Meta-PokéBase Q&A
26 votes

This thread is now closed. All usernames are locked in place until September.

I've decided that the old way of users changing their usernames is too much hassle for me. I could set up a system so that mods can change names too, but instead I've come up with a better idea.

Pokemon Name Rater

Every 3 months, I will set the option that allows all users to change their own usernames. Then I will start a thread here on Meta to publicize it. For the next week or so, all users will be able to change their usernames.

They can then post an answer saying they've changed their name if they wish to. Users can also use the question for polls on a new username if they want to. Remember that you must change your username before the deadline though!

After a week, the thread will be closed and no one will be able to change their username for another 3 months. This solves several problems all at once, including everyone knowing exactly when they can change their username next, and taking a load off myself.

The "open period" will be the first week of every season (Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter), in other words the first week of March, June, September and December.

Since we are almost at June, I have now opened the username changing period for the summer! This thread serves as the username-changing thread for Summer 2013. Simply go to "My Account" and you can change your username!

Deadline: Sunday 9th June

closed with the note: No more changes :)
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there is someone who can change his name every time all day long his name is ZeikGeit LetsPlays.
New users can do that.
I changed mine four times when I first got on
^^less than what he said now ^^
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!I was gonna change my name to Swaglax!

40 Answers

3 votes

Shocker -> Chillninja!

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luv it!
3 votes

Titaniumant is now PsychoClam

3 votes

MewCreation --> MewC

If I stay active, anyway.

What do you mean? ...
stay active or I will hunt you down ;}
2 upvotes, my life is complete. And what do you mean, what do I mean?
3 votes

Got a just a bit tired of loving snorlax.
Pokemon and Minecraft make a good mix.

Aww. I loved ilovesnorlax.
I know this is old, but could I just suggest a name?: iSnorlax? xD
2 votes

I would like my name change to Thunder to Fusion Bolt

If it's ok

You have to change it yourself, this is just were you answer to tell everyone what you changed to so we know who you are
Heeeey. How dare you XD Just kidding.
We can be the Fusion bros :D
Lol Thunder is just a bro. When I was Shocker we were electric bros
2 votes

I'm not popular on here, so you may not know me. Oh well.

BurnVictim >> LaggySoldier

Other options:

=5142 you can see, I don't like spaces. :3

2 votes

Changing my name to what it is currently. this is EM.

in other words. Electric master-> Destructoid ELG13 -> Pathfinder ELG13 >.<

I would do Y U NO!?
2 votes

I came from Denno Senshi Porygon to Dark Charizard

2 votes

I would like to try a new name.

bcorr>>> Extremespeed

2 votes

**Going back to being scary
Espeeon 367------>MAGIKARP'S REVENGE**
Here was the order of my names

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2 votes

time for a change of heart, soul, and name.
im gonna go from serperiorman1001 to some random guy

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Do it yourself
1 vote

I changed my name from Victini-Programmer to Reshiram-Programmer.

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Oh, I forgot. How do I make it green?
you can't >.<
Yeah you can...
But seriously, how?
1 vote

i change my name from Potatomaster to Sparky Pineapple

Um, you're still gershwingarcia.
Wait... WHAT!?!?
1 vote

Why You No?! ---> Why_You_No?! Teh best name change evah.

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1 vote

Viva Lucario >>>>> Stellar Lucario. Changed to my PS alias. :D

1 vote

i want to change my name to gaRchOmp MasTeR

Why so...odd with the caps?
1 vote

Im glad I saw this on time.

I would like a username change.

Creeper ---> UltimateFlygon

And, on an unrelated note, everyone who knew me as a friend, go on my priofile. A message awaits you...

;-; I'll miss you, oh most Ultimate of Flygons. *sad smile*
Y U NO change?
what the-
Holy Crap! Wuddup with your profile pic?!
Like I said ill always visit, like today.
0 votes

Can you please change my name into DivinePokemon

You have to change it yourself. This is just so people know who you are after you do it.
0 votes

Zorua0-----> UltimateZoroark

EDIT: I'm gonna change back: UltimateZoroark-----> Zorua0

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0 votes

i want my name to be from Amber to one of this list of options:
or keep it Amber

or you dont have to change it i can live with Amber dont waste your time with me i am fine with Amber change it if you want

umm... you change it yourself. go to your profile, and you can change it.
'_' ummmmmmmmmmm I like amber.....