse)
Dragon Claw/ Dragon pulse

6: Gallade/ Gardevoir: It depends on what you want; Attack (gallade) Or Special Attack (gardevoir). They're Both EQUALLY good. However, I don't recommend using this as a main. kind of just a swap.
Dark Pulse
Swords Dance/ Calm Mind

NOTE: You might want to switch Gallade / Gardevoir with rapidash, or houndoom.

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If you chose Torterra


-Earthquake (learned when Grotle evolves)
-Crunch (Learned at Level 45)
-Giga Drain (Learned at Level 51)
-Rock Slide (Obtained at Mt. Coronet northeast of exit to Route 207 (requires Strength)
Ability: Overgrow

Togekiss (Togepi Egg obtained by Cynthia after defeating Jupiter (Platinum only):

-Air Slash (Learned via Move Tutor in Pastoria)
-Ancient Power (Learned via Move Tutor in Pastoria or by Togetic at Level 33)
-Psychic (TM29 obtainable via Veilstone Gamecorner for 10000 coins or Route 211)
-Signal Beam (Learned via Move Tutor in Pastoria)
Ability: Serene Grace

Lucario (Riolu Egg obtained from Riley in Iron Island)

-Aura Sphere (Learned at Level 37)
-Close Combat (Learned at Level 42)
-Dragon Pulse (Learned at Level 47)
-Extreme Speed (Learned at Level 51)
Ability: Inner Focus

Gyarados (Magikarp can be fished up anywhere with an Old Rod):

-Surf (HM obrained from Cynthia's Grandma after defeating Cyrus)
-Waterfall (HM obtained from Jasmine in Sunnyshore City)
-Ice Fang (Learned at Level 32)
-Dragon Dance (Learned at Level 44)
Ability: Intimidate

Houndoom (Houndour obtained on Route 214 or Valor Lakefront)

-Flamethrower (Via TM or Learned at Level 48)
-Fire Fang (Learned at Level 32)
-Shadow Ball (TM obtained on Route 210)
-Crunch (Learned at Level 54)
Ability: Early Bird

Porygon-Z (Porygon obtained from a guy in Veilstone City)/Raichu (Pikachu/Pichu obtained in Trophy Garden)

Porygon-Z Moveset:
-Discharge (Learned at Level 40)
-Iron Tail (TM23 obtained on Iron Island)
-Swift (Learned via Move Tutor in Pastoria)
-Zap Cannon (Learned at Level 62)
Ability: Adaptabillity

Raichu Moveset:
-Swift (Learned via Move Tutor)
-Thunderbolt (TM24 found surfing around Valley Windworks)
-Focus Blast (TM52 obtained in the Veilstone Department Store)
-Grass Knot (TM obtained from Gardenia after you defeat her)

The Thunder Stone can be found in Solecean Ruins
p.s you may need another Pokemon for fly because fly is a dead moveslot for Togekiss

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A lot of people can't get a Porygon-Z. What should they use?
Air Slash is a lot better than Air Cutter for Togekiss.
Hello, uh if you cant get Porygon-Z, an alternitave would be my boi Snorlax but, that takes some big balls to get sooooo, i chose Raichu, PIkachu/Pichu can be found in the Trophy Garden, Why Raichu you may ask?
These are the Electric types available in Platinum:
-Raichu (The Best One)
-Jolteon (Doesn't have a uniqe move pool)
-Luxray (a Phyisical attacker)
-Magnezone (Type overlaps with Lucario)
-Pachirisu (Weak)
-Electivire (also a Phyisical attacker and a Trade Evo)
This is a late reply, but both Luxray and Electivire have better Sp. Atk and Attack stats compared to Raichu (Raichu has base 90 Sp. Atk, while theirs is 95). You should only use Raichu if you want good base speed for a Electric type. Nothing against using Raichu though, I like to see more unique teams on threads like these.
0 votes

If you choose Infernape

Infernape (The Best Starter)

-Flamethrower (TM35 obtained in the Fuego Ironworks)
-Close Combat (Learned at Level 41)
-Rock Tomb (Had Rock Slide on Garchomp, Rock Tomb needs Rock Smash in Ravaged Path)
-Aeriel Ace (TM40 obtained on Route 213)
Ability: Blaze or Iron Fist

Togekiss (Togepi Egg obtained by Cynthia after defeating Jupiter (Platinum only):

-Air Slash (Learned via Move Tutor in Pastoria)
-Ancient Power (Learned via Move Tutor in Pastoria or by Togetic at Level 33)
-Psychic (TM29 obtainable via Veilstone Gamecorner for 10000 coins or Route 211)
-Signal Beam (Learned via Move Tutor in Pastoria)
Ability: Serene Grace

