Meta-PokéBase Q&A
10 votes

Same as when you leave chat.

Just a little thing to add to chat to announce someone is on. It's always nice to have people know when you come on and off. :3

I don't really see the need tbh... isn't looking at the users online bar good enough for you?
Well no, my perspective was that no one really remembers the Online List off by heart.
I don't think people would paying attention that a box appeared with _________________ has appeared on chat! It might get annoying if there's a sudden influx of users.
You would normally know if you greeted someone or not. I mean, surely your memory span lasts for at least a couple minutes
Actually I quite like the idea. It's not needed as such, but it's helpful, and no more than 2 - 3 users really appear at once. A rare +1 for you ;P
OMG I got a rare +1 :o
And if in the rare occasion an influx of users randomly appear at the same time it can say 'Indigo, Recoded and Fizz have appeared on chat!', I could assume. But yeah, that doesn't happen much.
Brotad has appeared on comments section
Nuuuuu! with this I can't sneak out every few minutes >_> &also if I dc as much as I do now there'll be mega flood!
Yeah - I can't see this being a priority, but there's no harm in suggesting it. I've noticed many instances where the chat wasn't moving consistently with the online list, so an updater in the chat itself might help. The only major issue I could see would be the possibility of spamming the message on chat, or how refreshing the page would affect this.
well our PS! server has this by default and we don't realyl have any problems there. Plus, peak time we have around the same amount of users.
I was using Recoded's logic for this - you have this on your PS server, why shouldnt we have it here?
Same as all the Smogon suggestions way back, you're just getting these from Showdown.

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