Username changes are now finished until December 1st.
As per our new system, it will soon be time to allow username changes once again!

The ability to change your username starts on Monday, September 2nd and run until Sunday, September 8th (probably early evening GMT but could be any time Sunday).
Since the time period is shorter than before I have opened this thread to give everyone a heads-up. In the meantime you can also use this thread to poll for a new username if you like - post an answer with the options and others can comment on their favourite name.
When you have changed your username, please post an answer saying what your old username was so that people know you are/were. Please refrain from changing your username multiple times during the period. Temporary bans may be given out for people abusing the privilege.
Really sorry guys, I forgot to open the username changes Saturday and was out all day Sunday. But registrations are now open and will last until Sunday to make sure people have the weekend.
To update your username, go to My Account, put the name in the box and save. Note there are some restrictions to usernames:
- Usernames may not contain Pokemaster in them.
- You may not use these three characters:
@ + /
- Invisible characters are not allowed.
- The maximum number of characters is 20 in a username.
TL;DR: Usernames are open for changing until September 8th. Don't change multiple times. Answer with your old username when changed.