Magnezone (Magnemite obtained in Fuego Ironworks/Route 222)

-Flash Cannon (TM91 obtained from Byron after you defeat him)
-Thunderbolt (TM24 found surfing around Valley Windworks)
-Swift (Learned via Move Tutor in Pastoria)
-Zap Cannon (Learned at Level 60)
Ability: Sturdy

Gyarados (Magikarp can be fished up anywhere with an Old Rod):

-Surf (HM obrained from Cynthia's Grandma after defeating Cyrus)
-Waterfall (HM obtained from Jasmine in Sunnyshore City)
-Ice Fang (Learned at Level 32)
-Dragon Dance (Learned at Level 44)
Ability: Intimidate

Weavile (Sneasel obtained on Route 216/217 and Razor Claw found in Victory Road)

-Avalanche (Avalanche prize after defeating Candice)
-Night Slash (Learned at Level 35 by Weavile)
-Metal Claw (Learned at Level 42 by Weavile)
-Shadow Ball (TM obtained on Route 210)
Ability: Pressure

Garchomp (Gible found in secret path to Wayward Cave and in DP requires Strength):

-Rock Slide (Obtained at Mt. Coronet northeast of exit to Route 207 (requires Strength)
-Earthquake (TM26 found in secret path to Wayward Cave and in DP requires Strength)
-Dragon Claw (Learned at Level 33 by Gabite)
-Crunch (Learned when Gabite evolves)
Ability: Sand Veil/Rough Skin

p.s you may need another Pokemon for fly because fly is a dead moveslot for Togekiss

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If you choose Empoleon


-Flash Cannon (TM91 obtained from Byron after you defeat him)
-Ice Beam (TM13 found on Route 216/Veilstone Game Corner for 10000 coins)
-Surf (HM obrained from Cynthia's Grandma after defeating Cyrus)
-Waterfall (HM obtained from Jasmine in Sunnyshore City)
Ability: Torrent

Togekiss (Togepi Egg obtained by Cynthia after defeating Jupiter (Platinum only):

-Air Slash (Learned via Move Tutor in Pastoria)
-Ancient Power (Learned via Move Tutor in Pastoria or by Togetic at Level 33)
-Psychic (TM29 obtainable via Veilstone Gamecorner for 10000 coins or Route 211)
-Signal Beam (Learned via Move Tutor in Pastoria)
Ability: Serene Grace

Toxicroak (Croagunk is found in the Great Marsh):

-Revenge (Learned at level 22 by Croagunk)
-Poison Jab (Learned at Level 41 by Toxicroak)
-X-Scissor (TM81 found on Route 221
-Sucker Punch (Learned vi Move Tutor in Pastoria)
Ability: Dry Skin

Raichu (Pikachu/Pichu obtained in Trophy Garden and Thunderstone is found SolaRuins):

-Swift (Learned via Move Tutor)
-Thunderbolt (TM24 found surfing around Valley Windworks)
-Focus Blast (TM52 obtained in the Veilstone Department Store)
-Grass Knot (TM obtained from Gardenia after you defeat her)

Houndoom (Houndour obtained on Route 214 or Valor Lakefront)

-Flamethrower (Via TM or Learned at Level 48)
-Fire Fang (Learned at Level 32)
-Shadow Ball (TM obtained on Route 210)
-Crunch (Learned at Level 54)
Ability: Early Bird

Garchomp (Gible found in secret path to Wayward Cave and in DP requires Strength):

-Rock Slide (Obtained at Mt. Coronet northeast of exit to Route 207 (requires Strength)
-Earthquake (TM26 found in secret path to Wayward Cave and in DP requires Strength)
-Dragon Claw (Learned at Level 33 by Gabite)
-Crunch (Learned when Gabite evolves)
Ability: Sand Veil/Rough Skin

p.s you may need another Pokemon for fly because fly is a dead moveslot for Togekiss

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Close Combat
Shadow Claw

Good typing, good mixed attacking stats and is very fast. I recommend evolving it before the 1st gym so that you will have a fire/fighting type before the rock gym.


Aerial Ace
Close Combat
Steel Wing

Best in-game flyer, good attack and speed with a good movepool being able to counter 2 of its 3 weaknesses.


Rock Slide
Stone Edge

Good psychical wall and high attack, your answer to early game electric or flying mons its an underrated pick (Outside of trading Graveler is still a decent Pokemon just give it the moveset ive given it)


Ice Fang
Dragon Dance

Good psychical sweeper with immense bulk+intimidate makes it annoying to kill and can sweep with dragon dance +waterfall/crunch/ice fang. This will be your answer to Cynthias entire team including her Garchomp


Flash Canon
Thunder Wave
Flash/Tri Attack

Good defenses, typing and stats. High special attack equipped with magnet will make it kill anything with electric type stab and its easy to get once you get magnemite you will quickly have magnezone.

Your final slot could be a hm user


Rock Smash
Rock Climb

Or you could have as your final member


Shadow Ball
Focus Blast
Calm Mind

Good special sweeper, very fast and powerful with good movepool it will destroy anything it encounters. Abra is annoying to get but its worth it once you put in all of that hard work. (P.S Like with the geoudude line the abra line acquires trading to get alakazam however kadabra is still a decent Pokemon just give it the moveset I've given it)

Have fun with this team :)

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My Sinnoh Team for Torterra Players


-Wood Hammer/Razor Leaf
-Stone Edge/Rock Slide

Your stater, Torterra is overlooked its very bulky but its typing gives it a few weaknesses, Ice Types being 4x effective however its got high psychical attack and defence and it has access to some good psychical coverage, Crunch for Psychic and Ghost types with Rock Type moves for Ice Types and Flying Types, it Ground typing makes it effective against the 6th gym the 8th gym. A solid Pokemon overall it's a shame it gets out sped by most opponents.


Cross Chop
Dynamic Punch
Stone Edge/Rock Slide

Lets talk about Machamp and its ability, No Guard. This is an ability that prevents all of its attacks from missing even with accuracy lowering moves or evasion boosting attacks cannot effect Machamp and with it having access to 2 of the best Fighting type moves in the game combined with having one of the highest attack stats in the game for a Fighting type with Stone Edge to counter its Flying weakness, you have one of the best Fighting types in the game with Return for some good neutral coverage, I recommend this for a Fighting type its really solid (P.S Machoke is still decent even if you cant trade to get Machamp)


-Shadow Ball
-Hyper Beam

My favrioute of the Eveelutions, Jolteon is a solid Electric type with high special attack with one of the highest speed stats in the game, base 130 with its base 110 special attack this thing will tear apart anything that is weak to its STAB-Electric type moves, its a shame it has a shallow move pool.


-Sludge Bomb
-Ice Beam
-Giga Drain

A great but underrated Pokemon. Tentacruel is a great special defensive wall with its incredibly high speed stat base 100 and its good enough special attack base 80 it can make use of its nice move pool with its part Poison removing its weakness to Grass types, its typing may not be the best but its a very bulky Pokemon and is very fast at the same time with good enough offence. Overall, a solid Pokemon its a shame you dont get it way earlier in the game.


-Dragon Claw
-Earthquake/Flamethrower/Dragon Pulse
-Dragon Dance

Another solid but yet again underrated Pokemon. Altaria is a very defensive Flying type with it having average attacking stats and decent move pool it has access to Dragon Dance making it a great sweeper at the same time it having access to Dragon Claw for STAB and Earthquake for coverage and to make more use of its psychical move pool, Flamethrower could be used against Ice types and Steel Types, Dragon Pulse is for STAB and if you want to have it as a special attacker at the same time. Fly is for STAB and to move around the region a lot more quicker with Dragon Dance being there to set up and sweep through teams, It got me through a playthrough of Emerald and it will do the same in 4th gen. A good Pokemon overall (P.S If you want to have special coverage on it and psychical coverage I would recommend a neutral nature for it)


Shadow Ball
Focus Blast
Calm Mind

Alakazam is a great special attacker with a good movepool being able to counter most of its weaknesses, Shadow Ball for other Psychics and Ghost types, Focus Blast for Dark Types and Calm Mind to raise its special stats to higher levels and with its solid speed stat its capable of sweeping through most teams. Overall, a solid Pokemon



Thunderbolt/Thunder/Shock Wave
Ice Beam/Blizzard
Flamethrower/Fire Blast
Psychic/Shadow Ball/Focus Blast

This is for those who cant get Alakazam. Clefable is really solid having a wide move pool and solid special attack and special defense with a good hp stat it can make use of its wide pool since this is gen 4 its not a Fairy type yet since it didn't become a Fairy Type until Gen 6 although its still really good being a Normal type give it only one weakness that can easily be countered by teaching it Psychic. A good and versatile Pokemon overall.

HM User

Rock Climb
Rock Smash

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Do you have an alternative for people who can't get a Dusknoir?
I forgot to add that, let me add another alternative rq
84 Atk Clefable Return vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Kricketune: 76-90 (50 - 59.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
84 Atk Dusknoir Shadow Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Kricketune: 58-70 (38.1 - 46%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
In this case, why would anyone want to use Dusknoir? In addition to learning weaker moves, it evolves much later. Yes it learns some status moves that Clefable can't learn, but there are very few situations where those status moves are more useful than Clefable's wide pool of coverage attacks.
Tbh we already have a lot of defense walls on this team and great special attackers, but this is meant to be a full team and if someone wants to use this team without Clefable or Dusknoir they should just go for the HM user for the final slot I just needed to add those. I might remove Dusknoir as the final member.
0 votes

Platinum is so old but still an amazing game with so much diversity so here we go

Timid,Naughty,Adamant or Jolly Nature
Flamethrower/Flare Blitz
Thunder punch
Grass knot
Close Combat
Based on which nature you have you can alter the moveset. In my game I got a Naughty nature which boosts atk so I gave him Flare Blitz(lvl 57) Thunder punch(Shard Tutor) Grass knot(Eterna Gym) and Close Combat(lvl 36/41) Flare Blitz is a strong stab move with recoil. if you’re afraid of that recoil I recommend Flamethrower(fuego ironworks) Thunder punch is a tough move to get and trust me it took a lot of digging but it’s amazing coverage and is boosted based on nature. Grass knot is the only special move and it covers water/ground types, making this infernape perfect against it’s main weakness. If you want to go more physical, you can teach him U-turn(Canalave City) which will give him coverage against Psychic. His last move close combat is good stab and hits hard.

Jolly Nature
Close Combat
Staraptor is an easy flying type with a good ability and a huge attack stat. Jolly is the best nature, however any nature that doesn’t lower attack or speed also works. Return is stab and with max friendship does 102 damage. Fly is stab and hits hard. Close Combat covers Rock and Steel types. And U-turn is good against Psychic and can get Staraptor out of a bad situation while getting a hit in. You could technically replace Fly with Brave bird(lvl up) but its always good to have a flier.

Adamant or Jolly Nature
Aerial Ace
Thunder Fang
Gliscor is a cool Pokemon, one of my favorites. He has high defense and attack and has two immunities, and his ability can prevent attack reduction(intimidate, growl) His moveset is strong and hits hard. Earthquake(TM) has 100 base power and is stab, Aerial Ace(TM) never misses and is stab. Roost(TM) heals half his HP. Thunder fang(move reminder) is great coverage against water Pokemon with ice type moves. Other good moves include Poison Jab(TM or move reminder) Night Slash(lvl up) and U-Turn(lvl up)

Bold or Modest Nature
Ice beam
Shadow Ball
Rain dance/Waterfall
Vaporeon is a good Pokemon and your answer to Garchomp. She has high HP and has great coverage. you can get an Eevee as early as hearthome in Platinum, however unfortunately you have to wait till you beat Crasher Wake to get a stab water type move. Still, Vaporeon has great coverage. Surf(HM) for Stab, Ice beam(TM) for Garchomp and Bertha’s Gliscor, Shadow Ball(TM) for Lucian and Rain dance to boost its attacks or Waterfall as an HM.

Timid Nature
Focus Blast
Funny story, I caught three Mr.Mime’s all with horrible natures. As long as the nature doesn’t lower special attack or speed it works. Mr.Mime is a good Psychic type and has good coverage along with being specially defensive and fast. Psychic(lvl up) is Stab, Thunderbolt(TM) is coverage, Reflect(lvl up) is useful because his defense is low and Focus Blast(TM is great coverage against dark or rock and steel types.

Modest or Calm Nature
Flash Cannon
Tri Attack
Magnezone is the last Pokemon and is your milotic killer. Cynthia’s milotic is slept on, marvel scale makes its defense double so hope you don’t accidentally paralyze it, it has the coverage of Jesus himself. Magnezone has Stab Discharge(lvl up) and stab flash cannon(Canalave City) Those two moves alone make him one-shot a lot of Pokemon. Tri Attack is a pre-evolution move so be careful however it hits hard. Then toxic is useful to stall and against Milotic because you’ll be hitting it with Special Moves for the most part.

This team covers a lot of type weaknesses and has balance. I could understand Honchcrow over Staraptor, Tentacruel over Vaporeon, Espeon over Mr.Mime and Electivire over Magnezone. Overall this team is meant for a lonely person as it avoids trading. Even without trading this team excels great in Platinum and will bring you an easy win. Use your strongest mon to take care of Spiritomb, then Infernape or Mr.Mime for Roserade, Magnezone or Gliscor for Togekiss, Vaporeon for Garchomp, Gliscor for Lucario, Magnezone or Infernape for Milotic and you got yourself an easy win.

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This is a team for Empoleon players


-Ice Beam
-Flash Canon
-Grass Knot

Empoleon has amazing coverage, although its slow and does have a few crippling weaknesses it can dish out some good damage if used correctly. Surf and Flash Canon are for STAB, Ice Beam for Dragon types and Grass types, Grass Knot for other Water types. Overall, a solid starter choice for your playthrough


-Close Combat
-Brave Bird

Staraptor is the best flyer for Sinnoh having that insanely high attack stat paired with its almost equally high speed that makes it capable of sweeping through any teams that do not resist its typing or coverage, its accessibility is right at the start of the game so it will level up very quickly. I recommend this to anyone who is looking for a good flyer to add onto their team.


-Psycho Cut
-Night Slash/Leaf Blade
-Brick Break/Close Combat
-Swords Dance

Everyones fan favrioute, Gallade is a great psychical sweeper having access to some good coverage such as Night Slash or Leaf Blade with great Fighting type STAB such as Brick Break or Close Combat with Swords Dance to raise its already high attack to make it a full on sweeper. I highly suggest you add this onto your team as its one of the best Pokemon in the game.


-Rock Slide/Stone Edge
-Ice Punch

One of the most broken mons in Gen 4 both in-game and competitive, the Ryhorn line got me through Gen 3 and Gen 4 before and they will do the same for you, if you use it wisely. Rhyperior has great psychical stats with its amazing movepool access to the great Rock Slide/Earthquake combo paired with Megahorn to counter Psychic and Dark types with Ice Punch to counter Dragon types and Grass Types. Although Rhyperior is superior, it does acquire you to trade, however, Rhydon is still a good Pokemon having only slightly lower psychical stats paired with its great coverage this will do the same job as Rhyperior but only slightly weaker. Anyone who has never used this is missing out.


-Signal Beam
-Shadow Ball

My favourite of the Eveelutions, Jolteon has insane special attack and speed although its movepool is lacking, it does get the job done quite well especially when its up against any Water/Flying types and it could potentially take a hit with its special defense being only slightly lower than its special attack stat. I recommend this to anyone if they are looking for a good Electric Type to use on their team.


-Shadow Ball/Focus Blast
-Flamethrower/Fire Blast
-Ice Beam/Blizzard

I know, I know, your going to scold me for putting Lickilicky on this team but looking at its stats, its not even as mediocre as I expected it to be at first. Lets do a checklist shall we? Extremely wide movepool? Check. Normal Type? Check. Great bulk? Check. Decent mixed attacker? Check. It has everything you want except for speed which is quite low but it does not matter with its versatility and bulk that makes it viable. Horrible design aside, this thing is absolutely GOATED for an in-game playthrough.

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Infernape, Roserade, Togekiss

— You can get Chimchar as a starter, which eventually evolves into Infernape
— You can also get Budew at a very early point, at Route 204 north of Jubilife City. You can level it up by battling Magikarps after obtaining the Old Rod to the west of Jubilife City, or catch it on the route east of Hearthome as a Roselia. By this point it should have learned decent grass moves.
— As for Togekiss, you receive a Togepi egg shortly after beating Gardenia in Eterna City. It will take some time to level it up and evolve it into a Togetic since you'd be forced to either level it up via Exp. Share or increase its friendship using the Soothe Bell that Cheryl gave you (assuming that your Budew already evolved into a Roselia, or you are planning to catch Roselia after defeating Fantina). It will also take some time before you get your first Shiny Stone in Iron Island, but I think having a Pokemon with Pickup (Pachirisu, Ambipom, Munchlax) would help you get Shiny Stone at a much earlier point in the game.

I also recommend evolving Togetic first with a Shiny Stone before Roselia, as Roselia learns a great move later in the game (Petal Dance).

Suggested Moves for Infernape:

Thunder Punch, Flare Blitz or Fire Punch or Flamethrower, Brick Break or Close Combat, and Shadow Claw

• Thunder Punch can be learned via Move Tutor west of Pastoria City
• Flare Blitz can be learned via level up, but at a late level. Fire Punch and Flamethrower are much more accessible early on. Fire Punch can also be learned via the same move tutor, and Flamethrower can be learned as a Monferno.
• Brick Break or Close Combat for STAB.
• Shadow Claw for Coverage against Psychic types

Suggested Item for Roserade: Persim Berry (always make your Roserade hold a Persim Berry!)
Suggested Moves for Roserade:

Petal Dance, Sludge Bomb, Shadow Ball, and Leech Seed [or any other move]

• Petal Dance can be learned by Roselia at lvl 40, so don't evolve your Roselia as soon as it evolves from Budew!
• Sludge Bomb for STAB, the TM can be get on the Galactic Veilstone HQ
• Shadow Ball for coverage against Psychic and Ghost types
• Leech Seed for healing, though you can swap it with any other moves you want

Suggested Ability for Togekiss: Serene Grace
Suggested Moveset for Togekiss:

Air Slash, Aura Sphere, Magical Leaf, Flamethrower

• Air Slash, STAB move and has a high flinch rate if used by a Togekiss with Serene Grace, can be learned via Move Remembered
• Aura Sphere, Coverage against Ice and Rock, can be learned via Move Rememberer
• Flamethrower and Magical Leaf can be replaced with any other moves you want, but Togetic can learn Magical Leaf via the Move Rememberer and Flamethrower can be get on Fuego Ironworks, located nearby Floaroma Town.

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Gastrodon, Froslass, Magnezone or Drapion

— You can get Gastrodon as a Shellos in the Valley Windworks or the route east of Pastoria near its evolution level. East Sea and West Sea don't have any stat/ movepool differences so I recommend catching Shellos before you challenge Crasher Wake, since Shellos won't be able to do much help in Gardenia's gym.

— You can catch female Snorunt in the snowy routes before Snowpoint City (which won't be that hard because the gender ratios of Snorunts are 50% male/ 50% female). You can also get a Dawn Stone in Pastoria City using the Dowsing Machine.

— As for Magnezone, you can get it as a Magneton/ Magnemite on Route 222 and Fuego Ironworks (Requires Surf). You can simply evolve a Magneton inside Mount Coronet by feeding one rare candy

or you can swap Magnezone with Drapion, a great Poison/ Dark type Pokemon that you can catch as a Skorupi in the Great Marsh. Its movepool is good, and its Dark Typing is a great help in beating Lucian, the Psychic-type specialist member of Elite Four.

Suggested Ability for Gastrodon: Storm Drain
Suggested Moveset for Gastrodon:

Surf or Muddy Water, Earthquake, Ice Beam, Hail

• Surf for STAB, and to surf around. Muddy Water is also a decent option, but Surf is much much better.
• Earthquake for powerful STAB. you can solo the Sunyshore Gym with only your Gastrodon's Earthquake. Earthquake TM can be found on the same cave where you can find Gible.
• Ice Beam for coverage against its only weakness, Grass types. You can get Ice Beam on Route 216, though this requires Rock Climb or get it via the Arcade Corner in Veilstone City.
• Rain Dance

Suggested Nature for Froslass: Modest
(Froslass has much more special attack moves in her movepool)
Suggested Moves for Froslass:

Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Psychic, and Thunderbolt

• Ice Beam for STAB
• Shadow Ball or Ominous Wind [Shadow Ball is much better, but if the Shadow Ball TM is already used then you can opt for Ominous Wind. Froslass learns it via level up].
• Psychic for coverage
• Thunderbolt for coverage [Can be get from the Veilstone Arcade Corner]

Suggested Moves for Magnezone:

Discharge, Flash Cannon, Thunder Wave, Mirror Coat

• Discharge [Can be learned via level up]
• Flash Cannon [Can be received from Byron]
• Thunder Wave [Learned via level up]
• Mirror Coat [Via Move Rememberer]

Suggested Moves for Drapion:

Bug Bite, Poison Fang, Ice Fang, Crunch

• Bug Bite, learned by Skorupi at level 34
• Poison Fang, learned via level up
• Ice Fang, coverage against its only weakness, Ground types [Can learn the elemental fang moves]
• Crunch, for coverage

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Answer is incomplete, are you in the process of finishing it?
oh my i made a mistake. TT i'm still new to this site so i'm still figuring things out
That's fine.
I fixed the broken images. Here is a guide that tells you how to add them yourself: https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/meta/68253
0 votes

Pokemon Platinum

Torterra: Bulky Swipe
Nature: Adamant
Item: Chesto Berry / Leftover
Wooden Hammer - STAB & Physical
Crunch - Coverage & Physical
Rock Climb - HM slave
Rest - Recovery / Leech Seed - Recovery

Now I know you will have questions about Rest but if you have really noticed that Torterra is a very heavy tank Pokemon since it is also Ground type.
Rest and chesto berry is very useful. If not Rest, Leech Seed you need to utilise the tanky hp of Torterra. But if Leech Seed you will also need Leftovers and you will only find it on Victory road.

Garchomp: Fast Physical Sweeper
Nature: Jolly
Item: Draco Plate
Earthquake - STAB & Physical
Dragon Claw - Physical
Poison Jab - Status & Coverage
Crunch - Coverage & STAB

Here you need to utilise Grachomp's speed. Grachomp can out speed many Pokemon. This will be a very good Sweeper for your team. Let your enemies not even know what killed them. Dragon Claw and Poison Jab are two moves that are very useful if in trouble. The stutus effect of 30% chance to poison is good enough for poison jab. Dragon Claw will not affect your status like many other STAB dragon type moves do.

Rotom: Specially Defensive
Nature: Calm
Item: Leftovers
Shadow ball - Special
Thunder - STAB & non-accurate / Thunder bolt - Special & accurate
Substitute - damage reduction & prevention of status
Will-O-Wisp - Status & interval damage

You will specially need a Special Defensive Pokemon in the later part of the game. You will need Leftovers so it's best not to use it on Torterra, as you substitute you will also regain hp. Thunder is for STAB for water and Flying as both of them are Special attack (Mostly) or trade with accuracy for damage by Thunder bolt. Will-O-Wisp will grant you physical defence too, as it will lower the Attack status of the opponent.
Remember Rotom will learn Substitute on its own, others you need TMs. And Save the Substitute TM for Tentacruel.

Staraptor: Fast Physical Sweeper
Nature: Jolly
Item: Sitrus Berry / Lum Berry
Brave bird - Recoil & STAB
Return - Neutral & STAB
Roost - Recover
Fly - HM slave & Coverage

Another Physical Sweeper this Pokemon should be first in line. If you are ready gonna fight it with E-4. The STAB are very useful as it will OHKO them. A very good front liner. Sitrus Berry would be very useful as you will constantly using Brave Birds and you really don't wanna miss turn by using roost or Potions, or Lum Berry as opponent will use moves like that cause non-volatile status moves that will hinder your STAB ability as a Front liner. It's a Pokemon that will clean as many as possible.

Gyarados: Fast Physical Sweeper
Nature: Hasty
Item: Any item that boosts water moves
Waterfall - STAB & Physical
Surf - Special & HM slave
Ice Beam - STAB & Coverage
Bounce - STAB & Coverage

Specially for HM moves and Garchomp of Cynthia. Waterfall is better that Aqua jet for accuracy and Surf is Special. Ice Beam is a STAB for effective targets and bounce is more of coverage and STAB.

Tentacruel: Specially Defensive Pokemon
Nature: Calm
Item: Black Sludge
Toxic - Status & interval damage
Protect - Damage prevention
Substitute - Damage reduction & Prevention of Status
Sludge Bomb - STAB

This is a Pokemon where you will need to play its in a specific way. Use Substitute to prevent any status change and prevent any OHKO. Use Protect to heal for Substitute with Black Sludge then use Toxic to deal a continuous increasing damage which can turn to 32% of full HP into damage. If you really need to damage the opponent use Sludge Bomb. Remember not to pick a fight with Steel and Psychic Pokemon with Tentacruel.

Not adding Fire because other moves will probably take other Pokemon than use fire moves.
Not adding Dark, Psychic or Ghost because ground and dark type moves will cover them.
I have mainly focused on a tactical and easy way to utilise the best of most situations.

If there are grammatical mistakes please understand my first language is not English.
–1 vote

PokeMon Platinum version Team that I used.

Pokemon: Torterra,Gallade,Houndoom,Magnezone,Staraptor,Garchomp

Torterra: Wood hammer,earthquake,synthesis,stealth rock.

Wood hammer:Because it does great physical damage synthesis will take back all damage done from recoil.
Synthesis:Like I said before Wood Hammer damages Torterra as well so, this is a strategy.
Stealth rock:Does damage on others who switch.
Earthquake: Ahhh Fire won't stand a chance against this move.

Gallade: Psycho Cut, Leaf Blade, Reflect, Ice Punch (Or Stone edge)

Psycho cut: Is Gallades signature move and gallade is bad on SP. ATK So this is like PH.A Version of psychic also critical ratio is high.
Leaf Blade: Best Grass PHY A. Move which also haas a critical ratio.
Reflect: Just to help your team from attack resistance.
Ice Punch: Great for handling, Grass, Flying, and is better than stone edge in Platinum because of acuracy Great if you have Razor claw so critical madness >:D

Staraptor: Close Combat, Brave Bird, Roost, Edeavor

Close Combat: Finishing move. masive damage to it's weakness ice as well.
Brave Bird: Great Attack which will also do grea damage Roost will heal recoil.
Roost: will heal recoil and damage from Brave bird.
Edeavor(I know it's spelt wrong): If you have no choice then let Staraptor our with an item which prevents 1 hit KO, Then use edeavor to get the foe down to your health.

Magnezone(Air balloon): Thunderbolt, Lock-On, Zap cannon, Flash Cannon.

Thundebolt: Great SP. ATK That does 95 damage Also a chance of PARLZ.
Lock-On: This has the same PP As Zap cannon so use this before so Zap connon always hits.
Zap-Cannon: Always hits with Lock-On, Always PARLZ.
Flash Cannon: Always good to have 1 Steel type move in there for when the air balloon pops.

Houndoom:Crunch,Fire Fang,Payback, Sucker Punch

Crunch: Houndoom is good on PHY ATK's so crunch is a strong version of a fang.
Fire fang: 1 of the 4 elemental fangs, PHY AK. Can burn.
Payback: If opponent is faster, This can do 100 damage. PHY ATK.
Sucker Punch: This is a last stand attack, It allows you to go first , can fail if foe is not readying an attack though.

Garchomp:BrickBreak, Draco Meteor,Sandstorm(with Sand veil),Dragon Rush.

Brick Break: For against Ice users.
Draco meteor: A great attack which does massive damage.
Sandstorm: With the sand veil ability, your evasiveness rises and will also hurt other non steel,rock,ground types.
Dragon rush: May make others flinch, and good dragon move that it can learn.

Air Balloon didn't exist in Gen IV...
i was thinking of houndoom.
I literally love this team. Thank youuu >v< Although it took me forever to find a dawn stone XD
Houndoom is a special attacker, not a physical attacker.
Houndoom is a special attacker...
Why have 2 ground types on the same team? And both Torterra and Garchomp have a 4x weakness to Ice types.
I would swap Garchomp for a mystic water Floatzel and give it this set:
Ice Fang
Psycho Cut isn't Gallade's signature move, Kadabra, Alakazam, Absol, Mewtwo and Cresselia learns Psycho Cut as well.
–1 vote

-Wood Hammer
-Stone Edge
-Synthesis/Outrage (Depends on preference)
IMO best starter in Sinnoh. Wood Hammer: STAB, Earthquake: Is earthquake, Stone Edge: High powered coverage, Synthesis: If you want recovery from Wood Hammer, Outrage: Will need move tutor, but more coverage.

-Psycho Cut
-Close Combat
-Night Slash
-Ice Punch

Just kills everything and covers a lot of types.

-Shadow Ball
-Shock Wave

Found relatively early in the game. Used for fly, and not as overused as Staraptor, Shadow Ball: STAB, Shock Wave: Coverage and nice to have for double team, etc... Will-O-Wisp: Annoying and lowers attack.

-Dark Pulse
-Solar Beam
-Nasty Plot/Sunny Day

Covers Ice weaknesses from Torterra and Drifblim: Flamethrower and Dark Pulse: STAB killers, Solar Beam: Coverage, Nasty Plot/Sunny Day: Nasty Plot to 1HKO everything, Sunny Day if 2-turn Solar Beam is an issue.

-Fire Fang
-Dragon Dance

A bit late-game, but an absolute beast nonetheless. Just power up with Dragon Dance and kill everything in sight.

-Iron Defense
-Gyro Ball
-Rock Slide

Not strictly power, but I always find these extremely annoying to fight. Iron Defense and Hypnosis will annoy the opponent, and Gyro Ball and Rock Slide provide the attacks (Especially to Ice, which this team has several weaknesses to) Earthquake isn't included only because we will have already used the TM.

(NOTE: I know this is a late response but idc and some people like playing the old games too :D)

Garchomp doesn't get Dragon Dance and horrible Houndoom set.
Oops my bad, swords dance works instead, and on Houndoom, if you don't like solarbeam, shadow ball/sludge bomb works too.
Garchomp isn't late game, in Platinum you can catch a gible right after the second gym...
none of your pokemon can learn surf
Hey, I heard Garchomp can't get Dragon Dance, i looked it up and that's right and pretty ridiculous, but also helpful for my next best teams which include Garchomp, so thanks
Houndoom set is actually okay because Houndoom has higher base special attack